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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 1:35am, Saturday
MOOD: tired
ahhh.... *head hits desk after yawn* I need something to wake me!
So, last night, before I left for the party at 7:30, my boss calls me again, Cindy is her name. She asked if I wanted to do some more games today. So, now I have one at 8:15am, then 9:30am, then 10:45am, and finally, 5:00pm. Thats alot in one day! I know one of em is a midget game to *gulps* I seen the tournament schedual yesterday.
Oh, by the way, to make it clear, I don't PLAY hockey, I keep time for it. So when I say "I have a game today" that means I'm keeping time for one ^_^
So, the party was pretty fun. A bunch of friends were there, and like any teenagers, we always do stupid things *nods* I mean, I do stupid things, like throwing ice chunks at the roof of the curling rink lol. I'm going to my other friends party tonight at 7:30pm, and the same friends are ganna be there ^_^
Lastly, I'm hopeing to go into town today, because I seen this wicked pair of basketball shoes, and I wanna buy them! I have to buy them if I want them to, my mom won't. Oh well, I have lots of money, but I'm going crazy wanting them!
Well, I'll talk to everyone later, I should be back at around 12:00pm, and I'll be here, considering we don't go to town. Later, everyone, have a great day! *hands out ramen* |
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Sup all!
TIME WRITEN: 10:29am, Friday
MOOD: very awake!
Yo! Sorry for my late post, I just got home from another two morning games, time keeping. I also have two more tomorrow morning! So that makes 6 games in 3 days! That will egual.... $54 ^_^ And, I am also waiting to get my $40 from 4 oldtimers games! Yeah, Cody rich!
Um, I wanna tell you guys something that makes me really mad! The assumtion that certain bands are Christian because they don't swear. Particularly, Linkin Park.
I get really pissed when people who don't nkow the band just say "oh they don't swear, their a Christian band!" What does that say? To me, it says that music today is full of swearing and shit, and has warped the industry! I mean, what kind of world is it that a band doesn't swear in their music, because they feel it isn't nessesary, and get called Christian?
Well, for everyones information, LP could NEVER be a Christian band. Why? Because Brad the guitarest, and Rob the drummer are both Jewish, and Joe is Korean. Okay, I'm done ^_^
Anyway, the Contender was on again last night. It was a good epi again! Its also on Sunday, so I guess thats its normal timeslot then. Survivor sucked... my team lost both reward and imunity! So close though. They are getting pissy.... as am I. I like reality shows, as you can tell.
Well, thast all from me, and I'm going to a party at a friends tonight, so I won't be on then. Later all!
Comments (15) |
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Howdy partners!
TIME WRITTEN: 7:34am, Thursday
MOOD: tired
Wondering why I'm up so damn early on my spring break? I have 2 hockey games to do this morning. 8:15 & 9:30.... yeah... tournements. I also have 2 more on Friday morning as well. 8:00 & 9:15. Money! lol
I had something I wanted to post, but I'll have to do it tomorrow I guess, cause I don't have enough time. Oh, I'm ganna launch a "pilot" of a story I wrote in english glass. I wanna see if you guys like it, because I really did when I first wrote it.
Lastly, I started applying my own layout on Angelfire where I will transfer my anime site. No, its NOT this one lol. My lil bro sees all the coding I wrote by hand, and he's like "how the hell do you do that?" Ha, thats pro dude! For me to astonish that kid is no easy task! Meh, I'm still working on the other layouts on pages, before I can begin to trasnfer the site.
Alright guys, I better go eat before I pass out, and I'll be online this afternoon.... see ya'll!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
MOOD: tired
Howdy lil' doggies! (I have issues lol) I guess I confused you guys with yesterdays post. I wasn't referring to this myO Beyblader, I was referring to another site, on, a site I made, CALLED Otaku Beyblader ^_^ I guess I worried some people into thinking I was leaving. lol, sorry, no, itsthis site ^_^
Such an iteresting day... not. lol, well, I still liked it! I played FF7 most of the day ^_^ I also watched the Amazing Race, my fave show on tv. Rob & Amber came in first for leg #2 ^_^ YEAH!
Hmm... oh, my dog tried to bite me in the face! Stupid dog! He's like, 5 or 6, and should know better! I guess it was my fault, cause I was sitting on the floor with him, and when you say "attack" he goes after my puppy to play (which is funny) and I was looking at him, said attack, and boom! His big teeth, meet my eyelid! Whoa... that was a close one! also hurt.... o.O
My weather is also WAY messed up! 2 days ago:
-getting a snowstorm at night, followed by heavy rain.
-*later that day* now 2cm of snow fallowed by heavy rain at night.
-*that night*snow storm, no rain.
-*next morning* fog! wtf?
-fog melts most of snow.
-radio says rain at night.
-rain starts at 2:00pm NOT NIGHT!
-radio says snow and then rain that night.
-*last night* rained like HEAVEN was falling down!
-*this morning*snowing... yeah, lots of snow!
*picks up hammer and destrots mothers radio* her radio station tells it wrong! GRRRRRR! The snow won't go away T_T Oh well, later eveyone!
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Top of the mornin' to ya!
MOOD: Sarcastic
Ha, I love making those funny lil titles!
Well, few things to mention. I got Lingo to make me a new CME Inc. banner to go with my new theme, and he did an awesome job on it! I'll put it on later today.
I was a lil pissed off yesterday when I found out, what I do on Otaku Beyblader isn't apprieated. I was really discourgaed. I though up on my bed for bout a half hour, and came up with a neat layout, and new content for Otaku Beyblader. So, I am making a new account on angelfire, and transferring Otaku Beyblader there. Why Angelfire, simply because I want to test out my HTML knowledge and custimization. If it works well, I will convert Otaku Beyblader to HTML mode on freewebs. I'm also making a short new URL for OB.
Um, I bet many of you have heard of the new reality boxing show, The Contender. I watched it last night, and man, that is an amazing show! Its got Sly and Sugar Ray, and its freaking cool! I loved the 2 hour premier. They have a boxing match at the end of each epi, and the loser goes home. Its very good, and I suggest you guys check it out, even if you don't like boxing.
Lastly, I think I have a problem in my left shoulder. when I rotate it, it cracks, makes other noises, and hurts a lil, unlike the other shoulder which doesn't. It hasd pains all the time when I lean on it to, and I think something might be torn, like a ligiment. I dunno what from, but I'm thinking from leaning on it hard when I draw on my bed. I dunno, we'll see I guess.
Catch everyone later ^_^ |
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Monday, March 7, 2005
Welcomed change!
MOOD: Happy & Hyper
Hey all! I bet you come here in the day and ur like "Holy shit!" Haha! I like this! Isn't it awesome? I spent awhile on it last night, with the finishing touches this morning. Its my new Zolo theme!
So, with this new theme, I also enter blackmagiciangrls "Anime Character Theme Contest" as I call it. I'm really confident about this theme ^_^ Some things are still changing though, with some requirements I need to meet for the contest.
Anyway, I have this weird thing going. Saturday night, I was SOOOO hungary for a chocolate bunny! I was driving myself nuts wanting one. So, Sunday morning, my dad and I go to get one, I eat a bunch, yatta yatta. Sunday night, I want KFC chicken SOOOO bad! Well, its Monday morning.... I don't think thats ganna happen.... but, I WANT CHICKEN!
Well, thast all folks, hope you enjoy this theme for awhile, until I get another idea, and lots to look good ^_~ oh, and if you haven't noticed, I'm back to one post a day, so everyone can read em ^_^ Later! |
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
goo' day!
Time Written: 1:04pm
Mood: chocolate carving
Top of the day to ya'll! I decided to do that thing above, like Sesshtaisho, and some others do. Just cause.
Sorry for another late post, my bad *scratches head* I woke up at 11am, then played FF7 for a few hours. Lil bro stole the comp.
So, its March Break for me, how bout you all? You have March Break yet or "Spring Break"? I've got nothing to do, and I'm getting my dad to take me to get some chocolate easter bunnies *drools* they are the best thing about Easter!
Uhh... my bros rented I-Ninja, which is almost exactly like Ninja Gaiden, except animated, very cool game!
Oh, big update on CME Inc.! Click HERE
to check that out, on the home page. And, I'm changing my site them here on myO. Its ganna be a Zolo theme most likly, maybe today or tomorrow, depends. See you all tonight! |
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Hoi hoi!
Hello all! Sorry I didn't update this morning. I went out to breakfast with my lil bro and parents, now I'm at Matt's house. Besides the fact my dick wood lil bro keeps stealing the comp....
Anyway, I'll be on later, and... ahhh... yeah.... lol. Gundam Seed was good last night! MUAHHAHA! Later. |
Comments (7) |
Friday, March 4, 2005
Uh huh....
My dad got us Firefox.... cute picture... bad browser! It messed up my faves menu, which pissed me off, and dad is ganna delete the IE, so we have to use Firefox, and block out spyware. I don't wanna! My big bro is ganna download IE again ^_^
ANYWAY, my gym teacher pissed me off, we were watching Super Size me, I'm sure you've seen it in school, and a bunch of rude boys wouldn't shut up, and then my friends were whispering. She would yell at my friends to be quiet, and leave the boys alone! I mean, whf! She kept doing it to, then I told the boys to shut up, they wouldn't then I said:
"Could you PLEASE turn it up so I the people in back can hear?"
Teacher - "CODY BE QUIET!"
Me - "I'm not the one being nosiy!"
She shut up after that. Man she pisses me off! She kept doing that though, going after my friends, sometimes when they never said anything! She was sitting like, 2 meters infront of the boys to. Fuck her!
Otherwise.... ah.... nothing much, classes were good and boring. They aren't changing the lunch menu! YEAH! Just the vending machines ^_^ I don't care, but I get my hashbrowns. yummy. Alright, gotta jet to school, later all! |
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Its evil I tell ya!
The contest question on the radio! round 33, man, no one can get them! Meh. GO ME!
Anyway, not to much happened yesterday, I had a 6 page long french test, piece-o-cake ^_^ Also had a mayjor math test, also easy. Ahh... what else.... oh, my team dominated in the relay races at school, oh yeah! We rocked! lol. And my current gym mark is perfect as well I found out. yeah!
I just played some FFXII when I got home, watched Inuyasha, WHR, and Survivor all taped. Hope you all had a great day! See everyone after school ^_^ |
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