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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Nodame Cantabile
Any show that contains such classic lines as, "You trampled on my harem!" is definitely a keeper.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
El Laberinto del Fauno
I saw the movie poster for this in the theater where I watched Borat, and committed the film's name to memory just because of how gorgeous it looked. From what I've gathered, this film is part fantasy, part horror, and part historical. It takes place during Spain of 1944 and apparently the protagonist's journey through the labyrinth parallels real world events at the time. In any case, it looks absolutely, hauntingly gorgeous. If it lives up to my expectations, it could very well end up being my favorite film of the year.
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
You know your life's a sitcom when your mother attempts to flush a bathtub strainer down the toilet.
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Saturday, November 11, 2006
I'm dying to know, what in the world is this video?
Obviously it has something to do with Initial D, though it doesn't seem directly connected to the anime. I thought it might have been from the live-action movie, but that wasn't made in Japan. So now I'm left scratching my head wondering who the Japanese boys with nice hair are.
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Friday, November 10, 2006
I want to see Borat. Most of my friends have seen it, and I want to be cool like them! :(
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
In Journalism, I weaseled my way out of writing a Sports article in exchange for an article on the releases of the PS3 & the Wii. Now I have a school-related excuse for checking out the PS3 kiosks when they appear. (AND THE DMC4 DEMO ZOMG.)
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
Took more pictures of Remy:

Because it would be a lie to say that my entire house is covered with flower petals, here's how ugly my room really is:

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Thursday, November 2, 2006
major Lit geek post ahead
On writing alone, Journalism is probably the most technical of my three English classes. I doubt very many people are anal enough to notice it, but I've progressively stopped writing embarassingly long run-on sentences.
AP Lit is surprisingly well-rounded. It isn't all SYMBOLISM SYMBOLISM like I thought it would be; a good portion of the curriculum is devoted to vocabulary, literature terms, proper essay writing, etc. Though the biggest difference between American Lit and AP Lit is the fact that you can't BS your way towards an A during class discussions. ("This ellipse marks Laura's indecision of whether or not to accept Jim's offer of friendship.")
One of the most notable differences in curriculum between AP Lit and Creative Writing is the reading material. In Creative Writing, we spend much of class time reading contemporary short stories and works, whereas in AP Lit we read... Doctor Faustus. Admittedly the works of Toni Morrison are far more readable for me than Marlowe or Shakespeare, though in the end I know the latter will end up being more valuable.
To end this on an entirely random note, here's a translation of a conversation I had today in Japanese:
Me: Yan-san, have you seen a UFO before?
A: Yes.
Me: How was it?
A: It was very good.
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Sunday, October 29, 2006
Okay, so I DID find the computer cord for my camera...

Here's a blurry, random shot I took of Rem staring at his hands:

And yes, he's a he no matter how much my relatives try to convince me otherwise.
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Remy finally has hair. I'd take a picture of him if I could find the computer cord for my camera, but... well, it just isn't happening.
It basically looks like this:

Except a darker color brown, a little less messy, and Remy's face mold is much prettier. :P
EDIT: Also, I will be very busy during the next couple days, which pretty much eradicates any opportunity I have to enter that Halloween short story contest Adam is holding. So to those of you who can enter, go win it for me. :)
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