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Koreatown, Chicago (seriously)
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recently promoted to Ultimate Fangirl :3
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To become mature enough to accomplish something in my life.
Dolls, photography, films, music, and anything even remotely artsy.
Writing, occasionally being very creative, and thinking I'm funny.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
It's ironic that the day after I write my RE-centric post, I go to the nearby Blockbuster after running a couple errands, wander into the video game section, and see RE4 available to rent. Naturally, I launched myself at it. (Still planning to buy it, however.)
Here's me playing the game during the first hour or so...
Leon: *stalk stalk hears a strange sound stalk*
*creepy music sets in*
*aims gun*
Ganados: *random Spanish*
Leon: *still aiming*
Creepy Knife-Wielding Woman: *saunters over still yelling in Spanish*
Me: *shoots shoulder, shoots air, shoots shoulder* RELOAD RELOAD
Leon: *reloads, gets axed from behind*
Leon: *limps away with the amazing speed of an arthritic old man, turns around*
Me: *shoots head, shoots air, shoots head, runs out of ammo* OH SHIT. *whips out knife, waves it around wildly!*
Creepy Woman: *throws an axe at Leon's head*
Leon: *dies*
Me: ****! *throws controller at TV screen*
...In other words, it's going GREAT!!! Seriously though, that first big mob alone killed me a few times, mostly because I had problems properly pulling off headshots and ran out of ammo too quickly. And I kept getting attacked from behind. I eventually backed up against a wall and shot the bastards from there.
AND I RELOAD AT THE DUMBEST TIMES. *bursts into tears*
...Anyway, as for diabolo, I pretty much mastered spinning during the first night of practicing with it, though I'm still working on tossing and catching. I actually got my mother to to play with it, and now she can't get enough of the thing. :3
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
Prepare yourself for... a Resident Evil-themed post! *dun dun dun*
A few days ago, I found a fun little thread asking people to post their 10-step plan of action in the case of a zombie attack. I actually spent a good half-hour thinking of mine. *loser*
1. Immediately gather possible weapons laying around my house. (Kitchen knives, baseball bats, etc.)
2. Also gather all the money I currently have on-hand.
3. Consult my closest neighbors and form a small group.
4. Think of an escape plan, making sure to always stay in open, uncrowded areas.
5. Make our way to the nearest weapons store, always staying together, and buy as many handguns and ammo possible without it weighing us down.
6. Try to make our way through the city, making sure to avoid detection as much as possible.
7. Steal a car once we get to less-crowded areas, stock up on fuel, and take turns driving. If zombies try to attack the car, the other passengers will fend them off with their long-range weapons. (Or short-range weapons if it comes down to it.)
8. Find a road map of the country, and plan a driving route, always staying on open roads.
9. If we need to restock on anything or rest, we'll find a small town, and go into the town as a group. (And yes, we'll steal if we have to.)
10. Continue traveling, hoping that everything goes back to normal soon.
So if you ever find yourself in the middle of a nationwide zombie attack, you know what to do. :3
Also, this is a disturbingly amusing little AMV for Resident Evil 4. (Yay for AMVs not related to Square games!) I actually recommended this over to the Otaku Attraction despite it being... well, you'll see.
Title: Source Ignited
Creator: Ray Pinot
Music: System of a Down - The Viscinity of Obscenity
On that note, I'm demanding my relatives get me the PC version (or the PS2 version if the PC version ends up sucking for some reason) of RE4 for Christmas. Wish me luck. :)
EDIT: Just so you all know that RE4 isn't only about explosions and panty shots, here's a much more serious AMV:
Title: Die Another Day
Creator: Castor Try
Music: Madonna - Die Another Day (Madonna and RE. Who would've thought?)
Download Link
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
I just bought my very own diabolo (and a bag):

About a week ago, I got an e-mail from Cirque du Soleil saying they would have a sale on all their merchandise the coming Saturday. So early this afternoon, I headed back to the United Center and bought the two above items. They had some really cool stuff there, even attachable angels wings, but even with the sale, everything was really expensive; both the diabolo and bag cost the same ~ $26+. And the angel wings probably cost over $100.
I've practiced a bit with the diabolo, and I've managed to make it spin properly a couple times, though I still have turning and tilting problems. It's going to take forever to start doing actual tricks. :(
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Friday, August 11, 2006
It's funny when I go on a GameFAQs messageboard, make an off-hand reference to being a female, and immediately have three guys hit on me. And one of them asks if I'm hot.
Oh, you silly gamers you.
EDIT: Oh, and read my article. XD
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
I'm currently eating this:

Who can guess what it is? :O
Funny thing happened today; I went to the art center where I take my pottery classes outside of class hours in order to finish a couple pots, then went to the first floor cafe to order some really good quiche. Then my school guidance counselor suddenly appeared while I waited for my order, and apparently he's taking pottery classes too. Weeeeeeeeeiiiird.
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Monday, August 7, 2006
BJD SHOWCASE. (In other words, very pretty BJDs I found over at Den of Angels. Only Cerberus Project & DollShe dolls in this post.)
CP Dolls -- Name [Model]:
Gabriel [Yder], Dorian [El], Haru [El]

DollShe Dolls:
Heat [Hound], Grimm [Hound], Sigil [Saint], Damian [Saint]

DollShe dolls are so pretty. I'm thinking of eventually getting a DS Husky, though that obviously won't happen anytime soon.
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
I leave for two days, and while I'm gone...
Japanese rock legend Yoshiki announced he will start a band with J-Pop star Gackt.
^(O.O)^ <-- spells BIZARRE.
Anyway, really big fandom dump ahead:
Also, a couple photoshopped, non-fanfic-related icons:

And a couple Japanese songs I've had on repeat for the past two or so weeks:
Asian Kung-Fu Generation - ?????? (In other words, a Japanese title my retarded computer can't read.)
Spitz - Honoho
I've never been a huge fan of Haruka Kanata, unlike a couple Naruto freak friends of mine, but I've liked every single other AKFG song I've heard, the above song probably being my favorite.
The second song is by far the best insert song of H&C II thus far. It's actually a lot heavier than just about all other H&C insert songs, but because of that, it fit the climactic scene of episode 4 perfectly.
And lastly, a Samurai Champloo AMV.
Title: The Path of Least Resistance
Creator: breeman
Song: Crystal Method - Born Too Slow
Download Link
Going by the dates written on that last screen, production for this AMV began right after Champloo's first episode aired in Japan, which explains why the footage used is only from the first few episodes. It's pretty impressive considering.
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Two things:
First, Ted the Caver, the (largely believed to be) fictional diary of a man's paranormal experiences in a local cave. Fictional or not, it's still pretty damn freaky. It takes a long time for the "good parts" to happen, but the build-up is brilliant. (If you want to know a real-life cave horror story, read this article.)
I actually first stumbled upon this a couple years ago, but I recently re-read it after hearing of the soon-to-be-released (in America, anyway) horror film, The Descent. I've heard that it's genuinely scary, so part of me wants to watch it, but the rest of me just wants to run away screaming.
Second, I'm having some difficulty choosing Remy's wig. I've narrowed it down to these two:

I'm currently leaning towards the second wig, but I'm still definitely considering the first one. Someone help me. ;_;
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Monday, July 31, 2006

Love Hina vol. 1
His and Her Circumstances vol. 3
Texhnolyze vol. 1
Endless Waltz
And all for $5 through $10 each! Go buy them! Go go go!
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
I spent three hours last night making a crackpot clay stool for Remy (my BJD). He's going to look so cute sitting on it. XD
Anyway, a user at the LJ Ouran community was kind enough to put a few character image songs up for download at her journal. Hunny, Mori, and Tamaki's songs are the only ones currently available, though.
EDIT: Apparently, Tamaki's seiyuu was in the PoT musicals? That's amusing. No wonder his singing voice is so dreamy-sounding. XD
Title: A Bleach AMV Not Like Others
Creator: shaft 2.0
Song: Flow - Rising Dragon
Download Link
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