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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 10:06am, Sunday
MOOD: amazed
Holy god forsaken teddy bears! Sweden accually BEAT Canada in the IIHF World Hockey Championships! Thats sick.... very sick... 5-4... Canada isn't out of it, but that puts Sweden at the top of the pack!
Anyway, my lil bro rented a game called Smugglers Run 2. Its a very difficult game, where you are a smuggler... duh. I'm great at it, but it really pisses me off alot....
Oh yeah! Today is Mother's day ^_^ So hug your mom, shower her with gifts, and let her know how great she is! YEAH!
Anyway, I'm a bit... over the top right now, and.... hungary.... I'm ganna go eat some tacos for breakfast! AHAHAH! Later, have a great day everyone. Oh, and check out that new award above. Awesome dudes ^_^ |
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 8:02am, Saturday
MOOD: a bit tired
*yawn* I just got up at 7:30am to watch DBGT. I have to leave in 20min for more of the soccer clinic.
My hopes of going to the soccer clinic where nearly dashed, when my only ride now wasn't going, and couldn't take me, but then they decided to go again, and could take me lol. I have 2 more clinic's after this noe today, but they are next week.
Anyway... we played tennis yesterday in gym. Tennis is fun, but the people we were playing against *shakes head* its just so damn annoying when they can't hit the god damned ball back to you! One kepthitting it across to the court beside us! I was ready to kill someone...... *stares at girl throwing balls at her* BURN IN HELL!
My fucking gym teacher is a sloth, and really doesn't do didle shit when that girl throws balls at me! SHE WON'T STOP! ROAR! I threw one back at her on wednesday, I think it hurt alot more then the ones she throws at me, but she never gives up!
Ah.... yeah... thats like the only interesting thing that happened... oh no! Wait! The substitute english teacher that has no emothions..... he SMILED! WOW! lol. Later all, have a great day.
Heres a piccy ^_^
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Oh.... white!
TIME WRITEN: 7:24am, Friday
MOOD: I said I'm not hungary!
Meh, I skipped breakfast.... I'll eat at school.... anyway, I got a pair of white cargo pants yesterday! Woot! Haha, very nice... but with my insane habits, will they STAY white? We'll find out ^_^
Man, it was so beautiful yesterday! No winds, or MAYBE a small breeze, but so warm and sunny. My friend and I started making a spear. He sharpened the spearhead, a rock, on
a flat stone, and I carved the slot in the end of the stick. The rock sharpening made purple dust, so we used it as war paint on our faces lol. twas quite funny!
We will finish our spear today, yup yup. I have to go to a soccer refferee clinic tonight from 6-9pm, so I might not be on later tonight. I will also be at that again Saturday, but in the morning instead.
I downloaded some cool AMV's yesterday off WinMX. They go to Linkin Park songs, and if you want them, PM me your email, and I'll send them to you. Otherwise, I just watched AMV's and Linkin Park videos.... yeah....
Anyway, I'll be off. Check out a few sites now, then off to school. Later everyone, and have a great day! |
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
Haha, sock ^_^
TIME WRITEN: 7:38am, Thursday
MOOD: Happy!
Ha, listen to this.
A mother says to her little girl "and what does the cat say?"
Little girl says "oink oink!"
Mother says "No... the cat says meow! Just a secodn, I'l be right back."
2 cats perched behind little girls chiar. Male one says "ha, I've been messing with this kid all week. Watch 'oink oink!'"
Female cat says "do you really have nothing better to do?"
Male cat says "nope"
AHAHAHHA! Isn't that funny? That was the end of an epi os "Yes Dear!" when I flipped over to watch the news.
Anyway, its a beautiful day outside! I can hear birdies singing. I dunno what to type, cause I did hardly anything yesterday..... ah, what the hell, I'll post some funny things ^_^ Enjoy! *hands out popcorn*

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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Tra la la!
TIME WRITEN: 7:32am, Wednesday
MOOD: happy
I don't know why I'm happy, but I am ^_^
I dunno what to write... ah, Rob & Amber got 1st place on the Amazing Race's 10th leg last night, which was awesome! They rock. The season finale is next week, and it looks like some messed stuff is going down! Yeah.....
My friends Smiley and I went around my town last night. Got some new Gatorade X-Factor, which is quite good! Ate some skittles, and donuts... thats bout it lol.
Lastly, my subsitute english teacher for 2 weeks isn;t a pushover! He is a preepy asshole! I hate him, and he has a slight lisp, so he talks funny lol. But, thats all I've got to say, so I'll be off, gotta change my pants... stupid scrubs... bye! |
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
*scratches head*
TIME WRITEN: 7:29am, Tuesday
MUSICAL MOOD: Faint - Linkin Park.
Well, this is an odd turn of events. I first read on XxLinkinParxX's site that Linkin Park was trying to get out of thier contract with Warner Music Group (WMG) So I investigated, and found a news document. WMG is under new management, and the beef of the whole thing, is that they are ganna be making billions off the bands, and give the bands nothing. Wouldn't that piss you off? Well, thats what Linkin Park thinks to.
Anyway, interesting day yesterday! an island where alot of people live here in NB, Darling's Island, the roads were totaly flooded! So, no school buses could get to the people. Therefore, there were no people from Darling's Island at school today. The road is still serverly flooded, and no buses can go today either. This huge bridge down by a beach, is about 10inches from water coming over! The water levels keep rising, and there is more rain today....
My english teacher is leaving for 2 weeks! WOOHOO! He is going to the netherlands. My whole class was so excited! Not for him, but cause he is leaving! No one really likes him. He leaves today ^_^
Other then that, my big bro and I hunted my lil bro and his friend when they went into the woods, thats cause my stupid lil bro threw pieces of metel through the comp room window AT MY HEAD! He's a dead man... *glares* Heres and piccy, enjoy! *hands our icecream for post readers* You guys rock!

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Monday, May 2, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:33am, Monday
MUSICAL MOOD: From the Inside - Linkin Park
La la la la la ^_^ Happy mood! Yes! Yesterday wasn't such a bummer.
It was alot more interesting! My uncle, mom, grandmother, and I went to town. My nanny (aka, my grandmother, no, I don't have an accual "nanny") wanted to go to the flee market, so we did. It sucked, cause the samurai sword guy wasn't there.... but oh well. After that, we went to McD's for breakfast, then came home cause my uncle had to go back to Nova Scotia, but it was fun ^_^
My mom and I stayed at my grandparents house for a few hours,
which was also fun. I got my new Shonen Jump, which wasn't supposed to be in yet, but was, and it has a Cyber Harpie Lady card inside! Holographic... ohh....!
Anyway, the only other thing I really did was watch the contender, which was a really good epi, like all the others lol, watched the 350th & 351st epis of the Simpsons, which were HILARIOUS! Then watched the season premiere of Family Guy, and the series premiere of American Dad, which is such a non-funny show..... meh.
All in all, not a bad day. I finished a picture, gotta somehow get it on my comp without a scanner.... *stares at digital camera* and I'm ALMOST done my Mike Shinoda one ^_^ Oh, and it was raining some hard yesterday! A crap load of roads are flooded and such, not mine though. Now its beautiful and sunny ^_^ Anyway, hope everyone had a great day, and have another great day today! Peace out peeps! |
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 8:14am, Sunday
MOOD: happy
Well, I'm leaving in 10min to go with my mom and grandmother to town, we are celebrating her birthday. It'll be fun! I love going with them to town. So, I'll make this quick.
Nothing much happened yesterday. My uncle come to our house, and we hung out for 20min or so. I was really bored all day. I playd with my dog outside, which was hilarious, cause he had such a grip on a stick I could swing him through the air!
I attemped to draw an image, but, sucked horribly, meh. And nothing much more happened.... yeah, such a boring day! Oh, at about 4pm, it started to pour rain. Yeah, so it was a beautiful hot day, then a pouring rain day. Anyway, gotta go ^_~ Have a great day everyone! |
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 10:41am, Saturday
MUSICAL MOOD: Rich Girl - Gwen Stefani
Ah, not a cloud in the sky! Such a beautiful day! Warm, sunny, and, nice! The weather forecast has been totally wrong the last 2 days! YEAH!
Anyway, I'm not ganna stick around on the comp. I'm going outside after I write this post. I just wanna mention... neh.... 3 things or so ^_^ First thing I GOT MY HAT! WOOT! I'm soooooo happy! I've been wearing it the whole time. And ya know what made me REALLY happy about it? My little brother walked up to me, and out of the blue says "Cody, you look like Mike Shinoda!" I was inside like "WEEEEEEE" AHHAHAH! I love it ^_^
My uncle is coming up from Nova Scotia today, without his wife who I hate, and his son who I hate! YEAH! We're ganna go to my grandparents later to see him, then he's coming to my house. I had to straighten the house.... and straighten kinda means, clean my moms messes! I swear, she is SO damn messy! She leaves stuff everywhere, her and my lil bro. geese....
But anyway, funniest thing that has happened in english class all year: me telling my friend Geoff a chapter summery for the novel. Its funny, cause he didn't read the chapter, or the two after it. So I told him something that was SOOOO wrong! Itwas absolutly hilarious though! My friend Smiley (good matt) was laughing his ass off!
Lastly, I leave you with some Linkin Park humor. This is something a perason my Gaia's LPG wrote. Please don't steal it, I asked her permission to use it. Its written in red if you wanna ship it.
WRITTEN BY: Nightmare_1
The place listed beside each song, for one reason or another would not be a good location for that song.
"Papercut"---a library, a bookstore, or a paper mill.
"One Step Closer"---the edge of a cliff
"With You"---Babysitting a younger sibling (I could not really think of anything else...)
"Points of Authority"---Dicatorship
"Crawling"---desert or a nursery
"By Myself"---friendship circle or socialist group
"In the End"---finals week
"Place for My Head"---the gallows or the guillotine
"Forgotten"---a memory class
"Cure for the Itch"---dog pound
"Pushing Me Away"---tow company
"Don't Stay"---welcoming commitee
"Somewhere I Belong"---an asylum
"Lying From You"---under the bed
"Hit the Floor"---a bar (I hate that one, but it fit)
"Easier to Run"---track club
"Faint"---scuba diving class
"Figure .09"---skating rink
"Breaking the Habit"---procrastinator's meeting
"From the Inside"---anatomy class (this one also doubles as an inside joke---no pun intended)
"Numb"---a funeral or a graveyard
"Session"---history class
And now for my favorite:
"Nobody's Lisening"---any place that echoes
Have a great day everyone ^_^
EDIT: I've got over 8000 hits! Thanks everybody ^_^ Oh, and check out this dude and his art! Its freaking amazing! SoulzOfAnime |
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Friday, April 29, 2005
AHHA! Stupid people day!
TIME WRITEN: 7:31am, Friday
MUSICAL MOOD: Asterick - Orange Range (Bleach theme)
Okay, yesterday was filled with stupid people, thus it being stupid people day! I will tell you of 3 short cases now. If you read any, read #2, you'll love it ^_^
Okay, she says "Copy the rest of these notes! You'll need them for the exam" and I reply, stupidly myself with "Well.... not really... cause you could just pay someone to copy them in the library." She then responds with, snappingly, "Did I ask for your opinion? Shut your mouth!" I laughed at her. Yeah.... I should have kept my mouth shut, but its funny watching her blow her top ^_^ She also mentioned something else about the exam or whatnot, and micheal did that golf thing, ya know, when the sink a ball on birdie? Yeah, the teacher seen, and she was like "Micheal, what was that for?" And I said "Its her happy move ^_^" And Micheal laughs, then the teacher says "Well, I think your class mark just went to 0!" We all went after her for that, yeah....
In the cafiteria at lunch. THIS IS THE BEST STORY! READ ME!!!! It was raining hard outside so we all had to stay in. But anyway, he was making fun of my friends, and being an ass like he always is, so I come in and tell him to fuck off and go away. He comes on, thinking he is cool, and then started talking about his dick, and others..... yeah, he's a childish retard by the way! But, on with the story. Smiley(other Matt, my friend) said to Matt that he didn't even have a dick, and to shut up and go away. Then I laughed. Matt then looked at me and said "Well TomTom here has a bigger dick then us all!" So I said "Yup, 10inchs buddy!" smiled and laughed at Matt. He then got wide eyed, the kind when you don't know what to do eh, turns around, to another table, tells to girls what I said, points at me, and comes back, but then he left. Whats so funny about this you ask, and why is it stupid? Because the 2 girls he turned to talk to were my friend, and my friends sister! AHHAHAHA! He made himself look like the biggest ass! I turned around, smiled to the girls, and started laughing, as did they.
Girl in my class, french, writing notes. Mind you, this IS grade 9, and they girls write little notes to all their friends.... childish, yes. French teacher caught her. He is a funny guy, and laid back, but she wouldn't hand over the note. She was begging and pleading, and oh god, it was pathitic! But she looked stupid because she was seriously, acting like a 2 year old, when mommy or daddy puts them to bed.
Ah, I hope you enjoyed the storys. If you read any, read #2, its the funniest. ^_^ Oh, and did you all get a kick outta those pics yesterday? Ah? Sick eh! HAHAHAH! Later ^_^ |
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