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myOtaku.com: bellpickle

Saturday, September 9, 2006

you know your life sucks when you find yourself stuck on the back of a giant sea creature.
Ashley: When we get back to my place, do you want to do a little... overtime?
Me: o_________O

In other words, I finished RE4 at around 26 hours, 34 deaths, over 300 kills, and a 70+% accuracy rating. Not bad, I think, considering it was my first time playing through a shooter that didn't involve an auto target-lock. :3

It's hard to choose a favorite part because there's so many unique sections. I'd say the Krauser fight (the one where he's chasing you around) was definitely a highlight, as was the Del Lago fight, and playing as Ashley. A LOT of parts in the castle were cool, particularly the hedge maze, the hellfire stage, and encountering Verdugo (who kicks U3's ass in scariness).

And Oven Man was pretty damn cool.

Anyway, I found this video a little while back. It's part of a series of popular RE4 machinimas. Basically, they take game footage and dub over them with their own voices. In fact, some of the subject titles of my last few posts actually came from these parodies.

...And it has Wesker in it! XD

(Warning: Lots and lots of swearing, if the little disclaimer in the beginning isn't evidence enough.)

(God, I've become such a YouTube whore.)

EDIT: Oh, and a little conversation I had with my mom after beating the game.

Leon: *hits on Hunnigan*
Mom: If I was him, I'd rather take Ashley.
Me: Mom, Ashley's around 19, and Leon is, like, 30!
Mom: So? She's still prettier, and that's what men care about. (Hahaha.)
Me: So I think he'd end up choosing Ada. She's ALL woman.

EDIT #2: Now this is just awesome.


Wow, Krauser wasn't NEARLY that aggressive when I fought against him. He was actually kind of a pansy during that last fight. I just kept shooting him in the leg and he eventually died. XD

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