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myOtaku.com: basketball babe

Saturday, November 17, 2007

   School Dance SUCKED BALLS!
Exactly as the title says. my school's dances are soo damn gay! i almost left within the first 5 minutes. but i had to stay because i promised a guy i would go with him. me and my big mouth... on the good side that guy and me are dating^^ i dated him in the past but i had to beak-up with him cuz of my folks (VERY over protective). now im just not going to tell them! BTW:his name's Wes. he was bouncing off the walls when i said yes to the dance. lol! but it bored the hell out of me, but i had an okayish time i guess.
i just got home from Bball practice too. Some of the girls still aren't really working on getting the plays and such down and thats gonna hurt us in the long run...*sighs heavily* and tomorrow we have 2 more games! pray that they go well!
we don't have school for the next week (Thanksgiving and all that). so im gonna catch up on some much needed sleep. yay for sleep!:D ok i think im down now. on to Discussion

the 1st one is from LGA775, and he says "im so glad you guys won...33-12 is very impressive...Im impressed" aww thnx bud! *hugs and gives u candy* k the 2nd one is from Maybe.Memories, and she says "Hey! I've been wondering where you dissapeared to, I missed you" hehe...ya kinda been busy/lazy^^' >_>

Q's & A's
Old Q
1.) What is ur fave ice cream?
A: CAke Batter. sooo good *starts to drool*
2)should i put another story on here?
A:idk. u tell me.
1.)Umm wow thats a good question..Umm vanilla maybe..LOL
2.)Sure you do..Your stories rocks...I love them...

Kry: Peanut Butter

Maybe.Memories:1.)Chocalate Chip Cookie Dough
2.) Sure=]

New Q
if u could have anything or anyone who/what would u have?

Lots of luv!!!
~Bball babe~
*turns into a falcon and flys away*

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