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myOtaku.com: basketball babe

Monday, July 23, 2007

hey peeps whats been going on with ur lives lately? me, jsut the same old same old. lifting boxes hour after hour... i think i broke my back in a few different spotT.T but i'll live. i had a friend spend the night yesturday. we went shopping, played guitar hero II, had loads of ice creamXD, went in the sawna (yes i do have a sawna in my house). it was very relaxing^^ and she helped me with my story. oh i forgot to tell you about that didn't i?! *smacks self in head* well, it's not finished but i think im going to start a story on my site pretty soon^^ im only on the third chapter, but they're really long chapters so i'll only post a chapter once a week^^ if i do it that is. so ya. today i had to help my folks around the house. and now im in debt to my dad! my cell phone bill is $40^^' my sister told me that i had unlimited, but i wasn't suppose to get it till tomorrow (that part she left out>_<)! so yaT.T ok im done^^


ok the first discussion is from Knight Edge,a dn he says "Geez...now that's an even more boring day then what I go through..." ok now that's bad! *runs to workout machine* lol! ok the 2nd one is from joshanime2, and he says "your coment dilema: maybe if you got to the post and click permalink it will go to a page(which the only thing on it is the post) then try comenting it may work" ummm... about that^^' well it seems i logged off on my site, and frogot to... log back in. hehe... anyway the 3rd one is from Kry, and he says "I love pokemon ^^" yay! im not alone! ok the last one is from LGA775, and he says "AH cool your moving that so interesting...Yeah i cant remember when was the last time i moved...I think its was 13 years ago...i was 10 at the time" GOOD LORD MAN! that is a loonnng time0.o'

Q's & A's

Old Q
1.) did you know if you spin a white cow you get whipped cream?
A: no...it does sound fun to try though^.^ *evil plotting in action*

Kngiht Edge: no, that's not possible. (have you ever tried-_-?)

joshanime2: yum (lol!)

RSRKingdomStars: um............ ok... interesting XD

New Q

1.) really should i put my story on here?!

~Bball babe=^.^=~

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