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myOtaku.com: basketball babe

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

hi ppl! it is currently... *looks around for clock* 12:40pm! i've been helping my mom paint her room. (my dad took my position so im on call now). my dad woke me up this morning to help my sister clean her room. i was really tired from the night before-__- but anyway, we went through all her clothes, and i got new shirts/pants/short skirts/dress shirts. then we went through the movies. i had NO idea we had soo freaking many oldy movies0.o' lol! so now her room/closet is clean! its a miracle i tell you! before you couldn't even get in there without an avalanche of shirts, pants, bras, ect.XD but ya thats all about my day so far^^ BTW: thnx for the support of the story thing^^ i don't think it'll be what you expect it to be (what ever that may be) but what ever. laterz!


ok the first discussion is from Knight Edge, and he says "Well you know what they say about moving boxes? And if you don't then I won't tell you. XD" believe me you don't have to! i no, so HA! ok the next one is from RSRKingdomStars, and she says "wow, a sauna in ur house? thats so cool X3 (my area is hot enough already so we dont have a sauna XDlol)" lol! yea where i live...summer sometimes feels like winter^^' anyway the 3rd one is from LGA775, and he says "Cool i cant wait to read your story...I bet it will be awesome...Lol and i dont think you broked your back..." thnx. but it might be different then what u might think^^' i guess ur right about my back... but im pretty sure i did something to it... what ever though^^ ok thats all for now^^

Q's & A's

Old Q
1.) really should i put my story on here?
A: why not right? im sure it can't be that bad...J/K

Knight Edge: Sure go for it...

RSRKingdomStars: sure! wander what its about X3

LGA775: Yes of course you should..Besides thats the reason you wrote it right??For people to read...Other wise it wont be a story^^..I bett is gonna be awesome...Bye (ur right^^ thnx)

loveydavey: YESSSSSSSSSS (ok ok!)

New Q

1.) what do u think the story is about?

~Bball babe=^W^=~

P.S. im probably going to post it every weekend^^ but you'll all have to wait till i get back from camp. i think that's this weekend anyway... ok byez!

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