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myOtaku.com: BelovedLoveless

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

hip hop bunny (12/08/07)

hi i'm new and i need friend^^
first i think you need to know alittle about me^^
i'm 14
8th grade
love to write
live in southeast US
and am a good lisstener
did i mention i can't spell?
i love loveless and my chemical romance!

i.luv.kiba (08/20/07)

*le-gasp!* i LOVE Loveless!!! i've been a fan of it ever since my friend WavesChan let me borrow her books...which was um...last week X3

Yoji and Natsuo are my fave they're so awesome (the female Zero team scares me o-O )
oh you do fanart? i'll be sure to go check it out ^-^

!Japan's Next Chibi Artist!
~Colleen the Great~X_X

Loverly TopHat (05/27/07)

Wooo~!! Guest book signing-ism ROCKS!!!! XD

girl in the dark (04/29/07)

i love loveless too!!! though i've only read #1 fo the manga i still love it!!! okay bye^_^
♥ girl ♥

caosgoth (04/22/07)

oh hi there! thanx for adding me... um you have SO funny fan art... XD nice ideas come from you, specialy that gaara pic!! ill add ya too ^-^ ok? byz!!

Akatsuki Elite Member: Ichati

kakashi fan girl (04/22/07)

well i'll be your first friend on here k and don't worry you won't cuz me trouble