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Koreatown, Chicago (seriously)
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To become mature enough to accomplish something in my life.
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Friday, May 18, 2007
ACen Con Report Part 3
Gothic & Lolita Fashion Show:
My sister dropped me off at almost exactly 10:00AM, and I immediately headed off for the Fashion Show panel. The line was HUGE. It easily extended out from the hallway and into the main lobby area. The panel started about half an hour late, mainly because of problems fitting everyone into the room.
I took a seat far off to the right side of the room, which turned out to be a huge inconvenience; the models walked through the aisle in the center of the audience, which was a long distance from where I was sitting. Luckily I spotted one of my classmates (the one I had bumped into right before the Masquerade, and who I will now refer to as Ona) sitting right next to the aisle, so I just snuck up behind her seat and took my pictures from there.

Click here to see the rest.
I learned a lot about the many, many, many subcategories of lolita/gothic clothing, my favorite being the Gothic Pirate subcategory. When the male models started walking past, Ona turned to me in amazement and said, "You can make guys do this too?" XD
The panel ended at about 11:30, at which time I decided to head to the Exhibition Hall to blow off some time before the High and Mighty Color autograph signing.
Exhibition Hall:
I somehow ran into Ona again on my way to the Dealer's Room, and the two of us just sort wandered around for an hour. We occasionally ran into some of Ona's friends throughout, and apparently a couple of them ended up sleeping over at the hotel--without an actual hotel room. One of them even fell asleep on the roof. XD
Eventually, Ona and I ended up losing each other in the chaos that is the Dealer's Room, so for the rest of the time, I headed for the High and Mighty Color booth to get some official merchandise for the signing. Here I made my last purchase, HandMC's G8VER CD.
High and Mighty Color Autograph Signing:
I arrived a little after the signing officially started, and the line was about as long as the one for the fashion show. I waited in line for over half an hour before I got inside the room where the signing was taking place.
Here I had another THANK GOD FOR REMY moment. At first the signing was pretty typical, until I reached their aforementioned adorable drummer. He was the first one to take notice Rem, and apparently he thought he was amazing or something, as he kept pointing at him and grinning and saying, "Ikite mitai!" At this point, Maakii took notice of Rem as well and said that he was "sugoi." After signing my CD, she took another look at Rem, and then patted his head! ^_____^
After getting our merchandise signed, we were allowed to take pictures of the band from a distance. My camera is terrible when it comes to long-distance shots, so I quickly gave up on attempting to take a decent pic of them.
Nevertheless, I was in a daze after this event, one that lasted for the last hour or so that I spent just wandering around the con.
Leaving the Hotel:
At a little after three, I went to the front of the hotel to wait for my sister to pick me up, and who just happened to be outside but three members of HandMC. (Sadly, the drummer was not present.) One of the guitarists acknowledged me and stared at Rem for a long time, while I just pretended to not notice.
Only after they started posing for pictures with a couple other congoers did I realize that, duh, this would be the perfect opportunity to take a close-up shot of the group.

A few minutes after taking this shot, the band hopped into a van, presumably heading off to O'Hare. And a few minutes after that, my sister arrived and I left the convention for good.
Overall, this was probably the most memorable convention I've went to so far (Otakon perhaps being the exception), if not just for the amount of times that I got really lucky. There were plenty of times, particularly on Saturday, when I felt like things were going terribly wrong, but I'm glad that everything worked out so well in the end. :)
Just to end this on a lively note, here's a gummy pr0n pic taken by stepbackwards on her way to the con:

ACEN 2007 Con Report: END
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