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The sunny side of California
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I finished high school. That's an achievement, right?
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I can't choose just one
to become a psychologist
I draw a bit, but I'm not that good at it.
I love to sing. It's what I do all day. lalalala...
| beautifulstar
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
To heck with studing, lets animate!

The original

The flashing copy
I just can't concentrate. I went over my notes and read through my book and I think I know the material pretty well, but I just keep getting distracted. Maybe I'll just study later.
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I'm feeling unusually sensitive today. I don't let my feelings surface often, but they do force themselves out sometimes and it's never pleasent when that happens...
My mid-term is only 24 hours away. My mom pulled off a B, I'm hoping I'll be able to get atleast a C. If I do, I'll be content.
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Sunday, March 14, 2004
My explorer was being a bitch earlier, but all is right with the world now.
I'm watching Resident Evil, reading the LotR:TTT(the two towers), and searching stuff on ebay. I am uber-talented.
Yesterday I found out that my uncle returned from Germany. He's been living there for a while, but now he's going to be staying at my grandfather's house, but he may come live with us since we have a little more room. Aparently he's invloved in a lawsuit over there. About what though, I didn't ask.
My uncle Jack laughed about my 'one ring'. My mom still wants to get him one also, but since he laughed at mine I think he should get squat.
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Saturday, March 13, 2004
I was going to put up a couple pieces of my art, but I can't since I can't find my scanner's install disk. Damn the luck.
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While I was out today I met a lady who liked the Lord of the Rings, but by now that's not uncommon. We were talking and she showed me her one ring that was on a necklace. Also she was wearing a Lothlorien brooch on her pants. For those who don't know what that is, it's the leaf pendant that the fellowship wears on their cloaks. She was also telling me that she has her own 'fellowship' made up of her friends and that when they have parties the one giving the party gives all the guests presents like the Hobbits do. I added 'Like at Bilbo's party' and she looked at me with surprise because I knew that ^_^
I was thinking that if I had the money and I knew that my friends would wear them, I would buy Lothlorien Brooches and give them as gifts. But then I am a bit of a geek.
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Friday, March 12, 2004
Quick Question
When we die, we live on through the memories of our friends and families. But what if there is no one to carry on our memory; did we live? Were we ever alive if no one remembers us?
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I got new darts today. My old set, the tops broke so they couldn't go straight. My mom and I played 2 games of 301 in which the first person to get their score to 0 wins and I won both times! Although they were fluke wins, I still won. My mom told me I sucked, but my dad used to say the same thing when he lost too. I am the dart master!
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004
A good song
THE RIVER - Tapping The Vein
I'm Going To The River And There I'm Going To Swim Until I Sink.
I've Been Drowning Here Forever.
So, It Won't Make A Difference To Me.
Don't You See What The Buzz Is?
Look At Me.
I Am Nothing But A Need To Reach You.
If I Don't Go To The River I'm Going To Crawl Into A Hole And Fill Me In.
This Thing Will Suffocate Me.
So, You See, The Only Difference Is When.
I Don't Know What The Trick Is.
Look At Me. I Am Nothing But A Need To Reach You.
I've Waited So Long That I Can Smell The Rotting Of My Brain And
I'm Shaking And I'm Stammering And Tasting The Sting Of My Failure.
Look At Me.
I Am Nothing But A Need To Reach You.
Look At Me I Am Nothing But A Need, This Need.
Everyday I See Rage In The Mirror.
It's Dripping From Me;
Throbbing Through Me.
I Can't Be Any Clearer
And I Can See It Right There.
It's On My Wall And It's Frightening Me.
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Ugh. It's hot here. Spring in the valley is never really all that much fun. It's only 6 and it has to be about 75 degrees. 3 months from now it'll be 90 degrees and I'll be dying. But atleast there's a pool 3 blocks from my house.
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Monday, March 8, 2004
Well, here goes another boring retale of my day, so here we go. My mom was looking for some windchimes as a gift for her teacher so we started our adventure at the mall. There was a clown outside one of the kids stores and my brother got a balloon from him. Personally I think clowns are a little creepy, but he was nice. We played an illusion game and I got the answer right. He showed me 2 pieces of paper, one red and the other yellow and asked which one was larger and I said they were the same size. After, he said that about 3 out of 100 people get it right. I felt uber smart!
Our first shopping stop was The Hallmark store. My mom didn't find anything, but I bought these really cute cat windchimes. They sound so pretty and since you're not here with me, you'll just have to take my word for it.
Next we went into Hot Topic because I was looking for a combination scarf, beenie, and glove set that had grumpy bear on them, but they were all out. So we moved on to The Disney Store, but didn't find anything there either.
After we went around to all the shops downstairs we headed upstairs. My mom had a ring sized and that was boring. I was upset when I saw that one of my favorite stores was gone cause it was the only store I knew that carried anime cd's.
As we ventured on, I stopped in Suncoast and bought the new issue of Shonen Jump and Ceres #2. As soon as I was upset I was happy again cause the store I thought was gone had only moved. Cartoon Field had not left me! I looked around, but I spent most of my money and didn't buy anything although I really want the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack. They had a bad-ass K.H. lighter and even though I don't smoke it was still cool.
The end was near and we left the mall. My mom wanted to eat at T.G.I. Fridays but my brother kept being a pain, so we ate at Mc D's and travelled to Target and there I bought Ever After with Drew Barrymore. My mom and I both like that movie and it was on sale. I guess I'm done now.
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