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beyblade stadium with Kai Hiwatari
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Humm, getting my black huskey dog(Max) and my little grey kitten(Grey) to get along perfectly, and best beyblader in the local area
Anime Fan Since
Like I keep track, all I know is that I love anime
Favorite Anime
Beyblade and a lot more, but Beyblade is the big one.
To be the worlds best beyblader
Reading, drawing, playing sax, and beyblading
Beyblading, eating, sleeping
| BeybladeGirl13
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, January 17, 2005
I'm sleepy so this post will be short. I have signed guest books today and added friends. I'm going to make a club for Beyblade fans, WOOT! So I'm in the process of making badges to give to people who want to join and if anyone has experience in this then help would be great and we could be co-founders. *Nods off to sleep and starts to drool*
Some random person #1- Uh, should I wake her up?
Some random person #2- Not sure.*finds my secret stash of cookies* Oooo, lookie what I have found
#1- O, gemme some!
#2- Get your own!
Me- Don't mind if I do.*take cookies back* And you all thought I'd let them get away with that.
Good day to all, and if you plan on stealing my cookies then first you have to beat me at beyblading! Ha no one shall ever get my cookies! Byez ^.~
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Another boring day.
Humm, nothing to do. No home work, no chores, no anything really. Already watched a couple movies. Question: Can some one help me make a button? Well don't want to kill you of bordom so bye. ^.~
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
This post basicly has no point, just updating really. Hmm, not much to talk about. Oh, could some one please, please, please, please tell me if my midi is working for their computer? OK shows are on so I'm going to be glued to the television screen for a few hours. Bye to anyone who read this! ^.~
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Off in Lala Land! ^.~
OK, peoples! How ares yas? I'm fine and really bored. Just sitting at home daydreaming but then again I do that every where. Well no assingments for school tonight, WOOT! OK sorry about that, heh. That's all for tonight, short, simple, and to the point. Actually there was no point! Could some tell me if my midi is working and does any one know some one who would so kind as to make me a button? Byez, loves ya all! *hugs* ^.~
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Hmm, not much going on here
Hello people. Nothing new happening today. School was really boring, fell asleep in Social Studies. Teacher didn't see, lol. I got to do my home work so bye for now!^.~
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Im new here!
Uh hello to any one who will actually read this. This is my first post and I just made my site today. Im getting the hang of it and just thought I should make a post now. Thats all byez!
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