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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Oh, how easy was that?
TIME WRITEN: 7:32am, Friday
MUSICAL MOOD: Linkin Park - Nobody's Listening
Ah, such a sweet turn of events ^_^
Okay, math midterm. I'm sorry, was that a midterm? I thought midterms were supposed to be hard! HAHAHA! Thats right, such an easy test! I hope I aced it. I finished so fast, like, half an hour!
Oh, for any peeps you wanna get that hat, cause a bunch said they'd like to, its at
So you can check it out there.
Oh, also, my BBT test yesterday as well. Took like, 5 min ^_^ So funny and easy!
So yesterday at noon, and few friends and I went to the mall across the street from my school. Don't get me wrong here, little town, has little mall. Anyway, a guy and I, who are friends, his name is Andrew *not TechnoCat, different countries lol* and we went into Tim Horten's, the others didn't come in. The two of us then went into a dollar store, the others didn't come in. He bought me a pop, and gave me a bunch of his candy ^_^ He's really nice when we aren't fighting. We talked all the way there and back, it was nice for once.
Anyway, this is getting long. I hope everyone has a great day, and those going on spring break tomorrow *TC* have a fun one. Later guys. |
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Its ALL good!
TIME WRITEN: 7:31am, Thursday
MUSICAL MOOD: Gwen Stefani - Rich Girl
Oh, hello all! I have had a most wonderous day yesterday ^_^ Besides my net not working that morning, it did that after noon at lunch when I came home from school with a friend ^_^
Well, first off, I got 4 songs, that my big bro downloaded for me:
Gundam Seed - Intro(full version) Gundam Seed - ending(full version)
Gwen Stefani- Rich Gril FINALLY! Papa Roach - Last Resort
These are all songs I've wanted for awhile, and I finally got them! YEAH! I also ordered my Linkin Park flex-fit! WEEEE! I was so happy! Cause I was ganna get this one from, which was for the LPU (Linkin Park Underground store is what I'm talking about) but then I checked out LP on bandmerch, cause they always get new stuff and never TELL ME! They also had a flex-fit there! It was WAY better then the one I was ganna get cause it had my fave LP writing, and it was 3D! I bought it ^_^ Its ganna cost me like... $31 Canadian ^_^ Its SOOOOO worth it though! And I'm so very happy, here is a pic!

Isn't it cool?
Oh, and I just read this when going to get that pic. VIZ, LLC, and ShoPro have completed their merge! They have formed VIZ Media! I'm happy about that to. Its really great for the anime and manga nation industry! The new VIZ logo looks awesome to!
Two last things, sorry to make this so damn long. Boone died on "Lost" which made me sad, cause he was a fave of mine. And lastly, Anyone heard oh "Shojo Beat"? Its exactly like Shonen Jump, but all shojo manga, so its mainly for girls! Thats realy neat, and produced my VIZ Media. I still perfer my Shonen Jump though, cause even being a girl I don't like Shojo.
Anyway, thanks for reading, everyone have a great day, I have my math midterm, and I'll let you all know how that went ^_^ Later! |
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Grr.. ROAR!
TIME WRITEN: 9:39am, Wednesday
MUSICAL MOOD: Linkin Park - One Step Closer
Doesn't that make you mad? When you get new internet, and it doesn't work? Yeah, mine didn't work this morning. It wouldn't connect to any site at all! So annoying. I'm ganna restart it when I go home at noon, and see if it works then.
Anyway, last night was funny. This all happened at JA. A few friends and I went outside, and crossed the street by the school for JA. There were a few kids throwing rocks at a church window. They were younger then all of us, and thated cursing at us, and all that. It was so funny! Amusing to, cause they then started throwing rocks at us, not even close though, then one friend threw one at the kids, and they ran away. It was hilarious!
Anyway, I have a board meeting next week, and I'm going to the library now, so, later. |
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Hoi hoi ye hearties!
TIME WRITEN: 7:34am, Tuesday
MUSICAL MOOD: Hoobstank - Connected
Top of the morning to ye all! How's it been? I gotta set that damn clock... *shakes head*
Anyway, yes, my priase to all you, still goes on ^_^ Oh, hey, read the last post for my "returning speech" I dunno, my hyperness unleashed I guess.
So alot of great things have been happening that I don't really have time to talk about with the BBT teacher watching me and such. Like, I got a new optical mouse. Makes Cody happy, cause the other one wouldn't even click anymore! Anoying as hell I tells ya! Our comp room is so.... clean! I can see the desk! No disks everywhere lol. My dad rearranged it and stuff. Looks good when his and my brothers stuff isn't everywhere!
I got really great marks on my in-term report card. I dunno if I mentioned em though. I got 102% in BBT ^_^ lol. (BBT=comp class) We also have our midterms on this Thusday and Friday. I dunno how many I even have yet!
Some bad things that happened.... I missed the premiere epi of .Hack//Sign which sucks, cause now I don't know the base of the story! HELP CODY!!! DBZ ended, well, I mean, I seen the entire series now lol. Oh, I did get to see the 1st Inuyasha movie to! Wicked, but my tape cut off the end where Kagoma kills the deamon T_T I'm buying it anyway, wicked cool!
Epp, mom's driving to school, gotta run! I'll be back in BBT to check sites. Later! |
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Monday, April 4, 2005
I'm back! *does the happy dance, which means singing to "Rich Girl"*
Anyway, DSL! BOOYAH! It took my dad hours to make it work, cause the assholes didn't give us a password to get it going. Morons .... *stares blankly*
Now, if my scanner would work, I would show you all the KICKASS image I drew.... and finsih my other, to show you.. *sighs* technology, its hating me latly!
ANYWAY, I checked over 20 freaking new PMs.... yes, that was annoying! I also read the comments of like, almost 3 weeks worth of posts... *falls on floor and dies* yeah, Cody enjoyed them all ^_^ *huggles everyone* You guys are truely the best. You stuck by me, even when I couldn't visit you, even when I got causght EVERYDAY online *shakes fist at teacher* good thing I'm the "good kid" and she didn't care ^_^ lol. Anyway, now I'm getting back into my grove.
I am about to fall asleep so, I will end this with saying a few things. Tomorrow morning, at 7:30am *YES!* I will be writing again on DSL!!!! and expressing my feelings of how much I love you guys for being the best, and telling you all who didn't get a chance to read this to do so. Also, I'll be back at Lunch, cause of the teacher strike thingy from the last poost, thats sweet eh? I can walk home and be here! I will SOOOO totally catch up. Cause, BBT in the morning, and I'm done my work, then here at noon, so yeah, I'll be chill-axin' here soon enough.
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Just peachy
*loads snew missle 5000X with spoons and sets target for computer* BAKA! No net YET! This makes Cody very mad! "It'll come Thursday..." my ass!
Anyway, the school teacher thingy went down, and its wicked! We get a two hour lunch, and shorter classes by 12 min. Also, school isn't extended, and we don't lose anything! Its rocking ^_^ But still a stick. Epp, gotta jet!
Nothing else to say, later ^_^ |
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Dun dun daaa!
I'm bored.....
I got alot farther in Wind Waker ^_^ And started my new Sims data on the comp, uploaded my stuff. All good. Its got issues though, with not letting me delete some things on my desk top. Meh, dad will fix that.
Anyway, Lost was wicked yesterday! I loved it ^_^ Survivor tonight. Yeah! Later all. NET TODAY! And SJ ^_^ |
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
*puts away spoons*
Got my comp back ^_^ All we are waiting for is the currier (sp?) to bring us the net disk ^_^ YEAH!
I'm pissed right now cause I finally got a good chair in BBT, went to get a lesson book, and a girl stole it! Man, she's such a bitch! Wouldn't give it back either.
Meh, gotta go, almost done my stuff, later. |
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Its obvious that I didn't get my comp back Thursday, and going into the 4 day weekend.... *sighs* So, now I get it back today *readies spoons* and the high speed net is SUPPOSED to be here Thursday. *readies HUGE box of spoons*
Anyway, I hope eveyone had a great easter ^_^ I did! I got a cool pair of dogtags, and tons of chocolate. My lil bro got 2 new Sims games, and we were playing them on my dads laptop, which doesn't have the net, and is slow, but it was fun ^_^ I also played "The Legend of Zelda, the Wind Waker" alot. I'm really far, and my interest in it is highly peeked, as apposed to when we first got it lol.
My big bro bought half a game to. lol. He didn't know, so he beat it, then found out, took it back, and got Crimson Tears, which is awesome!
Anyway, gotta jet, ttyl peeps ^_^ |
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
TIME... oh, screw it..
I'm really tired. Yeah, my mark is back at #29, oh well. My comp should be home today. We can't get Rogers high speed, cause they don't have it where I live. How lame is that?
So, our only other option is uber expensive net. Meh. Its screwed, and I'm getting impatiant and annoyed. I'll edit this maybe at the end of class or something, I'm to tired right now, later.
Oh, how is everyone by the way? |
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