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myOtaku.com: basketball babe

Friday, January 5, 2007

   i just started on another b-ball team^0~ and im very tired- -
hi everyone! ok today went very well had a party at school (if it was a party, it was very boring). and i got to play on the Amity team (in the town where i live), dont know all the names yet, but i will....eventually^^" anyway i havent been working out lately so im really sore from all the push-ups she's making us do(i could die!!!) and well i finally got home and well lets just say i slipped on ice and my back didnt feel very good... sometimes i hate where i live--" so ya that was my day. enjoy the rest^^

you know what forget the questions! if u want to ask then ask and i will answer^^

Random facts
i got to hit my teacher with a spit-ball without her noticing^^ she deserved it! she was being a bi#ch! and since she didnt know who it was she'll probably kill us with homework on monday *shudders* so ya thats all;P

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