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myOtaku.com: basketball babe

Friday, October 12, 2007

   ELLO! I WENT SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!
hey everyone! how r u? well, i've been okay i guess. doing well in school, bball coming up (yay!), random mood swings and instant rage atttacks (no it's not my time of the month yet...), etc.^^ i got to go to a football game on thursday. my bf said he was going to go so when i got there i waited for like 30minutes and said "the little bastard stood me up (i hardly get to see him muchT.T)." but then a friend of his told me he got in trouble with his mom (something about not answering his phone when she called. now thats wat i call OVER parenting). so he couldn't go. ya i feel bad about the whole bastard thing-_-" anyway i found some of my other friends so i was happy. and they're all like a year or 2 older than me (i felt soo young:C). plus i got to see my best guy bud so i was in a good mood. and today i went shopping and got a short skirt (its pink and black), an over shirt, leggings, and an awsome jacket!!! after a while my bf called and tried to explain but i told him he was covered^^. but then on the way home i trew up my burger (it was my dinner and i didn't eat breakfest or lunch). but im ok now:D and....i think thats it for now^^ i luv u all and its time for the discussions!


ok the first 1 is from LGA775, and he says "Hey Kaylie wow ive missed you too..And yeah its been awhile^^" god i now,im sorry about that too. the 2nd one is from randomized05, and she says "omg congrats on yr first kiss! im still awaiting for my first one -_-'" lol! i mean....hehe...jk! *hides behind the couch* anywho! the 3rd one is from NarutoBlackmail, and he says "SEE YOU OVER THE HEAVENS."...ok...sorry but...im not getting it. if its extremely obvious im sorry but im blonde soo...ya...lol! ok the Q's & A's r up!

Q's & A's

ok this section is for questions u have for me and i answer them as best as i can k^^

umm...sorry peeps but no 1 asked any so i cant answer any^^'


Old Q
1.) wat would ur dream vaycay be?
A: i have noo idea yet so i cna't answer that one^^

Issashaimase: It would be in Japan, hands down!

Kry: My dream vaycay would be to London for a few weeks. I'd like to bring a friend or two, but If I couldn't I'd be fine on my own. Maybe I'd meet some new people. lol Or not. But who knows?

New Q
1.)if u had to choose between getting eaten by a tiger or licking peanut butter off a hobo's foot, which would u do?

*sprouts wings and flys away into the heavens*

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