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myOtaku.com: benakittie

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 07/13/05:
*Coos* ^_^ I really do hope I meet and find him!!

What type of anime character will you marry? (For girls only)
by kittenz_3000
Enter your name:
What's your favourite dinner?
What will your Groom's name be?Rocky - A smooth talking American, talk your way out of anything!
Where will you meet him?At a concert, you and him luuuuuurve music!
Where do you get married?On a beach! Not too expensive and you can watch the sunset!
What house will you have?A sweet little cottage! Nature is your best friend!
How many kids will you have? (woo!)2, maybe twins, maybe an older sibling and a younger, just right for you!
Manga, Anime and Manga Wallpapers, Anime Girls, and Anime Music Videos at Anime Cubed!
What do you look like in your anime game?*Girlz only*
by PsychoChick

You are !
You are !
Manga Pictures, Cool Anime Wallpaper, Hot Anime Girl Pictures, and Anime Music Videos at Anime Cubed!

Result Posted on 07/13/05:
whoa, haven't seen a shoe that gree before. *lol*

I'm a Green Converse All-Star

Unique and creative, the phrase 'marching to the beat of a different drummer' fully applies to you. You don't always follow the most conventional path, and you've been described as unorthodox more than once in your life. Still, while you have your critics and naysayers, those who truly stand back and observe can't help admiring your creativity. It's not always in art: in everything you do you add a creative flair, often going the long route to add an extra flash to your work. You're the Manu Ginobili, and while you add an extra flair, you don't do it to call attention to yourself - you do it for the sheer skill and art you see in adding your own special touch.

What color Converse All-Star are you?

Result Posted on 07/13/05:
^_^ What can I say?

Wow,you are a true moonie. I wonder if your
moonieness can even rival mine.....No matter,
you get recognition as a true moonie out there
in the world. And you probably know who all the
people in this picture are, plus more. Goooodd
for you. ^^

Are you a Sailor Moon Moonie? *hard quiz* (Mostly Manga)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 07/07/05:
This is me! ^_^

Basic Survey [ 87 questions]

Created by PinkEtnies and taken 25758 times on bzoink!

** basics **
Name:I'll go by benakittie, my friends know who I am
Location:Bakersfield, CA
Birthplace:Bakersfield, CA in a birth center not hospital.
Birthday:July 24, 1987
Sign:Leo *roar*
Righty or Lefty:Righty
** your looks **
Height:4 ''9 and 3/4 with my shoes on
Weight:Always ranges fromm 100 - 110, it's constantly changing
Shoe size:4 for comfy, but usually 5 1/2, but a 6 in sandles
Hair Color:originally black, but dyed it several times so know black with patches/light highlight of light brown
Hair Length:longest point goes a little past my shoulders, growing it out
Eye Color:brown
Size:what? well in dresses I fit best in a 6, NOT TELLING ANYMORE THAN THAT!!
Glasses:yes, they have the top frame, but no bottom. Kinda modern ^_^
Braces:nope haven't had any
Piercings:hm,...wanted to get some on my ears
Tattoos:does the cheap 25 cent ones count?
** fashion **
Where do you shop:EVERYWHERE!! ^_^
What do you usually wear:In the summer spaghetti top with baggy comfortable pants. Winter nice long sleeve with black pants and my trenchcoat.
What kind of shoes do you wear:I like nice boot styles for winter, summer no shoes at all
Do you wear a watch:nope, I catch read time unless its digital. *sweatdrop*
Color you never wear:Hm...lavender and that icky green together!! BLASPHEMY!!
Color you wear at least once a week:Hm, a tanktop
Something you wear everyday:pants
Do you wear make up everyday:I wouldn't say EVERY day, but some eyeliner, masquera, light pink or purple eye shadow, and lipgloss or chapstick
Make up essential:eye liner and lip gloss
Most cherished piece of clothing:My Marching Band Shirts
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing:A leather dominatrix outfit!!*Chocolate's sorcerer hunters outfit from manga!!*
Do you wear belts:sometimes
Do you wear hats:baseball caps for me, but I want a black boston type of hat. *sigh*
How many pairs of shoes do you have:At most I think at least four
** music **
Favorite kind of music:Classical mixed with techno, JPop, anything tachno mainly asian or russian, Jazz, regular classical, modern rock, lots of music...
Least Favorite:That chessy rap with no beat and talks a lot about sex! Ew...
How many CD's do you have:possibly more than 100
Last CD you bought:Kare Kono Soundtrack Act 1.0
Whats in your CD player right now:Hm, my mix CD track of Anime Soundtracks
Do you download music:yes, sometimes, not recently
** Favorites **
Color:any dark shades of blues, greens, purples or reds
Number:7!! ^_^
Season:Fall and Summer
Ice cream:YES!! Chocolate Chip
Website:My Otaku site
Quote:"I won't worry about life" and "Live Life"
Store:Borders and Eastern Reflections, I could spend hours in there!! ^_^
Band:Fresno State Marching Band is pretty awesome, but so are the Blue Devils
Singer:I like Joss Stone and others, but I know their songs not who sings it. *sweatdrop*
Group:Savage Garden
Song:Hm...so many..."Remedy" off the top of my head and "Magic all around you " by Savage Garden, Oh! "
Movie:"Who Am I?" starring Jackie Chan!! MAN THAT MOVIE ROXS!!
Actor:Jackie Chan!! Antonio Banderas, Vigo, Hm...I know the rest by roles they play in movies *sweatdrop*
Actress:eh, does Jessica Simpson count now?
Kind of movies:Hm, Action, Scifi, Adventure or Comedy/Romance
Place to be:By the beach ^_^
Time of day:Hm, the mornings bright and early
Clothing Brand:hm, I just get what looks good, don't care much about what brand it is.
Animal:I love the Alaskian dogs, or the black and white wolves with blue eyes
Food:Chinese and Mexican
Holiday:Hm, I think it's a tie between Christmas and New Years
Shape:I like odd shapes
Restaraunt:La Colonia and Rice Bowl
Fast food place:SONIC!!
Boy's name:Nicademus
Girl's name:Patience
Month:January and July ^_^
Candy:AHHH!!! *Head explodes*
** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference:hm...guys
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:hm...boyfriend, I guess
Crush:too many to count
Do you believe in love at first sight:yes and no
What do you look for in a guy/girl:honesty, openess, the usual
Best physical feature:eyes
Best hair color:black or brown
Best eye color:blue
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails:yeah, a lot when they're long
What color is your tooth brush:bright orange!!
What's on your desktop:currently Utena
Do you like roller coasters:not really
Do you do drugs:nope
Are you a virgin:>_> <_<
Do you have any pets:not currently, *sweatdrop* they tend to die easily...
What time do you go to sleep:whenever and where ever I pass out. *lol*

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

Result Posted on 07/07/05:
Don't know her but I know Puni Puni is a rather hentai show!! Still funny and crazy though.lol

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Puni Puni Poemy Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 07/07/05:
I really liked this character, happy that I got the result on the first try. ^_^

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Anime Clover Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 07/06/05:
I really like her clothes, but her pants are really poofy! *lol* ^_^

Your Hidden Power Is Fire

You have a strong and courageou soul. You show
no fear when it comes to protecting the ones
you love. You know when choosing between right
and wrong. You also are quite the rebel.

Gem Stone:Ruby, Eye
Red,Hair Color:Red with Blonde
streaks that is just below your arm pits pulled
back into a pony tail.

Quote:If you're lost I'll keep you warm
and if your low just hold on..cause I will be
your safety.....don't leave home.....

What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 07/04/05:
wow...I've never flet so flattered

Dream, the third of The Endless, you are in charge of the Dreaming, all imagination and creativity, everyone knows your beautiful realm, but none truly understand it. You are dark and%2
Dream, the third of The Endless, you are in charge
of the Dreaming, all imagination and
creativity, everyone knows your beautiful
realm, but none truly understand it. You are
dark and brooding, creative, and spend a lot of
time by yourself, just thinking. You are almost
as serious as Destiny, but not quite. Everyone
is enchanted by you, but you keep them all at a
distance, even when you shouldn't.

Which Endless are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 07/04/05:
um, yeah...

Result Posted on 07/04/05:
I really want to be a sorcerer!! *pouts* Stupid reality...

Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's
beauty and just the life that no-one else sees.
Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't
mean you're not friendly!

Please rate ^^

What kind of dark person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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