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Sunday, January 18, 2004
I finally got the border thing to work. YAY!
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A new poem; I haven't written anything in a long time
Soul 4 Sale Title Pending
I'll sell my soul for a candy bar
Something sweet to take the bitterness away.
I'd sell my soul for a glass of water
Something to wash away the blood that won't stop flowing.
I'd sell my soul for a bed
Someplace far from here where I can rest my tired body.
I'll sell my soul for a pen
So I can write to you all the hurt you caused me.
I'll give my soul to you:
a little tainted, a little dirty, but still good
*thank you*
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Saturday, January 17, 2004
I got a package from my friend today. It had all the letters she hadn't mailed yet, a fanfic with sora and riku ^_^, and 2 keychains: sora and yuna. They were my christmas persents, YAY!
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I didn't have o take math on my assessment test. Because I'm studing psychology, math was excluded. But, I have to take basic english. I think it's a requirement for first year students. Anywho, my mom had to take the math part :D
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Friday, January 16, 2004
Back to school... Oh Goodie
I registered for the spring semester yesterday at the college by my house. Today, I have to take an assessment test. I hate those. I never do well on the math.
Oh well, I can only do my best, right?
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
 You are guided by light. While all can be bad around you, you still stay calm and make things better. There aren't a lot of people in the world like you. (Rate my test)
What force is your soul? brought to you by Quizilla
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The mall that's closest to my house doesn't carry shonen jump. Not one stupid store in the whole mall! Not even the store that carries anime >=(
I'm so angry. Now I have to go to the mall that twice as far from my house just to get my copy. GGGGRRRRR....
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I watched the episode "farewell my beloved, kikyo", it was sad.
Like christmas, I want a box set for my birthday. Even though my birthday isn't for another 8 months ;)
I got fushigi yuugi and I love it, so now I want to add Inuyasha to my collection. I want the set with all the movies too, but, I'd be just as happy with the series episodes only too. Hehehe I just want bragging rights; to be able to say I've seen all the Inuyasha episodes :D
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Friday, January 9, 2004
I'm eating mint chocolate kisses. Did anyone know that they made mint chocolate kisses? I didn't until yesterday. Thy're really good :)
I'm waiting til I get some money so I can buy a frame for my puzzle. It's so bad ass.

My rat, Guy. The picture didn't come out too good, but he's still cute ;)
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