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myOtaku.com: bebopinutrigun188

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Anime-filled day!
Yesterday was more eventful than most of my weekends. After watching this old movie from like the early 90s while flipping through channels (the movie was actually pretty good. Predictable, but funny), we went to the mall. I bought two mangas: Naruto 6 (finally out!) and Fruits Basket 8. Yay! I've got some manga to read now.

I also got a new outfit from Gap after exchanging some capris that didn't fit and some charms for my charm bracelet. I should've bought a gift for a friend who's birthdays coming up in 2 weeks. I hope I get to go to the mall before then! I also didn't get to buy the Gundam SEED DVDs, but I was too busy looking for other stuff to even search for it.

Anyway, FullMetal Alchemist was interesting. I hope Al wasn't right with his accusations. Ghost in the Shell was especially good. I'm actually starting to understand everything. My little sisters were in my room messing around so I missed some parts though. Oh well. I fell asleep again, but this time it was after the shows I needed to watch. Oh yeah, Inuyasha was ok too. I'm getting kinda bored with all the filler episodes, but hopefully soon stuff will start happening again!

Well, I dont wanna bore you guys anymore so laters! Sorry I couldn't get to everyones sites yesterday. I did get to some though. Laters again!

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