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myOtaku.com: basketball babe

Monday, October 22, 2007

hi ppl! ugh sorry i've been gone! again! *glares at parents* i got grounded....not say about wat though *nervous look* hehe...well, these last few weeks have been both good and stressful!!!>_< good because 2 guy friends of mine finally figured out that their GF's were complete and udder bitches!!!! now 1 of the X gfs' is trying to black mail my friend!!! the little F*cker! *bets out a bat,fire torch,& a machine gun* just let her try!! (no im not usually this.... angry.) lol! anyway the truely bad is that im thinking of breaking up with my bf. when i told him this, it litterally killed me to hear him. he said "is there something i did? i mean why? what happened?!" i told him that i still felt like a stranger to him (which is true cuz we go to differ schools and don't talk much anymore), adn i didn't feel that way for him really anymore. so he asked me if we could try again. and because of my kind (yes kind) heartedness i sad sure *hits self repeatedly till dizzy* now im frusturated and really don't want to do this to him!! help me!! *screams towards the heavens* ok thats it for this. discussions next peeps!

ok the 1st one is from randomized05, and she says "i havnt been to a football game before, but i plan on goin next year during my freshman year." wow.... wait...i actually no some1 my age YES!!! i don't feel soo young anymore^^ anywho, the next one is from Irrasshaimase, and he says "I think the mall t'is a scary place.. T//T' hmm.." i guess thats exceptable...u being a guy and all *rolls eyes, then gives a mocking smile* jk! ok now to Q's & A's

Q's & A's
Old Q

1.) would u rather be eaten by a tiger or lick bpeanut off a hoboe's foot?...

randomized05: ....i'd go for bein eaten by a tiger thank u very much -_-'

Irrasshaimase: *Takes out sword out of thin air* BRING IT ON TIGER!!! XD lol

New Q
1.) is it a bad sign when u hit ur foot soo mcuh that u can't even feel it anymore?!!!

~Bball babe=^.^=~

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