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myOtaku.com: Beboppin

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

FallenBebop (09/23/04)

Hey! Nice site you got here! Come by my site if you have time!

Bebopfan515 (09/23/04)

Hello fellow bebop fan cool naruto pick it just scares me to see a deadly ninja have a big head, but oh well sign my guestbook.

Josushi-chan (09/03/04)

Hehe! Heya Jo! How ya doin'! Bet you can't guess who this is. Geez. Anyway, HI! I added you to my friends list! ^_~

RitaKaiba26 (03/13/04)

Hi! I like your site! Anywayz,
I hope u don't mind that I added u as a friend! Come visit my site when u can! Also, I have some advice on computers. I'm good with them.
You can go to my site, click on e-mail, and send me an e-mail asking me what u need to know. Or you can just send me an e-mail at Animelover99@aol.com Good luck with your site!

rafa (02/14/04)

hi come check my place

vashluver (01/24/04)

hey when i started for at least 2 weeks my site was really boring dont worry youll have a kool site and some cool pics dont dicourage youself keep at it im going to friend u hope u can do the same later:p

mitsurugi101 (01/06/04)

hey, don't discourage yourself, I'm sure your a talented artist, I'm going to add you as a friend so when you post some pics I can see 'em, until next time.

Ash (12/24/03)

well im the first to sigh your guest book, lol, i hope to soee some of your art soon, l8rs