Birthday • 1990-05-20 Gender •
Female Location • Koreatown, Chicago (seriously) Member Since • 2005-10-16 Occupation • recently promoted to Ultimate Fangirl :3 Real Name • H.L.
Goals • To become mature enough to accomplish something in my life. Hobbies • Dolls, photography, films, music, and anything even remotely artsy. Talents • Writing, occasionally being very creative, and thinking I'm funny. bellpickle
Friday, September 7, 2007
My past fandom.
I really, really like L'Arc~en~Ciel's new single. It's just so them in a way many songs on SMILE definitely were not. I think it reminds me of why I got so crazy over them in the first place--because I never did understand whatever the hell it was they were trying to do with their SMILE singles nor Hyde's preference for penning mediocre English lyrics over his much more meaningful Japanese.
I can understand why Hyde killed off his prior "prettyboy" image now that he's getting too old for it, but part of me wishes he hadn't. He's so extraordinary looking; even at the height of my JE fangirling, I distinctly remember thinking to myself that no one in all of JE is even close to being as flat-out pretty as Hyde was in his prime. (Although I find it highly amusing that he was recently voted #2 on a Japanese poll asking, "Which male celebrity would you most like to marry?" beating out hordes of JE boys in the process, despite being "old" and married.)
I think what I really want to say is, despite what ever flaws they had and might still have, I want to start liking Laruku again. I've never re-entered a fandom after effectively leaving it, but if I'm ever going to start, I think it's best to start with this fandom.
...Now to get away from current fandoms long enough to revisit old ones.