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Koreatown, Chicago (seriously)
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To become mature enough to accomplish something in my life.
Dolls, photography, films, music, and anything even remotely artsy.
Writing, occasionally being very creative, and thinking I'm funny.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Le Chevalier D'Eon & The Doll Meetup
Part I: Le Chevalier D'Eon
Saw the first episode on On Demand and it IS really good. Honestly, I could watch the series for the animation alone, especially those fight scenes. I'd go so far as to say that the fights are Samurai Champloo-quality; well-animated and well-choreographed.
The series is rather fast-paced, which is kind of unusual for a historical drama (albeit one with mutant gargoyle things).
The use of narration (and reflection through narration) stuck out to me as well. I always thought that voice-over narration was more of a Western storytelling device; the only sort of narration in anime I can immediately call to mind involve flashback and recap episodes and the like, not entire series.
And the music! The music is gorgeous. In fact, I'll let it speak for itself. Check out the ending theme, which I now have posted on my profile. It's a beautiful song despite the slight Engrish, and I've had it on repeat the entire day.
I'll end this part of the post with a "dare" of sorts: if you liked the song, then do all that you can to watch the first episode. :)
Part II: The Doll Meetup (LOTS of images ahead, so prepare yourself.)
I was excited for the meeting throughout the whole day, though I started to feel nervous while driving over to Mitsuwa. I'm still really new to the BJD community, and I didn't know a single person coming to the meet. I couldn't even bring along a friend because everything was done so last-minute. This was also the first time I was bringing Rem out in public, and I've heard plenty of BJD horror stories about all the insults and other rude things done to doll owners by complete strangers. Thankfully though, no one paid Remy and I any mind as I walked through the store.
I didn't talk that much when I first arrived at the meeting area; I mostly just took pics of the other dolls. I was actually sort of scared off by the fact that almost everyone there was quite a bit older than me! Admittedly, I was half-expecting it, and this certainly wasn't the first time I've been put in this situation, but it still made me nervous. It wasn't until I grabbed some sushi to eat along with a couple other owners that I finally started talking.
And they were all very nice! I could tell that most people there knew a lot more about BJDs and dolls in general than I did, but everyone was friendly and very helpful whenever I asked questions.
Anyway, enough of the text--onto the pictures! I didn't want to overload everyone with pics, so I chose only a handful of them.
(First, in case anyone from the meet somehow stumbles onto this page, I apologize for posting these pics uncredited. I was stupid and forgot everybody's names. >_<)
To start, a pic of the dolly table:
The Bermann!
Bermanns are very rare and very pretty dolls. I feel really lucky to have gotten the chance to see one in person at my very first meetup.
I really like these three next dolls, although the resizing made the doll on the right have a more pained expression than how it actually looked!
I particularly like the one in the middle. He was a real eye-catcher even in the midst of all these other dolls.
I thought these two made a cute couple:
The guitar dude!
I asked the other owners about the guitar, and was told that they are very rare, practically limited edition. Which sucks because they're really well-made; I would have seriously considered getting one if they weren't so hard to come by.
Lastly, Rem and his long lost cousin:
Although it was awkward at some parts, I really had a lot of fun. I got some good tips from the owner of the above El doll (the "long lost cousin") on how to make Rem pose easier. I also got a lot of compliments on Rem, and a lot of people took his picture. There were many passersby throughout the meet, and a couple of little girls once came by to admire all of the dolls. ^___^
(I also bought a bunch of candies on my way out of the store, including these really cool lollipops that contain ramune soda candy AND a stick of gum.)
Now I really can't wait for the inevitable doll meets at ACen!
EDIT: More (and much more interesting) photos from the event taken by another owner.
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