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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Disappear into the eyes of infinity and hide through the mirrors of eternity as you speak in oblivion. Run from your past and try not to miss her endless bliss that she gave to you with one kiss. Dive from fate, ask yourself why is it life that you hate. Speak a promise into ten broken ears and call her your love as you stare at twelve black doves that have been casted down from above. Empty you soul, realize she has taken control and she will never let you go. -12515-
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I think love is Nothing
I guess it is over for real and I need to forget all that has happened. I don't know what to do. All that has happened in the last five months has been because of her. Good and the bad but I really don't care about that all I wanted was to be with her. Everyone thinks it is insane to feel the way I do about her but it is true I love her. But I guess it just wasn't meant to be cause she has stopped trying to contact me. Two months can change alot of things and maybe she doesn't want to wait. I don't really think any of you care about my situation but It helps me to write about it. Leave a comment if you want and if you don't it's ok. -12515-
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Twisted life for her I will fight and survive this emptiness inside. Angels die through their only way of life. Twisted inside they hold my sinful demise. See the sun set at the end of oblivion as you see a glimpse of your future. kiss the lips of death, taste the bitter sweet taste of the triple six. Know you deepest dream, hold back your loudest scream. Is torment worth the life you wanted and had? Enter my nightmare.
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Remembering the feel, the taste of his first love. The one that was stolen from him. Watch him search to find the girl he loves, hear him cry cause she is gone. Never to return to this forsaken world. Walking in th pale moon light see him pick a fight with god. Try to prove to himself wrong as he keeps thinking it was his fault. Should have done things different, should have told her he loved her every time he saw her. Regrets keep his heart torn apart. He wants to die to take her place and let everyone see her beautifiul face once more.
She is the one he will forever adore.
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Suicide Ways
Empty the blood that no one loves.
Slit your wrists, try to understand why you're someone nobody will miss.
Taste the hate, feel it take you souls place.
Let it control you to your true fate,
Hear the screams of the past
Wanting to know why your pain will forever last.
Empty heart, tear youself apart
Search and find a better state of mind.
A better way to live life....
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Fucked up face, I'm filled with nothing but empty space, someone put me in my grave. I'll never fuckin' play the slave to your god. Love is tearing my mind apart as I see the girl I love hurt from all their lies. What the fuck is a matter with me? I should be on her side she is always on mine, what is with everyone fuckin' with my head. Wanna hear a secret? Know my past that hold me from our life. The closer I get the harder they fuckin' try to seperate us. Fucked up world, gonna let my heart know why it is I love her. In too deep my anger is at its peak. Think I'm the one thats weak? She is my girl, why can't I learn how to deal with all their lies?
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Death ride that takes me to my own demise. Win the prize of insanity as you break past reality into eternity. Dark cell what is your purpose? lonely night why do you bring me nothing but frights? Never ending mind torment from past regrets plague your sinful mind as you beg it to end. Tell yourself you're ok but knowing you're not is like taking a suicide trip to hell. Hear their cries, the terror you have seen never lets you sleep as you try to shed a tear wanting to pretend you didn't like it but deep down your inner demons tell you to love it. Do you?
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 What is Your Outlaw Star Personality Disorder? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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The light on the dark side of me I am pulled to her breath taking beauty as I try to understand what I have done to have see a piece of heaven. Kissed by the cold lips of death I know why I she loves me. Why she is the only one that will never leave my side. To see my future in her eyes everytime I look at her is like a dream come true. I've been such a pain, such a bother but she has stayed with me. When I was at the breaking point she calmed me down. When I was lost she showed me the way. A life without her is impossible.
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Snow falls like a white blanket that cover the pain of life that won't leave. I think she is right, trust is all I really got left. She trusts me so why can't I trust her? I know her, she is everything to me. I don't want to be like this anymore. I fell and she brought me back up. She has been with me through good and bad. I share a special connection with her. I am sorry babe for doubting you, I don't want to mess up what we have. I care to much for you to lose you. Gone is the past that hides so much from everyone, a new future calls for us as we move into it. Together forever and always. Love you.
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