XxDirEnGreyxX666 (01/27/09)
I'm Kyoko!
Nice to meet you!
I'm a random person coming by to sign your guestbook! ^w^
nice site!
Hope we can be friends!
I'll add you if you add me!
(I only add once I see if you add me so It doesn't become one sided!)
Vito (06/28/07)
kljkfnbvmfds,mxm,vdz,ndv n,n vczx,cxvbvfb
KiraLova (05/07/07)
hey sorry it took me so long to sign your gb. anyway i jus wanted to say thanks for signing my gb. i appreciate it. ja ne~
kc38 (04/16/07)
hellooo to you too- thanks for signing my gb! like your site ooo pretty
Lazy Shikamaru (04/15/07)
hey thanx for the gb sign....ur avi is funny....i like all the colors and i added you to my friends, k?
Eight Sun (04/14/07)
Thanks for signing my guestbook, you strange little person.
Joselyn (04/12/07)
hey! luv ur site! thankx for signing mine! so im return the favor and sign urs and add you! bye!
windrygurl (04/12/07)
Really? wow y do they call u space cowboy??
weird.well l8ers.
darkRonan (05/25/06)
Dude. Cool site it looks really cool! What is that fish thing? It's cool lookin.
Snow Angel23 (05/23/06)
hey there!! thanks for signing my guestbook. Im sry that you are having trouble making friends or so says ur little post thing. so ill be ur friend ^_^ well ttyl!!
ill pm u and add u as a friend