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myOtaku.com: basketball babe

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Sunday, December 3, 2006

hiya everyone^^ i had a very relaxing day (except i didnt get much sleep last night X-X) well i got up, went to church, visited with my friends (and my crush X3) went home came online a bunch and downloaded 2 pics (both for kh XD) and then i heard my friend's grandpa died :{ (i feel really bad for her) then i watch "Superman Returns" with my family, and got to eat some of my mom's soup
(i dont mean to brag, but my mom makes some awsome..no... extraodinary soup ^0^) and then i came back online and im typing this up. so i'll c ya all later:} and fell free to comment or pm me, or sign my gb if u havent;-)

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Saturday, December 2, 2006

hi everyone^^ today wasnt that exciting.
hiya! ok today nothing really happened i just stayed home... did some chores, went on the web, got a new pic coming on here soon, and i saw 3 of my friends today (all wanting to buy X-mas trees). i live in the country so ya (just so u know, im not a hillbilly so plz dont mock me) anyway i been really bored and had nothing to do so ya. ok i've heard a lot about religion the last few days and i think i should say what i believe! i believe that God's son (christ) is the savior of us all! if u hate me then hate me, if agree then agree, and if u dont care fine by me^.^im not trying to be rude ofr anything this is just how i feel about the subject k. feel free to comment or somethin^^ see ya:3
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this is what my perfect boyfriend's personality will be^0~
What's Your Perfect Anime Boyfriend?!

Caring boyfriend...he is gentle and always concerned about you...gotta love him! ^___^

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   hiya everyone!
today i had NO school (it was a grading day^0^) I SOO HAPPY:3 anyway i got to go visit a school that i might go to. and i saw a movie with my friends (on the way we checked out cute guys;3) other than that not much happened today. ill see ya all later^0~
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Thursday, November 30, 2006

   long time no see everyone!
Hiya! Sorry i havent been on the last few days. I've been busy the last few days(tests, games,....life). Anyway nothing has happened lately...except I got A LOT of SNOW ^0^ ya but now its all gone T_T oh well. we just won our game last night and it was....differ than most games. Ok so this one girl was trying to take the ball away from me (for those who don't know it's a basketball) and all-of-a-sudden. She grabs the ball and my LEG so she kinda throwing me up and down and not paying attention (it hurt soo bad and by then I let go but she didn't >.<) anyway thats what happened and not much else happened, except that we beat them. Anyway thats all I've got to say. see ya^0~
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Saturday, November 25, 2006

   today....kinda boring...to me
anyway we went shopping, and took some books and gave them to goodwill, and...well..i thought we were going ice skating but... my sis couldnt make up her mind (and i didnt want to go today) so in the end we didnt go at all...oh well. when we got home we watched a few movies, had some food, and thats pretty much it. i'll c ya all later^^
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Friday, November 24, 2006

ok well today went from great to Bad and back to good. this morning when we went shopping we got some stuff and perfume (we had to get my mom's bottle refilled, but ended up getting some for us all) after that we went to get our nails done. i didnt do it though cause of sports...do u know how much it would hurt if a nail broke or somethin (ya thats not going to happen again). after awhile i went to the car and when i came backsomethin had gone down between my mom and the front desk lady cause i thought heads were going to roll0-o (i still dont know what happened though) sadly i didnt go ice skating today, but i might tomorrow^^ so ya that is my day so fell free to comment on the post. see ya later;-)
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   Today is going to be a long day...and a fun one!
hi everyone how did u all sleep? i slept pretty well (just so u all know im an early bird so thats y im up at 7:30 am) anyway i've got a long day ahead of me....my mom, sis, and i r going shopping, getting manicurs (i might skip that though) and finally...ICE SKATING^0~ i luv to ice skate, but every time i do i end up with more bruises than i can count--" anyway fell free to comment or pm me or somethin (just so u know i wont be back until later this evening or night k) i'll tell u about it when i get back so see ya around!
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Thursday, November 23, 2006

hiya everyone how is ur holiday going mine went (and still is) very well...except the fact my dad decided to go to my grandparents house>.< anyway my mom went and got a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN(it is soo kwl^0^ we got fruit,candy,prezels ect. to put in the chocolate. my sis and i were bouncing off the walls for at least an hour). what was really awsome was the fact that my mom let us buy food we would want to eat(and that means almost anything) so ya. we also watched afew movies. thats my holiday....oh and one more thing...*breathes in* HAPPY THANKSGIVING^0^ *breathes out*
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

   today was ...............hmmm good
i got through school alive (barely) and today we got to represent our fav collage(or how ever u spell it, and it means like r u a duck or a beaver fan)and i am and always will be a beaver fan! now on to sports. in practice we got to play with the older basketball girls(& the coaches..one of them is my sci. teacher ^.^) i gaurded her and i think i went too hard for the ball one time and almost took her arm off(woops>_<) anyway it was fun. oh and for thanksgiving my dad decided to go to my grandparents house while my mom, sis, & i are staying home and doing stuff....MY DAD IS A TRADTOR! (well lets just say that most of my family doesnt like them..in fact *breathese in* WE HATE THEIR GUTS!!!!!!!!! BUT O WELL. thats all ive got plz comment or pm me if u want. see ya;-)
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