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im my happy palce where horses buzz and bees gallop. where cats have scales and swim and where crocodiles have fur and meow^^
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take on older/stronger bball players and actually survive. Tell my principle off and not get introuble. play in high school ball (off season).
Anime Fan Since
forever (basically)
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,fullmetal alchemist,zatch bell,gundam seed,naruto,one piece,beyblade,and(it might not count but)Kingdom Hearts! Bleach, Trinity blood, and Blood Plus.
basket ball star/doctor
drawing, sports,shopping
basketball, listening to most ppl gripe for hrs. (that is very hard)
| basketball babe
Monday, July 23, 2007
hey peeps whats been going on with ur lives lately? me, jsut the same old same old. lifting boxes hour after hour... i think i broke my back in a few different spotT.T but i'll live. i had a friend spend the night yesturday. we went shopping, played guitar hero II, had loads of ice creamXD, went in the sawna (yes i do have a sawna in my house). it was very relaxing^^ and she helped me with my story. oh i forgot to tell you about that didn't i?! *smacks self in head* well, it's not finished but i think im going to start a story on my site pretty soon^^ im only on the third chapter, but they're really long chapters so i'll only post a chapter once a week^^ if i do it that is. so ya. today i had to help my folks around the house. and now im in debt to my dad! my cell phone bill is $40^^' my sister told me that i had unlimited, but i wasn't suppose to get it till tomorrow (that part she left out>_<)! so yaT.T ok im done^^
ok the first discussion is from Knight Edge,a dn he says " that's an even more boring day then what I go through..." ok now that's bad! *runs to workout machine* lol! ok the 2nd one is from joshanime2, and he says "your coment dilema: maybe if you got to the post and click permalink it will go to a page(which the only thing on it is the post) then try comenting it may work" ummm... about that^^' well it seems i logged off on my site, and frogot to... log back in. hehe... anyway the 3rd one is from Kry, and he says "I love pokemon ^^" yay! im not alone! ok the last one is from LGA775, and he says "AH cool your moving that so interesting...Yeah i cant remember when was the last time i moved...I think its was 13 years ago...i was 10 at the time" GOOD LORD MAN! that is a loonnng time0.o'
Q's & A's
Old Q
1.) did you know if you spin a white cow you get whipped cream?
A: does sound fun to try though^.^ *evil plotting in action*
Kngiht Edge: no, that's not possible. (have you ever tried-_-?)
joshanime2: yum (lol!)
RSRKingdomStars: um............ ok... interesting XD
New Q
1.) really should i put my story on here?!
~Bball babe=^.^=~
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