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im my happy palce where horses buzz and bees gallop. where cats have scales and swim and where crocodiles have fur and meow^^
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take on older/stronger bball players and actually survive. Tell my principle off and not get introuble. play in high school ball (off season).
Anime Fan Since
forever (basically)
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,fullmetal alchemist,zatch bell,gundam seed,naruto,one piece,beyblade,and(it might not count but)Kingdom Hearts! Bleach, Trinity blood, and Blood Plus.
basket ball star/doctor
drawing, sports,shopping
basketball, listening to most ppl gripe for hrs. (that is very hard)
| basketball babe
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
im having a new year's eve party^0^
hi everyone! right now it's about 1:05pm where im at. and im really happy for a ffew reasons. 1. I GOT MY AIR HOCKEY TABLE^^ 2. my friend came and spent the night. u all know her as SexyBabe75. 3. im going to have a new year's eve party! ya a couple of friends and i r going ice skating and bowling, then coming back to my house to eat and watch movies and finally play some games including TRUTH OR DARE^.^ oh and i smoked my dad at air hockey this morning! ok thats all later:3
srry i dont have any questions today. send me some ok^^
ok today's random fact cat acts like a dog... and not just sometimes, but almost all the time! comment or pm me plz!
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Saturday, December 30, 2006
hahaha! i dont know whats so funny i just felt like laughing^^
ok hi everyone! well today was fun! i went shopping for an air hockey table (cuz the people we ordered from lost it! the @#$@#$@#$!) srry still ticked about it^^" anyway i finally got one. i went to lucnh, and after that my friend kaylynn has come over and shes with me right now. sas hi kaylynn "HI^0^" ok so ya thats my day for u.
ok these 2 r from taintedwhite rose and she asks "why did u slap those boys?"cuz they were being very pervy! and they tried to steal some of my stuff>.< and her next question is "what stuff did u eat that made people gag?" well.... i've eaten a lot of stuff, so i'll say one of them. i've eaten cockroaches! ya i know thats pretty gross....--"
Random Facts
ok lets a tall blonde and im afraid of heights! sad i know--" comment or pm me, u can now!
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
I had the best X-MAS ever!!!!!
hiya everyone! ok my x-mas was great. i got a few gifts(i didnt want a lot this year), went skating with friends and crush, saw a movie, smacked a few guys around (reasons not being said unless u really want to know) and im getting an air hockey table (i absolutely luv air hockey) and ya, thats my winter break so far.
people dont be afraid to ask questions, i dont bite.
ok this is a little embarrassing, but i am a fear factor person, cause i've eaten stuff that would make most people gag^^"
dont forget to comment plz. later;-)
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
who said i cant have too much fun^0~
hi everyone! ok where to begin...... well when i got up this morning i finished a pic which i will get on here soon, i went shopping with my family (i thought i would either die of boredom, or of my parents arguing alot), i actually enjoyed myself this time for 3 reasons.1. i got new coloring supplies.2. my parents didnt argue much. 3. I GOT AN AIR HOCKEY TABLEXD, and some beauty stuff, ect,ect. ok when we were all about to leave my parents started arguing about some stupid thing(i dont even remember what is was) so i start heading upstairs and my dad says "kaylie stay down here we're going to leave soon" (he didnt say it in a mean way though) and i said "im going to go get my ipod". then he says "why?" and i said "well i need SOMETHING to drown u 2 out! so ya that was my day with a little humor. fell free to comment/pm me. later:P
Questions YOU ask and I answer as best as I can^^
well no one asked questions so there is none today. and people, u can ask me just about anything and i'll try to answer k.
rules for the site
i dont really want to write them down right now.
What season are you? (pics)
 You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit with your friends and value everyone friendship you have. You're a real people person and everyone loves how friendly you are. You're good with encouraging people but usually don't like to be the center of attention. You are a social butterfly and probably are in several circles of friends but it's just because you're well liked and you make people comfortable. You're both fun and wise but you are very realistic about life.(If you can't see the pics, go to my homepage) Take this quiz!

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Friday, December 15, 2006
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OMG! srry i've been grounded for a whileT_T
srry everyone i havent been on in a while(i got grounded for bad grades--") ok hi everyone! the last few weeks have been sloooow. my teachers suck my friends are mad at me (cause i might be transfering), i got grounded, but on the bright side i got to go see my friends alot (usually when i get grounded i get grounded with the thing im most obsessed this case the computer, and we just won the b-ball game last night, and i talked with my crush^^ Plus on top of it all today was my last day...actually... the power went out and i didnt have school today soo i got out yesterday^0^ and ya! so im doing very well right now. feel free to comment or pm me, ect,ect.
Questions u ask i answer as best as i can^^
this question is from lordsesshomaru "What position do u play in basketball?" well i playthe post position (thats the tall person nearest to the basket^^)
rules for site!
ok here r a few rules
1.when u sign my gb dont just say like the site or somethin, cause my site sucks and u and i both know it.
2.if u add me as a friend and u want me to add u then check out my site every once in awhile(not just once a year)
3. any flaming on one of my pics will not be it will be in vein.
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
ok today was fine... except all the history tests (not all at once, like one every 2 days) my flippin teacher gives us (we dont like each other very much) believe me u dont want this one... she is mean beyond belief (to me anyway) there wasnt any games today so i dont have a report on that (srry--") anyway i got through the day alive and i went to youth group and we had to stand in ice till either youth leaders pulled us out or frostbite took over (the leaders stepped in thankfully) anyway ya thats my day.
Questions from people/other life forms
these r from TaintedWhiteRose and she says "what was the score (of my latest b-ball game)?" well i think it was 32-29... im still not that happy about that. in this one she says "r u speaking of basketball?" yes i am speaking of basketball^^ and her final one is "is there an A& B team?" yes there is and im on the A team (im soo proud:3) so ya fell free to ask questions and i'll do my best to answer. see ya;-)
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Monday, December 4, 2006
We lost the Game!!!! By 3 Points>.
ok today was fun^^ i had 2 tests though (one i think i did well the other....lets not say --") anyway when the game started we did great, but when we kinda got sloppy (not me though^^)we got back into it after half time, but the girls wouldnt pass to anyone (especially me ;___; i dont know y either*sniff* i almost told off the point guard (and we almost started a fight XD) anyway enough about that. i'll tell u the technical stuff^^ (it gets kinda messy) i had so many girls foul me and the refs didnt call it! (those pieces of #@%$!!!) but they called all mine and i fouled out>.< anyway that team was very aggressive and we played our hardest so i guess im kwl with that^^ anyway most of the girls r in rough shape and i hope we can recover soon we have another game coming up 0-o anyway feel free to comment or pm me or somethin ;S
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