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• Oh, just in a little wittle place where I live. I must say that I have a lot of fun though with my friends, like Ray, Kai, Tyson, Max, etc.............
Member Since
• 2005-03-01
• Well, it is called something like a computer freak/nerd thing, but I am not a freak or a nerd, just a cool girl!!!! Who loves her friends so much!!!!!!!!!!
Real Name
• Wouldn't you like to know?
• Well, I'm great at school! (Does that count????) And I have achieved pressing the stop, play/pause, next song and back one song button with my toes! Yeah! Plus I dance a lot. I have quite a few medals (all either gold or silver) for my dancing! And lots a
Anime Fan Since
• Um, I'm not too sure. Since I first saw Beyblade and Dragon Ball Z.
Favorite Anime
• Beyblade G-Revolution and Dragon Ball GT.
• To make sure that my stories are da best! And to make a heap of friends. And to be able to draw really better pictures, even though the ones I can draw now are totally wicked. I also want to be a dancer, a good one anyway.
• Drawing, writing, watching Beyblade and Dragon Ball GT, hanging out with friends, dancing, singing (but it is really horrible, so never ask me to sing for ya!), and I love to be on the internet, especially on the otaku and my otaku.
• Great artist, writer, dancer, and nothing else really. Oh yeah! I said up higher, I can press the stop, play/pause, next song and back one song button with my toes! Isn't that totally cool! It's really handy since the player is on the floor!
| BeybladeIsSoCool
Saturday, May 7, 2005
Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9 And 10
PM me with any comments anytime!
Comment on it too please!
Chapter 6: Here We Come!
At Tyson�s house, Ray, Max, Tyson, Kenny, Daichi, Hilary, Diana, Chelsea, Eddie and Voke were all deciding on what to do. They had slept the night at Tyson�s house and now were trying to think about what they could do to get their friends back. Eddie suddenly had a thought.
�Hey guys, you know how DC and Nicole have a � different background before they lived on the streets?�
�Yeah, they did. So what?� Diana asked.
�Well don�t you think that they might have been taken there?� Eddie asked. �I know we aren�t meant to talk about it, but I think we�ve got no choice.�
�Hm. True. I think that even their lives might be at risk so, yeah, someone go ahead,� Chelsea said.
�I�m not saying it. I know DC, and I�m not going to be the first to get on the wrong side of him,� Voke said. That was true. Voke and DC were usually together.
�I will then,� Eddie said. �Okay, Nicole and DC were part of a Biovolt plan to take over the world. We think, well, I think, that they�ve been captured and may be forced into fighting for Biovolt in the next Beyblading Championships coming up.�
�Well Kai was involved with Biovolt too, and so is his grandfather, Voltaire,� Ray said, hoping he was helping.
�Right. This is making sense now,� Hilary said.
�But isn�t the Blitzkrieg Boyz related to Biovolt too?� Daichi asked.
�Already captured?� Tyson suggested.
�Or did they choose to be on their side?� Max asked.
�Or maybe they aren�t wanted,� Kenny said. �Look here guys.� He pointed to his laptop. �Nicole can take out Ming Ming with one attack, and Ming Ming�s a pro blader. We all know Kai is very strong and has made it to the finals on many occasions. But I�m not sure about DC. How strong is he?�
�Out of all of us? Probably second after Nicole,� Diana said.
�Yeah, that�d be right. He is really strong though,� Voke said.
�So Biovolt has taken our strongest beybladers?� Max asked.
�Yeah, looks like it,� Kenny replied.
�Where is Biovolt?� Hilary asked. �We could brake in and rescue them. How hard could it be?�
�Too hard for a girl anyway,� Tyson remarked. Diana and Chelsea turned their heads so their annoyed eyes faced Tyson.
�What did you say?� Chelsea asked in a flat tone.
�Never mind,� Tyson mumbled.
�I�ve found Biovolt�s location,� Kenny said.
�Well what are we waiting for?� Eddie asked. �Let�s go!�
�They went outside and started to run in the direction that Kenny was giving them.
�And stop here,� he said. They were in the middle of the town.
�Why here?� Diana asked.
�Bus. We can�t walk or run to where we need to go.� A bus pulled up and gave them a free ride (because they were so popular) and they found themselves having to walk up a steep hill.
�You have got to be kidding,� Max said.
�Um, Max, you�re apparently standing in Biovolt. Or should I say, on?� Kenny said as he looked at the computer screen.
�It�s underground?� Diana asked.
�But Nicole said it was a big building on a flat bit of ground far away from where we were. Somewhere in Russia,� Voke said.
�This must be a new one. The old one must be in Russia,� Ray said.
�But Kai said it got destroyed,� Tyson said.
�I�m sitting down, it�s getting hot,� Ray said and walked over to a tree and sat in it�s shade. Immediately, a hole in the hill opened. Ray jumped up with shock and the others laughed.
�C�mon, lets go,� Eddie said when he had finished laughing.
Chapter 7: Split Up
As the team entered the hole, they could only see metal walls, ceiling and floor, leading into the hill. It finally split into two.
�Okay, who�s taking the left?� Hilary asked.
�We will,� Diana and Chelsea said at the same time.
�Me and Voke�ll take the right,� Eddie said.
�Left,� Ray said.
�Right,� Hilary said because she liked Eddie. She liked the rest of the band too, but Eddie the most.
�I�ll take the left,� Tyson said. �I don�t want to be with Hilary.�
�I�ll go left too,� Max said. �I�ll stick with Tyson.�
�I�ll go right,� Kenny said.
�Right,� Daichi said and looked at his �team�. He wasn�t with Tyson, so that was a relief. �See ya�s later.�
The �teams� split and took their separate ways. Left led up and right led down. But the �left team� came across a problem. Once again, the passage split in two.
�I�ll go left again,� Diana said.
�I�ll go right this time,� Chelsea said and stood over at the right side of the tunnel.
�Uh, I am going, right,� Tyson said.
�I�ll go left,� Ray said. �Max, where are you going?�
�Right,� he said and walked off in the right tunnel with Tyson and Chelsea following.
The �right team� came across the same problem, a split in the path.
�Left,� Daichi called out.
�I�ll go left too,� Voke said.
�Right,� Eddie said.
�Yep, right,� Hilary said.
�And I�ll go, left,� Kenny said. �Sorry Hilary.�
�It�s fine. Don�t worry,� she said and walked off right. She wanted it to be like this anyway. The teams traveled in their new groups. Ray and Diana kept on walking while Ray tried to break the silence between them. He had chose left both times because of Diana.
�Did you hear that?� she asked him.
�What?� Ray replied. The echoes of screams rang down to them.
�It�s Nicole!� Diana cried, so happy that she was going to get her out of this place. She started to run down the passage, but Ray held her back.
�There�s most likely to be guards here. We should be quite and careful, okay?� Diana�s eyes widened.
�Yes. There is most likely is around the whole building. We will rescue her okay, but we have to be very careful, okay?� Ray asked.
�Yes. I understand.� Diana wanted to hurry and get her, but she knew Ray was right. �Why did you come with me for both choices?�
�Think about it,� Ray replied, and kissed her on her cheek. They moved slowly down the passage and came to a line of doors. As they moved down the line, the cries became louder. They turned a corner and ran straight into a guard.
Chapter 8: Hi Kai
Tyson, Chelsea and Max moved down the passageway. They could hear a thumping noise. It grew louder as they went down the passage.
�Who�s banging?� Max asked. A growl echoed down to them.
�Kai,� Tyson said. �No doubt.�
They ran down the passageway and saw a room where the thumping was definitely coming from. Kai growled again and banged at the door, trying to force it open. Chelsea grabbed the keys that were hooked onto the wall. She turned the key and opened the door. Kai lunged at her, thinking that she was a guard. Tyson and Max pulled him off her.
�Whoops,� Kai said. Max grabbed the other set of keys from the hook and took the handcuffs off him. Kai grunted as an approval.
�You could at least say thanks,� Tyson commented.
�Thanks,� Kai said.
�Where do we go now?� Chelsea asked.
�Control room. We can shut down everything, free DC and Nicole and get the hell out of here,� Kai replied and walked down a hallway. �Follow me. I bet it�s down here.� They all followed him and saw a door with a sign on it saying �CONTROL ROOM�.
�Bulls eye,� Max said and tried to open it. �Locked.�
�Keys,� Kai said and pointed to the ceiling. There was the key hanging from the ceiling. He jumped up, but couldn�t reach it.
�Damn,� he muttered. All of a sudden, they heard voices becoming louder as the people came closer.
�Run,� Chelsea whispered. They ran silently down the passage and turned into the dark passage that the three had come in through. The guards stopped at the �CONTROL ROOM� and looked up.
�No one�s fallen for it yet,� one said. This voice was a boy�s about 15, like the team.
�Not yet,� said a female voice. She also sounded about 15.
�Ming Ming,� Chelsea said. �She�s a guard?�
�Shut up, you�ll give us away,� hissed Kai. The masked guards walked straight past them and turned a corner.
�Phew, they didn�t catch us,� Tyson said.
�What did they mean, �no one�s fallen for it yet�?� Max asked.
�The Control Room, it must be a fake room!� Chelsea thought out loud. �They must have wanted to trap anyone inside if they got out!�
�Hm, you are probably correct. We need to get out of here soon. At least out of this part of the building. More guards are around here. Let�s go,� Kai said and moved out of the tunnel and continued the way that he had wanted to go before. They moved swiftly and soon heard footsteps. They realized they were in a hallway where there was no door to exit the hall. They all ran back until they came across a door. They tried and tried to open it, but it didn�t shift. The figures came around the corner. The four gasped. They couldn�t believe their eyes.
Chapter 9: Here He Is
Daichi, Kenny and Voke finally saw that there path had taken them to a dead end. A bulky rock stood in their way.
�What? You�ve got to be kidding me!� Daichi said, stunned that he was led to a dead end.
�No, we�re not, Daichi,� Kenny said. He stood there staring at the rock.
�We could try to move it,� Voke suggested. �It might move and lead us somewhere.�
�Okay,� Kenny said and got up to move it. He failed, and asked Daichi for help.
�Fine,� he replied, went over and pushed.
�Okay, you guys need help,� Voke said as he walked over. With his help, they managed to move the rock. But they only found a door.
�A door?� Kenny said, obviously confused.
�Yeah, a door,� Voke said and pushed it open slightly. �No one�s here, just a big chair and heaps of doors.� He opened it more and stepped into the room. The other two followed him inside. They chose the door that faced the big chair and just about went through. They stopped because Voke saw a guard sitting on a chair reading a big novel. Banging noises started up from a room close to the guard.
�Shut up!� he yelled at the noise.
�No!� DC�s voice shouted from inside the room.
�Don�t make me come in there!� the masked guard yelled back.
�I will!� DC shouted back. The guard stood up as the pounding continued. He grabbed the keys out of his pocket and turned it in the lock. He opened the door and DC kicked him hard in the guts.
�Now!� Voke said and ran out to help his friend. Kenny and Daichi ran out too, Kenny looking around for guards, Daichi tying up the guard and Voke taking off the handcuffs off DC. Daichi gagged the guard and they took off in search of the others, glad that they had rescued their friend. Unexpectedly, the alarm went off and the boys dived into a room, but it wasn�t exactly a room they wanted to be in.
Chapter 10: Control Room
Hilary and Eddie walked down further and further. Their tunnel went down and down.
�This is pathetic,� Hilary said. �We�ve been walking for ages and we still haven�t found anyth-� and she fell. She fell down a long tube, like a slide, but only bigger. She heard Eddie call out her name. She hit a soft landing and stood up. Eddie came speeding down the �tube� and landed next to her.
�Where are we?� Hilary asked him as she looked around.
�Dunno,� Eddie replied and flicked a switch up. Lights came on and computer screens flickered and turned on. They both took a seat at one computer.
�I�ve got the security of the left wing,� Hilary said. �What have you got?�
�I�ve got control of electronic locks.� He moved to another computer. �Here is the security of the right wing.� Hilary also moved to another.
�Here is a big room with a chair and lots of doors. There is like, 5 cameras in this room. Weird,� she said and moved onto another one. �Here�s the outside, where we were before. There�s a camera in the tree Ray sat under. Don�t you think they would have seen us entering?�
�Well they didn�t did they?� Eddie replied. �Hey look! It�s Kai, Tyson, Max and Chelsea!� Hilary came over to him.
�Where are they?� Hilary asked eagerly.
�Left wing,� he replied.
�Here�s a guard tied up and gagged. That is weird,� Hilary said. �It�s in the right wing, so it must have been Daichi, Kenny and Voke.�
�I can�t find anyone else. Where are they?�
�I don�t know.� Hilary said and pushed a button, hoping it would turn on the microphone so she could talk to her friends. It didn�t though. It turned on the alarm.
�What was that for?� Eddie yelled over the alarm.
�It was an accident!� she screamed.
�IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!� she roared loudly. He nodded his head to show he understood. She kept on pressing the button, trying to make it stop, but it didn�t work. She could see her friends running, and looking confused.
�C�mon Hilary. We need to get out of here. Guards could turn up here any moment now!� he said as he flicked the switch again. The lights went off and the computers turned off and the alarm went off.
�Hey, it went off. Should we stay?� Hilary asked.
�No. It�s probably not safe here anymore.� Eddie went around in the dark looking for the door he had seen.
�You learnt that in the streets, right?�
�Yeah, I did. Ah, here it is! Lets go!� he said as he opened the door. She followed.
�Lets go to the left wing. We might find our friends,� Hilary stated.
�You mean your friends and my friend,� Eddie corrected her. �But yeah, we should. It might be better if we stay together as much as possible.� They went up and up through the tunnel and up into a room made up of steel walls.
�Great. There�s doors with labels on them directing us to the wings!� Hilary exclaimed. �The left wing is where we want to go isn�t it?�
�Yep. Lets go,� Eddie said and pushed the door open and ran into the darkness.
Thank you!
Ta Ta For Now!
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