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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Pretty weird day...
Fruits Fans welcomes 2lovinuyasha!

Today was pretty weird. This morning, my little sister was like crying and wouldn't go take a shower because she thought there was some kind of worm living in her body. Let me explain (even though I still dont know all she was talking about). Shes 5 and my other sister whos 7 were watching Animal Planet on t.v. There was this thing about parasites or something and my 7-year old sister, Angela, told Debbie (the 5-year old sis) that worms lived in peoples bodies. Shes kinda like Angelica from Rugrats and Debbie, being the littler one, believed her. After a while she calmed down over it, but she still thinks its there. It was really weird.

Lets see what else happened. I watched One Piece for the first time. It's always been on Fox, but by the time I realized that, they were halfway through the series and I can't just jump in a series like that and expect to understand it. Ghost in the Shell (I'm in the middle of watching it now) is getting really, really interesting.

I'm not really in a posting mood because nothing is really going on with me, especially on the weekends. Laters!

[ Edit ]
Watching the Cowboy Bebop Movie right now! The site its on is kinda busted at the moment so its taking a long time to load and stuff, but its really, really awesome! Any Bebop fan has gotta check it out when you get to! Well, back to the movie!
I also just got my 2200 visit! Yay and thanx everyone!

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Fruits Fans welcomes:
Lie74, i Jiba i, SuperGal16, and Hisui!

Affiliates: Lacus Clyne Forever (Lie74)

I finally straightened it out with my bf. It took me long enough huh? No more of me coming crying to you guys ^^ This is how it happened. Today we had full band so I actually had a class with him. I never go except for then. I was trying not to pay attention to him, but we ended up actually talking and laughing a little. Then, I wrote him a note about how I still wanted to be friends with him and everything just to make sure and he agreed. I'm glad because he's always been one of my best friends.

Today was probably the best day all week. I got chosen as my math teacher's student of the month (they choose one student out of all their students and have lunch with the student and their parents). Well, my mom left this morning for Michigan so she couldn't come. I felt kinda awkward being alone, but these other people invited me to sit with them and I ended up talking and stuff. In health, my usual friend I talk to wasn't there, but I just chatted with Ted. You know that loser kid from band I'm always complaining about? Well, he has a twin brother (not as annoying). Ted told me that one of my friends used to date him before I met her. I cracked up laughing for like 10 minutes straight, no exaggerating. That was hillarious!

History, I just talked to Liz and Kate. Kurt wouldn't stop being annoying and stupid like always, but that just makes it easier to mess with him ^^

Anyway, I'll be seein ya guys laters! The weathers been kinda rough. I hope it gets nothing too bad. I like the rain though! It's so nice and cool compared to the rest of the week. Well, hope your guys' week was awesome! Enjoy your weekend! Laters!

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Early Dissmissal!
We got out 3 hours early today. We only had 3 classes. I feel like such a loser. Everyone else goes places on their half days. All my friends are hanging out, but not me! Why dont they ever tell me stuff in advance? Not only does my mom work a lot, but she doesnt like me to get rides from other people too often. So, it's rare when I get to go places. I feel like such a loser sitting at home while everyone else is out. Everyone else including my ex-bf. He rode home today on my bus with one of his friends. Even though I was sitting at the back of the bus, I could hear everyone talking to him and joking with him at the front. He was even semi-flirting with some of the other girls. I really dont care that much anymore. We're still on good terms I guess and thats all that really matters. He can flirt all he wants. Anyway, that'd be hypocritical because its not like I dont flirt (yeah, not right in his face, but I cant lie and say I dont flirt when I can). ^^

Well, I've been thinking about making a club and since I'm really into Fruits Basket lately, I decided to make fan club for that: Fruits Fans! I've made a few banners. I'm gonna try to make one for every Zodiac member. Even though it's mostly a Zodiac fan club, I made a banner for Tohru. Here's the ones I've got so far:

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Leave a comment or PM if you guys wanna join or be an affiliate! I'm in the process of making the official site for it. All of the details will be posted there.

Anyway, tonight I have this fancy initiation thing. I hope it goes well. Probably gonna be boring though. -__- Hope you guys enjoy your Thursday more than me! ^^ Laters!

banner by sai

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Feeling Better...
I guess I feel a little better than yesterday. I dont feel as tired and now its just sneezing mostly. My eyes were itchy early today, but not anymore. I think Kitsune's little hypnosis actually worked ^^

Now that I'm done with my cold update, let me tell you guys about my day... just like yesterday, really routine. I really dont have anything to post about lately ^^;; I feel like I'm wasting time. I guess I could tell you guys about a little thing.

My ex-boyfriend's cousin was standing behind me in the lunchline and he asked me why I wouldn't get back with my ex and I shrugged. Then he was like, "Why'd you break up with him anyway?" I just said, "Lots of reasons." On the busride home I realized that there might've been a lot of little reasons to break up with him, but none really big enough and the reason I shrugged when he asked me if I would get back together with Parris (my ex's name) was because I didn't really have a reason to not get back with him. It's not that I want to go out with him or something, but... it's hard to explain. In a way, I want to get back together with him because I really miss hanging out with him, but in another way, I'm just glad I ended it. I dont know... really confusing even to me 0.o

Anyway, I'll think on that. Tomorrow is a half day. We only have 3 classes and get out at 11 am. On Friday after band, I'm probably gonna talk to Parris to straighten everything up. I hope I get to at least.

Well, I have religion class today so I better start visiting now. Laters!

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Getting sick...
Today was better than yesterday, but not great either. I dont think it's allergies anymore. I feel more sick now than allergy-ish. I can always tell when I'm getting sick and I'm definitely getting sick. -__-

Lately, everythings been rather blah. I mean, I dont really talk as much. Nothing really seems as fun either. Cute guys dont look as cute, just kidding, but still it's that kind of stuff. I think I know what it is, but I dont really wanna tell you guys because you guys are just gonna think I'm really whiny and stupid. I bet some of you can maybe guess, but I'm not saying anything.

Anyway, today was ok. I wasn't as sneezy and coughy, but my eyes were really watery and stuff. During health everyone kept on telling me how red my eyes were and stuff. At least by the end of that class they went back to normal.

Rather than that, I've got nothing to say, so I'm gonna take my leave ok? Laters!

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Monday, April 18, 2005

Miserable Monday
Today was pretty bad. Not only was I burning hot and sweaty, but I think I have allergies because all day I was sneezing, coughing, and itching my eyes and stuff.

Then, in 6th hour I was expecting to at least get to talk and hang out to make it be a little better, but Mr. Pool split us up for some stupid voting thing so all my friends were like on the other side of the room. Then, after it was done they could move back, but they decided to stay over on the opposite side of the room so I was coughing, sneezing, with itchy eyes all alone, bored and hot. -__-

I just wanna go take a shower and hop into bed for a nap. I probably wont get to much sites, so I'm not gonna promise anything. Well, laters

[ Edit ]
I actually got to visit everyone whos posted so far! Yay for me!

banner by sai

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Anime-filled day!
Yesterday was more eventful than most of my weekends. After watching this old movie from like the early 90s while flipping through channels (the movie was actually pretty good. Predictable, but funny), we went to the mall. I bought two mangas: Naruto 6 (finally out!) and Fruits Basket 8. Yay! I've got some manga to read now.

I also got a new outfit from Gap after exchanging some capris that didn't fit and some charms for my charm bracelet. I should've bought a gift for a friend who's birthdays coming up in 2 weeks. I hope I get to go to the mall before then! I also didn't get to buy the Gundam SEED DVDs, but I was too busy looking for other stuff to even search for it.

Anyway, FullMetal Alchemist was interesting. I hope Al wasn't right with his accusations. Ghost in the Shell was especially good. I'm actually starting to understand everything. My little sisters were in my room messing around so I missed some parts though. Oh well. I fell asleep again, but this time it was after the shows I needed to watch. Oh yeah, Inuyasha was ok too. I'm getting kinda bored with all the filler episodes, but hopefully soon stuff will start happening again!

Well, I dont wanna bore you guys anymore so laters! Sorry I couldn't get to everyones sites yesterday. I did get to some though. Laters again!

banner by sai

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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Stupid Me...
Guess what stupid thing I did last night? I fell asleep only 30 minutes before Gundam SEED was about to come on. I missed the last eppie! Thats why I dont like to watch t.v. on my bed because no matter what I'm watching or if I'm tired, I'm gonna fall asleep. Now, I missed the last episode. I hope we go to the mall today. Maybe I can buy the DVD of all the last episodes. If not, I'm screwed. Oh well, my fault anyway ^^;;
I hope all you people who were smart enough not to fall asleep enjoyed it! At least I woke up early enough today to post. I usually sleep in really late. Anyway, nothing more to say so laters! I'll try to get to sites!

[ Edit ]
Two days ago it was Fallen's birthday! Yes, shes not here on myOtaku anymore, but I do still talk to her. Happy Birthday April!

banner by sai

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Friday, April 15, 2005

Friday Tests
We had 3 tests today. In only language arts and science we didnt. In science, it's because we're doing presentations which are even worse than a test. At least I'm done with that!

Today started off pretty bad. I was a little down in the dumps because I realized my ex-bf, Parris, hates me. It's not that I even miss him or something, it's just because I thought we could at least be friends like we were before. I mean, we've always been close and now, he like hates me. I dont even care that much anymore. It's his problem really. Anyway, he was absent (in Atlanta for a basketball game. I dont know why I know that) today so I couldn't even talk to him.

In both 5th and 6th periods we had a test. Both were pretty easy. In math we had one too and I got my grade back: 100 out of 105 points! Yay! I didn't get back my other grades. I had fun in 6th period though. Me and Kurt messed around the whole time. We have such a weird relationship. It's like we're either helping each other out or we're trying to get on each other's nerves. Its fun though!! ^_^

Today was a pretty good Friday! Hopefully my weekend will be pretty good. Time for a little rest and relaxation. Hopefully with some shopping and hanging out! Laters!

P.S. Happy Anniversary Lie74!!! I'm so glad you've been sticking with us for a whole year now! You've helped make it easier for me. Thanx for being there for me *huggles* Hope there's many more years with you!

[ Edit ]
Gundam SEED! Last eppie tonight! Yay!

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

My science rap was a success! Everyone liked it! After I was finished, everyone was like, "Loved the rap!" or "That was awesome!" My teacher liked it too. People who weren't in my class kept on asking me to do it again, but I said no. I'm never doing that again. At first I was nervous, but since I've been postponed so much, I didn't really care anymore. I mean, everyone liked it after all. I just thought everyone would think it was stupid ^^

My day was pretty fun rather than one other thing. My 3 friends, Liz, Molly, and Erin like ditched us to go sit at this other lunch table. For the past 2 years, we've sat at the same place and all week they keep on leaving us to sit somewhere else with these other people. Then, my friend Laura suggested we give them the "silent treatment". Not really to Liz or Erin. In Liz's case, she was probably only going over to talk to her boyfriend. Erin always sits with us except for this one day. Molly keeps on ditching us, so Laura was especially mad at her.
Actually, we weren't really even mad, kinda annoyed, but not mad. We were just joking and trying to prove a point. My friend Nancy who was supposedly in on our plan, told Molly that we were mad even though we really aren't. Now, Mollys sad because she thinks I'm angry with her when I'm really not. It's so stupid.
Nancy isn't very good at keeping secrets. Not only has she gotten me into a jam with this, but it was also partially her fault I broke up with my boyfriend. She was the one who went and blabbed to him. Then, when he said he liked that other girl, I got mad. Nancy was gonna go and tell him that I was jealous. I had to physically, drag her away. By then, we'd already broken up so I didnt want him to know I was jealous. Anyway, like I said, Nancy isn't good at keeping secrets or her mouth shut.

I guess I'll have to fix it all tomorrow!


P.S. Still excited that everyone liked my rap (including the few cute guys I know ^^).

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