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im my happy palce where horses buzz and bees gallop. where cats have scales and swim and where crocodiles have fur and meow^^
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take on older/stronger bball players and actually survive. Tell my principle off and not get introuble. play in high school ball (off season).
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forever (basically)
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Inuyasha,fullmetal alchemist,zatch bell,gundam seed,naruto,one piece,beyblade,and(it might not count but)Kingdom Hearts! Bleach, Trinity blood, and Blood Plus.
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drawing, sports,shopping
basketball, listening to most ppl gripe for hrs. (that is very hard)
| basketball babe
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
hey everyone^^' srry i haven't visited ur sites for like a...week now? i've had a crazy week. to shorten it up a little, from last friday to sunday morning-i got back from camp (it sucked), was completely depressed, and my parents almost decided to divorce (i begged them not to). form sunday afternoon to tuesday- i found out that a friend of mine has a huge crush on me (he told me on my cell phone's answering machine and when i called him back about an hour later), more rearraging, parents didn't fight (which is quite nice for once. they usually fight daily). and from wednesday to now-went to youthgroup and got soaked (slip and slide night), and today had some friends come over at 5:00am in the morning@_@!!! (the oldest one was helping my dad with the house). we went swimming and then after my dad and friend were done we took them home. after that my dad got me a blizzard:3 sooo good^^ so ya that is my week^^ and this'll probably be the first and last tiem this week that i talk to any of u till sunday night or some time around there. cuz im going to a youth's retreat/community service thing for the weekend. i get to come home at night but ya. so i might not get to post chapter 2 of my story this weekend. plz don't kill meo.0' i'll try my hardest to get it up! anyway, i'll try to get to everyone's sites later today. unitl then enjoy the rest^^
ok the first discussion is from TaintedWhiteRose, and she says " I just wonder where Miguel lives? And what he wants with her? Is Setto Miguel's younger brother or is he older? If he's older... He better kick his brother's butt 'cause he shouldn't be ordered around by him! XD" lol! well u'll find out where he "lives" later on. and miguel is the older brother and setto is younger. but there's a secret to the whole ordering thing^^ im not tellign though..not yet anyway. ok the 2nd one is from Kry, and he says "...I hate crying" same here>_< even though i've been doing that alot really sucks. ok the 3rd one is from LGA775, and he says "Ah im so sorry the camp wasnt that much fun..(Hugs) I hope the next one will be better..." Man i hope so! hell i paid $250 for that blasted camp!! ok i think it's time to do some new Q's & A's^^'
Q's & A's
Old Q
forgot what it was^^' srry!
New Q's
1.) (for Guys only!!!) what ticks u off about girls the most?
2.) (for Girls only!!!) what ticks u off about guys the most?
~Bball babe
Comments (7) |
Friday, August 3, 2007
im back!
hi everyone!!!! well i made it back alive^^ though that wasn't the best week of camp of ever had, actually it was probably the worst-_-" there was more drama then fun! our counselor was a newbie, and always blamed us for her problems. and she made me cry 5 freaking times!! (and i don't cry very often). now my parents just got out of lecturing me about one of my friends. that really pissed me off>_< ok i gotta stop before i get way too depressed! well at least the games were fun and one of my friends has a sexy new bfXD but anyway ya. thnx for all the comments on my prologue. i'll do some discussions then post up the 1st chapter^^
ok th first one is from Rei-syn,, and she said "cars r evil" lol! yes cars are truely evil! ok the next one is from TaintedWhiteRose, and she says "*laughs* When you said drove, my eyes got wide because my first thought was, "You're only 13!!" Then I read on and you were talking about your 4-wheeler and I was like, "Oh, okay..." ^^; Tee hee." lol! ya^^' i actually tried driving my sister's car and ended up ginving her whip-lashes. ok the last one is from Kry, and he says "Hm...hasn't the whole demon portal, demon slayer thing been done?
Sounds a lot like Inuyasha.
Sry, not trying to be mean -_-'" nah its ok^^ i no its kinda been done before, but i like my version. so ya! ok i'll add chapter 1 now^^
Chapter 1
I woke up one morning on the floor next to my bed. “…that must have been one heck of a party.” I said to myself as I stretched out lazily. I finally got up and took a nice hot shower. It was ten O-clock in the morning when the phone rang. I jumped into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and headed for the front room. I picked up the phone and said “Sorry, but business doesn’t start till eleven.” Then I hung up and slumped into my chair. I grabbed a slice o pizza and put my feet on my desk. “Man, what a hang over!” I groaned, as I rubbed my temples.
I went and got myself dressed. I put on my favorite black buckle boots; leather pants and tucks them into my knee high boots. I then put on a skin tight belly tank. All of a sudden I hear someone at the front door and head back out; I sit back at my desk saying “We don’t open till eleven!” it’s a voice of a man, and he said, “This isn’t business.”
“Well then you have less of a reason to come by then.”
“I think you really should hear me out!” The man said.
“Would you just leave already?!” I yelled.
“Okay, I tried being nice.” He said in a defeated tone.
All of a sudden the front door came flying off its hinges. Still at my desk my mouth drops open in disbelief. Now I was ticked! “You did not just take out my door!” the man stepped inside. He was about six foot. And was wearing brown, flat, leather, boots that went to his calves; his pants were brown and baggy. He wore no shirt and had a scar running across his left peck. The only thing that covered some of his upper body was a dark brown over coat with three-quarter sleeves and it went down to the top of his boots. He had two swords that crossed across his back, and a belt full of dagger-like blades.
“Look I was being polite, and you didn’t even
care! So I decided to let myself in.” he told me.
Still in shock about my door I said, “So you broke my door?!”
“I guess so.” He simply said.
I stood up and walked towards him. Fuming! I got right up in his face and said, “I hope you have enough to cover that!!”
“Whoa, hey! Easy! I didn’t come here to start a fight with you.” He said, with his hands up in front of him. “I just merely came to give you a message.”
Still ticked off I said, “Well, you could have said that through the door! You didn’t have to BREAK it!!”
“Actually, no I couldn’t.”
Now I was more curious than ticked. “Okay… So what this ‘message.’”
His gaze suddenly intensified. “Get ready. You have five minutes, and then we leave!”
“But what’s the message that I need to hear so badly?!” I yelled.
He sighed and said, “My brother Miguel asks for you. So I am going to bring you to him. Now would you hurry up?!”
As soon as I heard that name I backed away into my room. I quickly threw on my tan over coat. Its sleeves have cuffs at the end of each; it goes down to my calves. I swung my sword over my back then placed my guns on my hips.
I went through the back door. I barely took two steps before several level 2 demons appeared. These beasts used to be murderers and possessed people. As they surrounded me, Setto steps through the door. Smiling. “You still have two minutes you know. If you need to get anything you can.”
I twirled around to face him. “Okay, what right do you have to take me somewhere against my will? I’m not even interested in him! Besides, what did I ever do to you?!”
God! Are all chicks so whiny?!” he moaned. “Look, one: I can take you to him because I don’t really care about your willingness. Two: YOU might not be interested, but him… he’s more than just interested in you. Third: Nothing at all. I’m just following orders.”
I drew my sword. “Well, you can tell that slime ball that he can come here if he needs to see me. Because I’m not going!!”
He sighed. “I hate to use force on such a young, sexy, beauty such as you. But…”
In an instant something hit me in the back of the neck. I fell to the ground, and darkness started to close in around me. Before I lost consciousness I heard him say, “Orders are orders.” Then I blacked out.
Comments (5) |
Thursday, July 26, 2007
ello ppl! well, mot much is going on. i went to a friends house, drove her to my house on my 4 wheeler, nearly killed us both by almost running into a oncoming car, ect. so ya my day was pretty boring^^ im going to be busy for the next...3 days, then im heading off to camp till either tuesday or wednesday. i'll miss all of you a lot! *cries* so i've decided to post my story's prologue for you^^ i don't know how you get those extra columns for stuff like that so i guess i wont use that^^ p.s- i don't have a title yet^^' ok here it goes:D
In the year 2050, the earth has become the breeding ground of Hell’s evil spawn! Humans have learned the hard way to never tamper with things that they have no control over. Now a portal to the demon world has opened thanks to us.
Demons roamed the world with little resistance, until a certain female immortal named Kioko came into being. Her father was a demon who betrayed his own kind and fell in love with a beautiful young mortal. He died 3 months before Kioko was born. Her mother fled to the high mountains of Europe. Where she hid Kioko for eight and a half years, before she was discovered and killed. Luckily, Kioko managed to slip away and grew up into a fierce fighter!
Now she’s 193 years old. To most people who don’t know that, and think she’s a regular nineteen year old demon slayer living in New York City. She gets by from people hiring her to slay demons. She has a little apartment/shop in what used to be the business district.
Since she moved here a certain demon named Miguel has been pawing for her affection since she was twelve years old. She has repeatedly denied him. Miguel had given up for a time, and Kioko believed he finally gave up. Sadly, it was only the beginning of what is to come…
tell me what you think^^
~Bball babe~
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
hi ppl! it is currently... *looks around for clock* 12:40pm! i've been helping my mom paint her room. (my dad took my position so im on call now). my dad woke me up this morning to help my sister clean her room. i was really tired from the night before-__- but anyway, we went through all her clothes, and i got new shirts/pants/short skirts/dress shirts. then we went through the movies. i had NO idea we had soo freaking many oldy movies0.o' lol! so now her room/closet is clean! its a miracle i tell you! before you couldn't even get in there without an avalanche of shirts, pants, bras, ect.XD but ya thats all about my day so far^^ BTW: thnx for the support of the story thing^^ i don't think it'll be what you expect it to be (what ever that may be) but what ever. laterz!
ok the first discussion is from Knight Edge, and he says "Well you know what they say about moving boxes? And if you don't then I won't tell you. XD" believe me you don't have to! i no, so HA! ok the next one is from RSRKingdomStars, and she says "wow, a sauna in ur house? thats so cool X3 (my area is hot enough already so we dont have a sauna XDlol)" lol! yea where i live...summer sometimes feels like winter^^' anyway the 3rd one is from LGA775, and he says "Cool i cant wait to read your story...I bet it will be awesome...Lol and i dont think you broked your back..." thnx. but it might be different then what u might think^^' i guess ur right about my back... but im pretty sure i did something to it... what ever though^^ ok thats all for now^^
Q's & A's
Old Q
1.) really should i put my story on here?
A: why not right? im sure it can't be that bad...J/K
Knight Edge: Sure go for it...
RSRKingdomStars: sure! wander what its about X3
LGA775: Yes of course you should..Besides thats the reason you wrote it right??For people to read...Other wise it wont be a story^^..I bett is gonna be awesome...Bye (ur right^^ thnx)
loveydavey: YESSSSSSSSSS (ok ok!)
New Q
1.) what do u think the story is about?
~Bball babe=^W^=~
P.S. im probably going to post it every weekend^^ but you'll all have to wait till i get back from camp. i think that's this weekend anyway... ok byez!
Comments (3) |
Monday, July 23, 2007
hey peeps whats been going on with ur lives lately? me, jsut the same old same old. lifting boxes hour after hour... i think i broke my back in a few different spotT.T but i'll live. i had a friend spend the night yesturday. we went shopping, played guitar hero II, had loads of ice creamXD, went in the sawna (yes i do have a sawna in my house). it was very relaxing^^ and she helped me with my story. oh i forgot to tell you about that didn't i?! *smacks self in head* well, it's not finished but i think im going to start a story on my site pretty soon^^ im only on the third chapter, but they're really long chapters so i'll only post a chapter once a week^^ if i do it that is. so ya. today i had to help my folks around the house. and now im in debt to my dad! my cell phone bill is $40^^' my sister told me that i had unlimited, but i wasn't suppose to get it till tomorrow (that part she left out>_<)! so yaT.T ok im done^^
ok the first discussion is from Knight Edge,a dn he says " that's an even more boring day then what I go through..." ok now that's bad! *runs to workout machine* lol! ok the 2nd one is from joshanime2, and he says "your coment dilema: maybe if you got to the post and click permalink it will go to a page(which the only thing on it is the post) then try comenting it may work" ummm... about that^^' well it seems i logged off on my site, and frogot to... log back in. hehe... anyway the 3rd one is from Kry, and he says "I love pokemon ^^" yay! im not alone! ok the last one is from LGA775, and he says "AH cool your moving that so interesting...Yeah i cant remember when was the last time i moved...I think its was 13 years ago...i was 10 at the time" GOOD LORD MAN! that is a loonnng time0.o'
Q's & A's
Old Q
1.) did you know if you spin a white cow you get whipped cream?
A: does sound fun to try though^.^ *evil plotting in action*
Kngiht Edge: no, that's not possible. (have you ever tried-_-?)
joshanime2: yum (lol!)
RSRKingdomStars: um............ ok... interesting XD
New Q
1.) really should i put my story on here?!
~Bball babe=^.^=~
Comments (4) |
Friday, July 20, 2007
hi ppl! sorry i only have time for a short post. i did almost nothing today. i sat around teh house playing pokemon (yes i was bored enough to play that!), and helped empty out the house. cuz for those who don't know im moving next spring, and almost everything has GOT TO GO!! that was my day and im done^^laterz
ok the first discussion was from Knight Edge, and he says "Ahh...well have fun with your cracked foot...been there done that...hurt like hell since I still had to walk to school when that happened...-_-" god im srry! but i have to run in P.E. alot and i usually get shin splints every 3 weeks, unless i ice my legs. ok the 2nd one is from Yoshima, and she says :oh and hope it goes whe'll with your family!" thnx^^ my parents are still a little highstrung, but my sister are workign to help them cool down a bit (it isn't workingT.T).
Q's & A's
Old Q
1.) am i lazy to u ppl? (truth plz)
A: to me YES!!! but to some others...not sooo much.
Knight Edge: You lazy? HA! Compared to me, LS, and Grave you are a hard worker. (thnx i think^^')
Yoshima: Lazy lazy lazy!!!
hehehe hope you enjoy you lazy ness..
loveydavey: don't act like it I guess (why thnk u!)
New Q
1.)did u know that if u spin a white cow u get whipped cream?
~Bball babe=^W^=~
WHATS WRONG WITH THE BIG O?! I CAN'T COMMENT ON PPL'Z SITES!!! T.T so if i don't visit im SOOOO sorry!!!
Comments (5) |
Thursday, July 19, 2007
good day peeps^^ okay day anyway. u see i went to the doctors today to check on my foot (pains) and to get some antibiotics (why u ask? none of ur d@mn bisiness=.=). so we got the medicine, and i learned that i have tiny cracks in my foot. its not broken, but it is in trouble. so for the next month im not allowed to run or jump (and i run alot!). the problem is im going to camp next week some time, and ya. thank God for excuse slipsXD but ya.
now about the whole moving thing. it is going to happen (im 90% sure). some time next spring anyway. oh ok! there was this retailer looking at our house. now i was away with my sister at a movie (1408) and thought she had already come (we we came back then left again), so i left my make-up crud out. so that was bad>_> and then she told the truth about our house plain and simple "it is distusting!" not true! i just forgot about my make-up, and some stuff was still out. not my fault im 13 yrs old. but anyway, another one is coming tomorrow, and im well perpared this time! almost everything except for my calendar and a picture is off my walls. my desk is clean, i mean my room is BARE! it scaryo.0' lol! so ya. that's about it i think. and i might not be on as much anymore... my family is kinda going through some really harsh problems, and i need to support my mom and sister a lot (my dad can wait). ok i'll stop ranting and get on with the rest.
ok the only one is NarutoBlackmail, and she says "AHAHAHAHA, looks can be so decieving as they say. XD" that is SOOO true! lolXD
Q's & A's
Old Q
1.) should i put a story on here?
A: plz tell me im really not sureT.T
lovejade: Sure if you want I dunno.
NarutoBlackmail: Sure, it's up to you.
New Q
1.) am i lazy to u ppl? (plz be truthful!)
~Bball babe=^w^=~
Comments (4) |
Sunday, July 15, 2007
i didn't believe it till now... boredom can actually kill u0.o it almost did kill me today. u see i usually hang out with my friends at church in 3rd service (i go to 2nd, and the 3rd i just quietly hang with ppl) and this tiem i couldn't stay. cuz i had to get a ride with the devil's spawn=.=* AKA=Hannnah G! on the outside she looks sweet and innocent, but on the inside... she's 100 and 10 lbs of mannipulating/evil/drama! srry aobu the ranting. so ya i couldn't stay. when i got home, my parents went to this other church for a special semminar or soemthing, so i was home alone with NOTHING to do. so i just started drawing and watching tv. an hr later paretns come home, and for the first time in... a long time i actually had a fun conversation with my mom. me and her don't talk to each other much. around 3:00pm we went to the mall where i got capris', a sweatshirt, and new shoes (i luv themXD). and since then i haven't done a thing except continue my drawing randomness. until now. but ya that was my day^^
ok the 1st one is from LGA 775, and he says "Ah cool a garage sale...My friends never had that before...^^'" REALLY?! wow that's new... i haven't heard of someone who hasn't had one garage sale at one time or another...weird... anywho the second one is from him too and he says "hawaii huh cool that must be fun..I hope you get to go...Just watch out for volcanoes and stuff..." I luv volcanoes. the first thing i want to do is go see oneXD thnx for the advice though! ok the 3rd one is from joshanime2, and he says "you want to know what I do with my friends
1 make jokes of each other and each other's moms XD" im horibble at those jokesT.T at least u have that talent^^ ok Q's & A's now^^
Q's & A's
Old Q
1.)ummm... what do u like to do with friends?
A: i like to hang/torture (like tease them nicely, or bug a little)/help/play pranks with/and just having them over every now and again^^
LGA775: gone out to malls and to camp...We are going to the beach this december with some friends...
Kry: It really doesn't matter to me what I do with my friends, as long as I'm with my friends.
joshanime2: Play games
-Look at dumb web comics
-hang out at the library
alot of dumb stuff
loveydavey: We hang out???
(u mean u don't know?!!!)
New Q
1.) should i do a story on my site?
Lots of luv<3
~Bball babe=^w^=~
Comments (1) |
Saturday, July 14, 2007
hi peeps! well, these last few days i've gone to ppl houses, to the movies, and daydreamed of ppl i currently like^^( i no kinda sad huh?). anyway, im sorry i haven't been visiting ppl's sites as normally as i should. i no im a lazy ass.
my parents were talkiing to me about a trip to hawaii (in september), and asked if i wanted to go. i was like "...r u kidding?! HELL YESXD!!!" so now in september we might go... its still in the sujesting fase (yes/no). so ya^^ today i went to a friend's house to take a look at her garage sale. i didn't find anything i wanted, so i left not long ofter that. i guess i should shut up now and get on with the rest^^
ok the 1st one is from lordsesshomaru, and he says "You blew up a Care Bear? I didn't realize that you are so hardcore, Lol." lol! im usually not like's just..i was with a friend and we were really bored, and i've been meaning to kill that thing in SOME way. soo... ya^^ we had to pick up all teh extra fluff but over all it was soo much funXD ok the next one is from carpet 1.2, and she says "i've been doing nothing" im srry 4 u. but on days when u do nothing are some of the days u think of great things^^ ok Q's & A's time!
Q's & A's
Old Q
1.) Monkeys or Lemurs (no they are not the same thing=.=*)
A: LEMURSXD cuz ringtail lemurs rock the world manXP
RSRKingdomSTars: um i dont think ive ever heard of a lemur, im srry ^^; (its ok^^ i don't blame u. hint: they live in madagascar.)
lordsesshomaru: Monkeys. In fact, I want a monkey butler.(lol)
carpet1.2: not sure
New Q
1.)umm... what do u like to do with friends" (details plz)
~Bball babe=^w^=~
Comments (4) |
Thursday, July 12, 2007
not much to say...
hi peeps. not much to say. cuz not much has happened lately. i went to the store with my dad... ya that's about it^^" i did take this quiz though...
nn nWho's Your DNAngel Boyfriend?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
i don't thik it's correct though...

Who's Your Wolf's Rain Hottie?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
ohh Dear God have mercy0.o...
discussions time!
ok the first one is from lordsesshomaru, and he says "I feel like hugging a Care Bear now. Or strangling it. Sometimes I get those things confused. *rubs chin*" lol! ya im not really in to care bears... infact i blew one up a couple of years ago...but that's another story^^ ok the 2nd one is from Kry, and he says "One person was on my mind the entire time I read this." AWWW! that's soo sweet!XD dude that's what every girl wants to hear their bf say^^ or in the same terms anyway. sorry guys i don't have a Q's & A's today, so we'll skip to the new Q.
New Q
1.)monkeys or lemurs (no they're not the same thing=.=*)
lots of <3
~Bball babe=^.^=~
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