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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Not much!
Hey all! I finally beat that annoying level in NFSU. Yeah, victory was sweet! I bent it all, and bought the car I wanted, which turned out faster then the so called fastest.
Ahh... I played PS2 most of the day, and my big bro found FFXII, which we've been looking for, so I started a new game (cause I couldn't find my old data) and I've been playing that for awhile, my fave FF game ^_^ I love it.
Well, really, nothing else happened, OH! Premiere of the Amazing Race 7. Really cool. I have been awaiting that. ^_^ Later all! |
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Pissed at teachnology
I am so pissed at technology right now! NFSU! Stupid Sprint level, so fucked up! 3 cars twice as fast as me, not fair, cars were just, appearing in my way as I drove, so I kept hitting them! Thats not fair at all! My big bro seen it to. I got mad and left.
So, since I'm pissed at technology, I won't be back here till later today. Oh, its a snowday. Yeah. Blowing snow everywhere, and that means no ja! YEAH! I don't wanna go anyway. Fucking Lauren, our president, is pissing me off to. She rides me, constantly, about everything! She never lays off.
Oh, Shonen Jump is taking the DBZ manga out. I dunno why. I got mine yesterday, and the last chapter they are having in it is there. The end of the cell saga. I'm curious if they are ganna replace it with something else, but it sucks all in all. This months issue is small to! o.O
Lastly, my school is being a bitch to. For the month of March, they are taking away all of our good food, and making it healthy! All our pop, chips, candy, chocolate bars, french fries, chicken, HASH BROWNS! Its retarded, because you can't do that to high school kids, we choose to eat what we like. They are testing it this month, if it goes well, then forever. So not fair! I need my morning hashbrowns!
Anyway, I'm outta here, catch ya'll later.
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Ohh... money!
My money bank is ganna be REALLY big once I get paid for this months work! ^_^ I'm already choosing what to buy to.
Anyway, I keep forgetting to pick up my SJ at the pharmacy, its been in since Thursday! Yeah, its really early this time, its the April issue. I'll try and get it today.
Well, I finished him! I finally completed the GAT X-105 Launcher Strike Gundam! He's really awesome! Here is a picture of him, but in the pic, he isn't wearing the launcher armour, I'll take a pic with it on later.

Also, I was called in to do 2 oldtimer games last night, an hour after I finished my Gundam, which took... maybe.... 8-9 hours to build, give or take. Thats all I got to say, catch you all later ^_^ |
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
Hey everyone! BB is back baby! Woot! I have no messed up weeks where I can't visit you guys lined up, so yeah!
Anime con was pretty fun. I got to watch Wolf's Rain! Its funny ^_^
The video game room was like super nerd fest! God, so sick! They had DDR running all day,I played twice, pretty fun game. Most of the time, I was playing the GameCube though. Twas fun. I got to the second round in the Halo 2 tournement, whi9ch is great, cause my big bro AND the "supposedly" 2 best players of his friends didn't get past round 1 ^_^ lol. His friend from our group though got 2nd ^_^
I also played in the Super Smash Bros. Melee tournement, but in the first match, first round, I was against my big bro :( not fair! He won the tournement, but everyone loved me as Pikachu ^_^
Oh, and the guy who drove me up, his name was Richard. He's really cool! We had alot of fun,. and were very friendlt with each other, despit the fact we had never met prior to the event.
I also bought a Gundam Seed, Launcher Strik Gundam model kit! $25, such a rip-off! Oh well, I stared at it for hours! Then I bought it. Some comic guy, when he was packing up and leaving, gave away all his Pokemon manga! So I got a crap load of it! 4 Japanese Pokemon pocket guides, 3 english manga, and some Japanese Pokemon manga. I also got a Trigun comic/manga from him ^_^
I entered two pics in the art contest, mine were SOOOO the best there! The other weren't very good, I mean that! All my bros friends said the same thing, I'm not braggin, seriously! I hope I win, cause some jackass old man got all his old men friends to vote for his picture! Cheater.
Anyway, it was pretty fun, and I am addicted to a drink called "Bawls" they were selling, it has 4 times the amount of caffine as coffee! *weird laughter* its like super sprite!
FUNNIEST MOMENT: Richard standing outside having a cigarett, and a gay guy holds his hand! He almost punched him he said, then took off! HAHAHAHHA!
Anyway, thanks for reading, here's some ramen! I'm ganna veiw some sites, then get back to working onmy Gundam model. Later! *waves* |
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Hey! Its... 7:11am, I heard that I'm being picked up at 7am instead of 8am.... but thats cause it starts at 8am, but meh, they aren't here yet. ^_^
Anyway, I had a fun day yesterday. Yeah, my mom said I couldn't go to the party, cause she was already paying for me to go to the anime con. But, Shawn wanted me to come anyway *shrugs* alot of his friends coulnd't go on such short notice.
So, when we were there outside, they have three GIANT huskies, and I was playing with them, and stuff. One knocked me over, and then another jumped on my face! He was sitting on me, and in some unknown way, I knocked him off! He drove my face right into the ice, and now it looks like someone beat the shit outta me lol. Its funny. I'll take pics on the quick cam ^_^
I also played the drums ALOT! I learned alot of beats from his lil bro, we are friends, but we bicker alot, but he taught me some stuff, and I dig it! Its wicked! I'm alot better now. ^_^
Anyway, I bettergo, cause they will be here any second! Later, and guys..... you know this, I'm SOOOOOOO sorry I haven't visited any of you in a few days! You know that, and I'll make up for it, I promise! |
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Friday, February 25, 2005
God damnit! I have only had onme day this week! ONE! I had wednesday to myself *nods* sort of.
Well, today after school, I'm going to a friends b-day party, which he told me about YESTERDAY at noon! Moron *hits friend*
Idiots at JA to! God, call me for anm executive meeting last night, I go, they didn't need me! I slept on a couch for an hour! That made it so I couldn't come here! AHHHH! *explodes*
Anime con Saturday, that I will update for in the morning tomorrow, cause they are getting me between 8-8:30am. I'll try and write something lil later that night, if possible! And visit you guys. Now, I have...bout 10 min to see you guys :( Oh, and if your thinking I'm avioding you, thats not true, I just haven't been home!
Anyway, see you all later.... maybe, I doubt it, cause the party is running late, but thats why I will only be seen on a few sites. |
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Crap, I have JA "overtime" tonight. Not really what it is. We gotta get our papers straight, and I gotta put it into the computer, cause I'm IT *sighs* gotta tape Survivor then....
Ahh.... hey, if you guys wanna see what my company does, and some pics, heres the link to the website I amde for it ^_^
Guardian Angels Company Website
So you can check that out if you want, yatta yatta.
Oh! Lost was great last night to! The Japanese couple broke up, and they explored into their lives when they were first wed, til now, what they have become. I was a good epi, with all the other stuff that went on! *wink wink*
Lastly, I heard Blink 182 broke up. Is that true? Someone told me, they heard it on the radio. I'll look into this for sure! *nods* Later all. |
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
WOOT! I get to go to the anime con on saturday! First, I wanna tell you what my little fucker of a big brother did!
Okay, so TC on here, told me bout the con, I checked out the site and everything, found out the best date for anime AND video games for my big bro, cause I knew he would wanna go to them. He gets me to print off the schedule for him and his friends and everything, and then the little fucker turns around, books himself a ride with all his friends, ditching me!
My mom said he couldn't go unless they took me ^_^ lol, and his friend Kevin is driving me, and we are taking 2 cars. Yeah! Kevin's so nice, not any of your business, but he is my fave of all my big bors friends. Shh! Keep that quiet! Big bro thinks I hate him muhahaha.
Anyway, so thats Saturday for me ^_^ So wicked! WEEE! I'm jumping for joy! My mom is giving my big bro and I a bunch of $ for lunch, and entry and shit to. yeah, and I have alot of money from working the past few weeks. I also was called to do 2 more old timers games for tonight, but this is my first night off in awhile, and you all remember me last time, getting home so late, and the whining old men! Plus the games are B to the O to the R I N G! lol. I said no.
Oh, and the Math contest was EASY today! *nods* 25 questions, I answered 19, and I think I got all the ones I answered right! I might place high this year ^_^ Yeah!
Last thing I wanna say. I freaking drove a kid in my class, Brent INSANE today! AHHAHA! It was so funny, I was talking like a teletubie, and saying like "I love you" and "Lets cuddle" like the teletubies do to him, and he was laughing so had, he was ganna explode! He later had a melt down lol. Don't ask how we got on that subject! lol, LONG story. Anyway, see ya'll later, here's my fave guy again!
I like this pic alot, had to post it again ^_^

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Yo, sup all!
Alright! freedom today! I have nothing going on, besides having to write an english assignment.
Well, Math compitition for the first two periods. I'm really nervous. I hope I do alright, and place high! My friend Caitlyn in my class is doing it to, and another friend out of my class.
Ahh... oh yeah! JA was awesome last night! It was an open house, and there was food in everyones rooms, and we were giving tours, and stuff. I was painting Husky paws on paper towle, cause thats our school teams symbol lol. Anyway, it was great fun, and I was working on the mini laptop all night. (not mine)
Lastly, Lost is on tonight! Woot! So I get to watch Lost, hopefully Shrek 2, and then do my english. Not bad, but free time! Oh yeah ITS SNOWING!
Later all..... nooo... BIG NEWS! Teachers are going on strike! tahts right, province wide! I knew I was forgetting something..... yeah, they are voting on March 1 & 2 then if they decide to strike (which I think is inevitable) then it'll be after March break. Not good, cause if the government doesn't settle, and give them smaller classes, and more money, then we will have summer school cause of missed time, and will lose ALL our extra cirictular activities :( Bye now. |
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I'm so dead tired right now... *head hits desk*
Hey, I'm REALLLLLLLLYYYY sorry for not coming to see you guys last night. I no you all took time to see me, and I'm sorry. I worked REALLY late!
I had to time keep from 8:20pm - 11:45pm Yeah, thats sick!
Tonight, I gotta come home, use the comp, if I can, and I hope I can! I wanna visit you guys! I really do! Then I have JA, and when I come home from that, I'm watching Shrek 2 ^_^
So, hey, if you guys wanna tell me how your days went, I'd love to hear! Go for it ^_^ But hey, if I don't get on after school, you'll know my lil bro is on. Later all. |
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