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Monday, June 11, 2007

New shirts. :3


EDIT: Ripway was being a turd and wouldn't load the image, which is probably why some of you might have seen a blank post earlier. :/

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

I would participate in the Haruhi dance challenge only if I could dance like these Malay guys:


In other news, THE BOOKCASE OF YAMAPI. *worships*

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

International picspam!
1) Apparently, Germany has effeminate pretty boys too. Haha, the things you inadvertently learn through K-Pop.

2) New K-Pop group called F.T. Island. WTF they're all the same age as me. D:

3) Best semi-erotic, underage Akanishi Jin pics EVER.

4) And last but not least...


Clearly DBSK and I were meant to be. <3


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Thursday, June 7, 2007

I make gifs instead of studying for Finals. :D
Time to test out LJ's gif hosting capacity. :D

DBSK music videos are the best things EVER. And they're a nice break from the hilariously bad choreography that is JE.

A random gif of Changmin because asdadsadasHISFACE. Way too pretty to be only nineteen.

EDIT: OH. And a friend of mine is leaving school early and heading off to Japan next week. And she says she'll try to buy me things from the JE shop in Harajuku! ^____________^

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

1) So it seems that I am officially taking Korean next year. My counselor was a lot less OH NOES!1!!1 about me dropping Science than I expected him to be.

2) I am in love with this friending meme. I now have people with whom I can share my delusional fantasies about DBSK and KAT-TUN overcoming the language barrier and becoming BFF. Fandom is a beautiful thing.

3) I just shelled out $25 on a set of pictures of Kamenashi Kazuya:

...And I don't even LIKE the man that much; I just think he's pretty. Although on the upside, the birthday of a friend of mine recently passed, and I figure the better pics will make for a decent b-day gift, since she seems to like Kame more than me anyway. XD;;;

4) I started a conversation about J-dramas with my Japanese penpal. WE ARE WATCHING THE SAME SHOWS. And she is also prettier than me. *JELUZ* D:


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Sunday, June 3, 2007

Taking a break from the regularly scheduled fangirling to plead for school-related advice:

After dwelling over this for the past few months, I've decided that when I head off for college, I'll probably focus my studies on East Asian Studies and Foreign Affairs rather than anything writing-related. So basically, I need to start taking Japanese class more seriously, and I should also start learning other Asian languages too.

Since I'm a Dong Bang fanatic at the moment, I figure I may as well start with Korean. But my problem is, I can't take Korean I next year unless I drop a class. I'm taking two Art classes, so my problem should be solved right there. But what I truly want to drop is my Science class for two reasons:

1) What I really wanted to take was Human Anatomy, but that class got dropped because of lack of funding or whatever, so I'm stuck taking a Science class that I have zero interest in.
2) Worse yet, the teacher of said class is someone who I have a bad personal history with. I've avoided him like the plague all year; I would hate to have to take another class with him as the teacher.

But I know that it looks "bad" to have three Science credits instead of the recommended four.

So my question is, should I take that Science class to pretty up my course selection for the colleges, or should I take Korean, which looks less good on record but will probably end up benefitting me more in the future?

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Friday, June 1, 2007

DBSK is speshul and Jae is a total housewife:


Quoting Wolfie here because I honestly can't explain it any better: my love for DBSK is "SO HAPPY and SO MASSIVE I feel like one day it's going to claw out of my face and leech onto random strangers." (She was talking about an entirely different group here, but it TOTALLY still applies!) And it's not just JaeJoong, even though he's the only one I talk about on here; all of the boys are so amazingly, spectacularly dorky and adorable and GUH. <3

^Sums up this whole post, I think. *o*

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Monday, May 28, 2007

KAT-TUN's new Yorokobi no Uta PV is one hawt piece of video. It's definitely their best single since Real Face. Then there's the teensy, insignificant little fact that JIN IS BACK FROM AMERICA! JIIIIIIIIN!

KAT-TUN was just not cool without him.

EDIT: LOL @ the preview pic. Ueda kind of looks like TM Revolution there. XD

....JIN. *o*

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Uhljjang. One of the first Korean words I learned, and it basically means "a famous camwhore." <3

Taken from this blog:

Have you ever seen asian webcam photos with the words haduri in the corner? It’s actually a korean kind of image hosting deal where a lot of koreans/asians host their photos for their “Cyworld” pages (a Korean myspace). So a lot of these asians take glamour shots with slick clothes/hats/lighting/blurry/animated/posed pictures.

Those whose pictures are well known (through posting or contests) are called uhlzzang or uhljjang. Uhljjang is an abbreviation of “uhl-gul-jjang”. It’s slang for “best face” or “the prettiest face”.

Unsurprisingly, before becoming famous, JaeJoong was an uhljjang himself.

...Old habits die hard. Thank GOD. XD


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Friday, May 25, 2007

The rest HERE.

I should've known that if anything was going to make me a fan of fluffy, real people slash pairings, it would be DBSK. *facepalm*

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