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myOtaku.com: Beboppin

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Hi, welcome to my site! I'm really flattered that you took the time to actually look at my completely uninteresting site, but I'll make it better real quick here! er, well, someday. I'll post some art or something like that. but, uh, I can't promise any fantastic art or anything because there are about a thousand artists on this site that are way better than me!! but, I'm okay with that! um, anyway, I've written way too much! sign my guestbook, if you want to tell me I suck or something.

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

   Yay for Spain!!
Tee hee hee!! Thatīs a crazy smiley!! Anyway, I want to thank all of you who have written in my guestbook, and added me as a friend(Especially you, Josushi chan!!! Sheīs my cousin!!)
Right now, Iīm writing from Spain, where I am currently being a foreign exchange student! And EVERYTHING here is different!! Itīs been quite an adjustment, the food, culture, stuff like that. Especially the accent! It drives me crazy sometimes!! Instead of lisping their "S" like a good spaniard should, they just omit it completely sometimes!! But my family is great, and I have some friends, which are all exchange students, and most of which are from germany! And we go to the beach a lot! The last time I wrote was like, last year! That rocks!! I didnīt end up doing that paper, cause Iīm too lazy. Actually, I hoped that the teacher would be lazier than me, and shorten the paper, so technically, I WASNīT being lazy, I was just trying to call my teacherīs bluff. Or something.
Oh! If there are any Naruto fans out there, Read my story on www.fanfiction.net! My penname is FootLeeismysexysensei, and the story title is "Tri-naruto-bebop-emblem" I just want people to read my story and review it..... (wipes a tear from her eye)
Anyway, I should probably stop now, lest my host mother gets mad at me!!
thanks again for visiting!!!

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