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myOtaku.com: basketball babe

Friday, November 30, 2007

hiya! ok i have good news, bad news, old news, and new news!
Good news: im over my sickness (walking nemonia, i had to take huge antibiotics >:C), i have two bbally games 2morrow, im getting a new phone as well as a nintendo DS 4 Xmas (my parents dont no what to get me so they take me along to shop^^), and im still with Wes (bf) and very happy!
Bad News: i can only play in 1 bball game 2morrow cuz my coach (my dad) says it would be dimoralizing 4 meh, as well as 2 other teamates. so that sucks. i almost fainted for the 3rd time this last week, i have to get 3 six page essays in by tuesday, and the snow on our hill is melting >. Old News: had walking nemonia, was always sick and very exhausted, and i almost broke my neck last saturday during a game.
New News: my sister is pregnant! and she's due this month within 3 weeks!!! so i'll have a new nephew! Yay! his name's gonna b Chase Weston. isn't that cuteX3
ok im done^^

The 1st one is from randomized05, and she says "lol our school dances r the same thing!! i go there and within the first 10 minutes im BORED!! i just go to socialize basically." i hear ya loud and clear! ok the 2nd one is from Maybe.Memories, and she says "Aw that really sucks! My school dances suck too, that's why I don't go to them unless someone asks haha" lol!

Old Qs
1.)if you could have anything or anyone who or what would u have?
A: what:superpowersX3 Who: the guys of my dreams (duh!)

randomized05: i dont really know, probably....fame ^ ^ ive been wondering about what that would be like.

Maybe.Memories: Hmmm, for the who it would be Christiano Ronaldo and for the what it would be 3 million dollars =D

New Q
1.) Do you like snow?

~Bball BbabeX3
ps-i'll try to get to everyone's post but no promises^^'

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