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im my happy palce where horses buzz and bees gallop. where cats have scales and swim and where crocodiles have fur and meow^^
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take on older/stronger bball players and actually survive. Tell my principle off and not get introuble. play in high school ball (off season).
Anime Fan Since
forever (basically)
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,fullmetal alchemist,zatch bell,gundam seed,naruto,one piece,beyblade,and(it might not count but)Kingdom Hearts! Bleach, Trinity blood, and Blood Plus.
basket ball star/doctor
drawing, sports,shopping
basketball, listening to most ppl gripe for hrs. (that is very hard)
| basketball babe
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
HI PPL! MAN I AM HYPER!!!!!!!!!!
hi everyone! ya im kinda hyper right now. and im either having allergies or a cold... not srue yet. anywho, today bball babe found out that she has a lot of stuff to do this week. 1st off i need to finish up my science project 0.0" then i have a mth test either 2morrow, or the next day, and est. ya, so i might not be able to get on the next few days but i will try. ok what else... oh ya! ok so there's this guy at my school named Zach, and he's a huge horney toad>.< so around lunch time he decides to throw seeds and nuts down my shirt... he had gotten at least 5 down there when i realized what he was doing. he wouldn't stop so i had my bf make him stop. once my bf went to class he tried again but i got him in his sweet spot. then, i just left him there and went to class. scary part was when i went to take out the seeds and nuts... i couldn't find them! it was kinda creepy. ok enough of today, on to discussions!
ok the first one is form joshanime2, and he says "yes i live in arizona ^^ ice cream pizza 0o" ya its my own creation^^ next one is from Knight Edge, and he says "Yeah I knew your were joking, but I suppose you can't tell when I am." sometimes i can tell, but most of the time... my blondeness takes over^^ ok the last one is aslo from Knight Edge, and he says "And what the heck is ice cream pizza...ok actuall I think I know what it is...and I doubt I want to hear about it." it's really good! seriously! i say the ingredients at the end so u can try it too. ok on to questions!
Old question Questions!
whats ur fave food?
no one answered ;__;
New Question
whats ur fave music?
ingredients for ICE CREAM PIZZA!
1) cookie dough (make sure to bake it first) this is the crust.
2) ice cream (any kind u want)
3) any type of toppings u want^^
4) now first bake cookie dough, then after it is done put the ice cream on it, add toppings (if vinella add chocolate sauce)
5) eat quickly!
6)ok that's it tell me what u think of it when u've tried it^^
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hi everyone! ya it got to 70 degrees today. oregon is not the hottest place.
well, this last weekend i went shopping and got a new hair cut. on sunday, we lost our 1st bbal game and won the 2nd one. now our game wins are in confusing@_@ lol! anywho, i found out that ppl at school are callign me a slut who apparently has sex wiht everyone. ya that's a load of bullshit. their the actual sluts (literarily). oh well i wont let it get 2 me, truth is i deal with shit almost everyday, so ya. ok before i get all moody, on to the discussions!
ok the first one is from joshanime2, and he says "i hardly get rain where i live." so do u live in arozonia? anywho the net one is from Knight Edge and he says " Fine...say I'm close to hell, but you'll never get anything from me every again." u know i like to kid with u^^ ok the next one is from TaintedWhiteRose, and she says "I love the rain, too. ^^You got that many hours of sleep and you were still grumpy? That's kind of sad. *laughs* At least you got 9 hours and 50 minutes of sleep.Basketball is awesome! Sounds hectic. We never did that, but it probably would be fun.What were you and Knight Edge talkin' about??" yay for rain! yes, bball babe needs her beauty sleep. if she doesn't get dont wanna know. bball is pretty hetic but it's soo much fun^^ well, he was saying i couldn't reach his level or something, so i said ya cuz it's soo close to hell (im an srry for that now), so ya^^ ok onto questions!
Old question
this one doesn't really matter anymore^^
New Question
what's ur fave food? mines ice cream pizza! (my own creation)^^ ok ttyl!
~bball babe;D
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Friday, May 4, 2007
hi everyone! yes, it did rain 2day. but that's very normal here in oregon (it rains way too much). anyway, 2day i was very tried for some reason. i didn't stay up late last night. heck, i only stayed up till 8:00pm last night. then work up around 5:50am this morning. i was very grumpy, but tried to be cheerful. it didn't after school i went to bball practice. we didn't do much, just played against each other, played bump, king of the court, and used a shooting machine (it's a thing where it shoots a ball at u. u rebound and shoot the ball before the machine shoots another one. it got very hectic). at the end my dad wanted me to play against a senior player, and she was big. im not talking tall, im talking muscular FAT! i was like "ya, im not ready to die just yet." so that was that. then i came home and watched a show called "r u smarter than a fifth grader" it's pretty funny (in some ways). well that was my day. enjoy the rest^^
ok the first and only discussion is from Knight Edge, and he says "NO, what were you going to say...heck you could never reach my level, so you might as well tell me." i don't even remember what i was going to say! so there XP damn straight i could never reach ur level, it's to close to hell! i was joking god damn it! i had to say something. come on, u know i like to kid with u.
Old question!
ok so my bball team plays 2 games every sunday. we lose the 1st game and win the 2nd game everytime! any ideas why?
Lordsesshomaru: You lose the first game and win the second because your team takes a while to get warmed up. :P
Basketball babe: u know that might just be it. or we really don't care the 1st game, then we get pissed off in the 2nd and go all out... either one could be true.
New question!
ok so some of u know i bf right? well, now i only like him as a friend and not like bf and gf. so i want to break up but i don't want to hurt his feelings. what should i do/say?
ok that's all for today.ttyl!
~bball babe;D
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
.....No title today i guess
hi everyone! well, my week's been okay/bad i guess. on monday at bball practice, there was only 4 ppl who should up. so we basicall played 2 on 2 or 3 on 3, or double ball knock out. i got to go 1 on 1 against a sophmore^^ i actually got some baskets off her... shocking 0.0 (and im only in 7th grade). tuesday... not much happended on tuesday... oh i got a character on runescape, it's like a site for fighting, talking 2 other ppl, est. i guess. and that was about it. 2day the middle school went to the high school, and watched a performance. other than the dancing it sucked. this next week i have a science project due =__=* *sighs heavily* im almost done though^^ is that it?... yeah, i guess so. ok on to Discussions and Questions!
ok the first one's from Knight Edge, and he says "I'm still in shock some guy wants to date you...j/k" hahaha! very funny. yes i am shocked about it too. then again im shocked you-...actually im not going to stoop to ur level.
ok... next one is from Joshanime2, and he says "basketball rocks ^^" yes i so agree! *gives u a hi-five* ok the last one is from InuyashaWindScar, and he says "basket ball is cool." Ya bball luvers all around^^ *gives u a hi-five too* ok now on to the questions!
Old Question
no had one so i won't say any^^ oh and jackass- i mean edge...shut up =_____=* j/k;P
New question
ok so my bball team plays 2 games every sunday. we always lose the first game, but win the 2nd game! now plz give comments as to why this keeps happening so i can tell my dad some and he'll shut up about it>.< plus, im very curious^^ ok i think that's it. ttyl!
~bball babe;D
Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 29, 2007
hi everyone! well bball babe did what she does best u know what that even is? yep, basketball! we had 2 games and the same thing happens everytime we play. we lose the first one and win the second one0.o and i have no idea y! well between games we usually have about an hour. so i decide to call my bf^^ so im talking to him in the locker room, then after a while i realize another bball team is listening in. so i walked out still talking to him. THOSE BITCHES FOLLOWED ME! they stopped after awhile but i wasn't happy about it. it was all good though. then i got home and realized that i have shin splints in my... *checks which leg it is* right leg. that won't stop me though! after that did some homwork, and ya^^ that's all i got 4 2day... ON TO DISSUSIONS! THEN QUESTIONS^0^
nothing to report;__;
Old question
any ideas on my fan manga (haven't started it yet im just looking for some ideas to start it that's all)
Basketball babe: no one resopned ToT i feel so unloved *starts to cry* j/k c(-:
New question
(this isn't a question really but oh well) Is there anything u wanna know about me? ps: im not telling u what town i live in.
ok ttyl!
~bball babe;D
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
What a beautiful Saturday^^
hi everyone! yes, it's a beautiful day here in eastern oregon. i would be swimming right now... but i am really not supposed to (if u catch my drift). i spent the night at my bff's house last night, and talked to ppl on the big O. k... what else should i talk about... oh! ok so something has been wrong with the muscles in my legs this last week. so i went to the doctor and they said i shouldn't run for the rest of the week. now this was a bitter/sweet moment for me. 1st off, that meant i didn't have to do P.E. (yes!), but this meant i wouldn't be in very good shape for 2morrow's bball games :'-C but my lges are doing better, so i will be able to run again. by the way i might start a fan manga on here. im not sure what it will be about though--" ideas are welcome too. umm... i think that's it^^
OKAY! on to the disscusions! c{-:
okay, i have only one disscusion 2day and it's from Knight Edge. and he asks "I thought you couldn't have a BF?" yes this is true and all. but i don't really care at the moment. only my sister knows, and we keep each others secrets^^
now for the questions!
How do u get quizzes on ur site?
Rei-syn: I don't know how to do that myself.
Basketball babe: that's ok^^
got any ideas to help my manga along? (im very bored and ran out of ideas today ;___;)
ok see ya soon^^
~bball babe;D
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
hi everyone! srry i totally spaced about updateing *smacks self with bat a few times* anyway, last week was a very good week^^ on Monday i went to bball practice and did the normal thing, on Tuesday, i relaxed (cuz bball babe really needed it), Wednesday i finally got 2 go to youth group! that was the highlight of the week^^ cuz it was mike night (we sang to songs and such and battled to see how was the better singer^.~), on Thursday another bball practice but we played double ball knock out! and the ppl who got knock out got 2 squirt ppl with water. hahaha! anyway, last Friday was the last chance dance. this guy who really likes me dept dancing with me, but my bf thought we were dating 0.0 i was like omfg! so i told him the story (FYI: my bf is as tall as me, and my admirrer is 6ft4). not much happened over the weekend. i did get 2 see blades of glory though. and not much has happened this week so far. ok on 2 the questions^^
Old question
who do u hate the most?
Basketball babe: it would be this gut named Brian. now he's a bastard.
Knight Egde: I'm not going to answer that because the one person I hate is the only person I have been told I can't hate because I haven't met him yet...
Basketball babe: ... OH! i know who ur talking about^^ now i understand.
New questoin
Will u guys/girls go to SexyBabe75's site and answer her question(how 2 put quizes on ur site) cuz i don't reamember how to do that^_^; thnx i'd really appreciate it.
~bball babe;D
Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 15, 2007
IT SUNDAY! YAY!... school 2morrow...shit! :C oh well.
hi everyone! well... i had a busy sunday. i didn't even get 2 go 2 church. i had 2 bball games 2day. one was against a team called southrigde, and the other team's name was warriors. 1st game lost by 20 :C 2nd game won by 20^0^ then i got home around 2:00 and my mom tells me that my church went to the pool. so i go and leave half of my swimsuit (upper part) at home>-@ mad me mad. so i go swim with the lower half on and my shirt and a bra underneath. later a friend lends me a suit (she brought 2). sadly, i didn't bring a 2nd bra:'-C i got my sweatshirt and that was that. then i get home talk on the phone with an old friend of mine, come online, and here i am now... oh wait, my sis and i had a battle while i was on the phone. i won^^ 2day she was beign a royal bitch, then all of a sudden she becomes this nice little angel. im all like how r u and what did u do with danielle?! but ya. though i am sooo god damn tired @_@ so ya! ok on to the questions!
Old question
what's ur fave hobby?
NarutoBlackMail: I. I love to listen to music and draw. X]
Basketball babe: i luv doing that too! more draw then music, but ya!
Rei-syn: fun...
1. plotting 2 take over something
Basketball babe: okay... im scared now...J/K LOL!
Knight Egde: 1.) Well since I can't say watching girls walk by, then I shall say collecting research on the behavior of women as they walk by.
Basketball babe:=__=* edge... u perve. well, now i know to be more specific about these questions. thnx.
New question
who do u hate the most?
Comments (2) |
Saturday, April 14, 2007
GOOD MORNING!!!!!!! srry im a morning person^__^
hi everyone! well... i had a normal week. this week was parent teacher conferences. wait sratch that. it was student parent canferences. ya the 8th grade had to hold their own conferences. the 6th and 7th will do theirs when they get into 8th. one more yr. for me. so we only had 2 days of school. 2 be honest... I WAS SOOOOOOO D@MN BORED;__; i basically watched tv or shot hoops, called friends. then in the evening i went to bball practice. ok on Wed. night (bball practice) my dad decided he would join our team's practice. and the week before he bruised his ribs -_-" lets just say he was being stupid. anyway, so im guarding him and he says "u better not hit me in the ribs, or i pop u right in the face." about 3 sec. later i totally forget, and when im going for a rebound i jabbed his ribs with all my might... i covered my face and said "plz don't hit me im sooo sorry!" my dad never did hit me but gave me a look of "oh believe me... i get u back." ya. then the next night the assistant coach does it too. so now i don't feel as bad.
ok my sister's friend jessica, is trying to hook my sis up with a 19yr. old and she's 23! and the worst part is... she thinks it will work0.o i don't really like it but if it makes her happy then ok. but if he hurts her hes going down=__=*
well that's my week for ya. now on 2 the questions. X3
Old question
Does anyone know what hand tennis is?!
Knight Edge: ...can't say I ever heard of hard tennis...but then again I haven't heard of a lot of things.
Basketball babe: well, that's ok. it's where 2 ppl lock opposite hands and take turns hitting the backsike of their opponets hand. the person who says ouch or lets go first loses.
2day's Question
what's ur fave activity? and if it's watching girls go by... i don't wanna hear it.
ok byez;D
Comments (4) |
Saturday, April 7, 2007
hey peeps! HAPPY EASTER^0^
hi everyone! ok this week... was the last week of my quarter, so now i have a new one comeing up =_=* anyway, on fri. i had a half day of school (activity day) u basically gt to watch movies, play in the gym or go outside. i watched one movie, trhen went outside and playe tackle football ^^ it was awsome! i introduced a new hand sport (it really fun, but oh soo painful)... hand tennis (no not the national sport)! now it's like an obbsession0.o lol! and today about... 2 minutes ago, i got busted for too much texting. and if i go over board 1 more time my dad will take my texting off my cell >.< scary! ok that's all. now on 2 comments about my earlier question^^
what's ur fav anime character?
NarutoBlackMail: My favorite anime character is Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach.
Basketball babe: awsome! i think i know who that is ^.^"
Rei-syn: my all-time favorite anime character is Vegeta from DBZ
Basketball babe: ya he's kewl!
Lordsesshomaru: To answer your question... it's obvious who mine is, don't you think? :P
Basketball babe: ya... i mean the name, the avitar... ya kinda gives it away.LOL!
Knight Edge: My favorite anime charcater is Brandon Heat from Gungrave.
Basketball babe: like i said i knew that^^ but he's still really awsome^^ actually he's in my top ten.
Ok well here's today's question
Does anyone even know what hand tennis is?!
~bball babe;D
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