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myOtaku.com: bellpickle

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Before I go onto today's featured anime, I'm going to tell you all about a little manga I recently bought called Godchild. In a nutshell, IT IS AWESOME. More specifically, Cain is awesome. Man, if only Setsuna from Angel Sanctuary had been more like him.

Today's Anime: Black Lagoon

Simply put, this series is made out of cool. I imagine this is how Cowboy Bebop might have turned out if instead of jazz, the entire mood of the series was based off of heavy metal. Loud, angry heavy metal.

When Levy, the chick in the first and second pic below, first opens her mouth, I immediately knew that I would like the series. Gleeful, gunslinging violence abounds, and the characters swear more than I do. In other words, my kind of anime.

But it's certainly not mindless. There's a lot of interesting themes and issues brought up in the dialogue, especially concering Levy and Rock's constant clash in views and worlds--Levy being the murdering, corpse-pillaging thief and Rock being the middle-class, moralistic businessman turned pirate.

Another note if interest is the opening theme song, which features totally incomprehensible Engrish lyrics. I managed to track down the official lyrics of the song, however:

I have a big gun
I took it from my Lord
Sick with Justice
I just wanna feel you

I’m your angel
Only a ring away
You make me violate you
No matter who you are

It’s all up to you
No one lives forever

Been burn in the hell
By all those pigs out there

It’s always been hell
From when I was born

They make me violate them
No matter who they are

Get down on your knees
Get a good head on your shoulders
If it’s for your guys
Go to the end of the earth
Do what you think
Give it with dedication
I’ll put out your misery

You made a mess
For Christ sake, this rotten world
Shit out of luck
Go with my vision
Light up the fire
Right on the power
Weapon… I have it all

It's especially amusing if you compare it to Fasteriskhead's written-by-ear interpretation of the lyrics.

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