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Monday, February 14, 2005
Fuck it all *stares at VCR which see threw out the window in a fit of rage after finding out what happened on the epi of WHR she missed from KanuckGrrl*
Okay, alot of bad shit went down. First and foremost... SesshTaisho... you finally did it, you beat me. The master has been surpassed..... *nods* my space on #29 is no more. It has been traded in for the lovly #30. I like that number more though ^_^ And Sessh, your going to the top girl ^_~ Nothing stopping you now ^_^
That wasn't bad, what was bad was what happened in WHR! (Witch Hunter Robin) I have been following along, and wondering what the hell has been going on secretly after that incident! Its been great, trying to figure it out, then, my FUCKING VCR fucks up, and didn't tape it (my fault accually) and that epi I missed explained EVERYTHING! Everything on Amon's side, and all this other crap! GOD! I HATE VCR's! FUCK THEM ALL! You wouldn't think I would get so worked up over this... but, you'll know why in a sec. Thank you KanuckGrrl for filling me in on WHR though, I'd be SOOO lost without that info!
Happy Gym Class time! ^_^
Justin: on other team in steal the treasure
Justin: crossed his teasm line to my teams side.
Teacher: watches Justin get tagged.
Me: Tells Justin he is out.
Teacher: *giggles* says he isn't.
Me: says he is, and that teacher saw him get tagged.
Teacher: *giggles* its just for fun *giggles* don't be so competitive! He isn't out.
Me: says he is, and he is cheating, not me being "to competitive"
I don't win that one.
Other team continues to cheat, Justin in particular. End of game, teacher calls me over to "talk". Here is our "Happy Convo"
Teacher: "Cody, I don't want you acting negative and speaking negative"
Me: "I wasn't acting or speaking negative *looks around*"
Teacher: "Ah, yeas you were!"
Me: "No I wasn't *walks away*
Inner Cody: "Bitch, if you think calling Justin stupid because he said 'If I don't think I was tagged then I wasn't' when he CLEARLY was, then you have issues"
So, bitch teacher was AGAIN blaming ME for things that she calls "negative!" I wanna clean her fucking clock! Bitch! Its official! She picks on ME!
Next part to "Happy Gym Class"
Kyle, ass wipe. Pissing Michelle off again, I won't go into that, but I will draw you a mind picture! We want to beat him, after having him hung from the ceiling! yeah. Ass.....
Thats happy grm class ^_^ I have never hated gym so much! ^_^ Hope you enjoyed reading! I'll be normal tomorrow.
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Happy Valentine's!
Yes, Happy Valentine's to everyone! There. I said it lol.
It sucks.... no one is reading my posts :( But if anyone wants to read some really funny LP qoutes, look at the last post.
And today, I'm NOT going to do more LP qoutes, I'm ganna talk about the Grammy's and MTV Asia Aid.
Okay, so, last night was the Grammy's. I am pissed at the Grammy's cause they didn't nominate LInkin Park for anything! THEY SUCK! Well, I got to see some wicked performances though! Green Day, Gwen Stafani, Black Eyed Peas, and I even think Maroon 5 did great, and I have greater respect for them now.... yes..... I said that!
I was also watching MTV Asia Aid. By acciddent. It premiered last Thursaday, but I never seen it. I flipped on MTV2, which in Canada is all music vids. But, Asia Aid was on! Very odd. VERY cool though! I put it on JUST as Good Charlotte started to sing "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" then half way through, the lead singer of Simple Plan came in and sang with GC, and Joel (GC lead singer..... no, I'm not an LP traitor, I have a friend that loves GC) through the same song. After that, The rest of Simple Plan came in, and Joel sang "Shut Up" with Simple Plan. Then later, Simple Plan came back and sang "Welcome to my Life".
But that happened AFTER Chester Bennington was on the show! Awwww yeah! That was cool ^_^ I knew he was on it cause of LPWorld, and he came on and talked about the Tsunami disaster, after the host was talking about "Music for Relief" whcih is a support fund that LP started.
So, it was some really awesome stuff ^_^ I really liked MTV Asia Aid, and I hope to see the full thing later, cause I know MTV will have reruns of it forever, I mean... they are still showing the VMA's! But anyway, I hope more people read this post.... I read thiers.... |
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Nothing TOO new.
Stupid myO! It had some major downtime at 8:30pm my time. Wacked. Anyway, so, I doubt many of you were able to get on and do anything either.
Well, I spent three hours reading Linkin Park band member bios, additional info about the band, and hilarious qoutes. I fell like sharing some things to, so, here we go!
WARNING! Chester is twisted, and very sick minded. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
First, some funny qoutes:
"Move over guys. Make room for Avril Lavigne, she's a big star. We're only a little rock band (being sarcastic)" - Chester
Chester: We kind of just like ninjas and dark tunnels and fire.
Mike: And guys with big hair that look like werewolves.
Chester: Grr! Arr!
Brad: I want to know if Joe Hahn sleeps in the nude?
Mike: Yes he does (wink wink).
My personal fave next!
Chester: "There was another time when Mike was in a really foul mood and we had to make a pit stop so he could use the porta potty.
Mike: "CHESTER?"
Joe: "I remember this one!"
Chester: "Anyways, Mike went to use the porta Potty and we were in the RV, It was Joe's Idea, But we all got out and started to rock the thing back and forth. We didn't mean to, but we ended up tipping the porta potty over while Mike was still in it".
Mike: "That's not funny!'
Joe: "Yeah it was. You should have seen the look on his face when you got outta there!"
Rob: "Mike was covered in crap, he had to strip down before we let him back on the bus because he smelled so bad!"
Chester: "Then we attacked him with air freshener."
Brad: "Lysol!"
Chester: Shut up when I'm talking to you before I whip out my friend and give you mushroom stamps!
Mike: Yeah, your little friend haha!
Chester: Oh you would know wouldn't you?
Mike: Oh baby, you know it!
Another fave next ^_^
CHESTER: We're sooo boy bandish, aren't we? I think it's because of my strikingly good looks.
MIKE: I think it's because of your strikingly bad looks.
CHESTER: I totally disagree. I think I'm the most important person...ever.
MIKE: I think Chester's full of himself and I think that's really hot!
CHESTER: Yeah sometimes at night your full of me too.
Brad: Mike, were you like in a pop group before Linkin Park?
Mike: I was in menudo
Brad: I heard that you can sing and dance real nice. Is it true you had a fight with Ricky Martin, and that's why they kicked you out? or was it the age thing?
Mike: ricky is an ass. he's just bitter 'cause my name was first on the first cd
There ya go ^_^ Those are just a few of what I found on a site called Linkin Park World. Very fun ^_^
Anyway, here is some additional info about the band.
These are names that the band considered before they choose "Linkin Park"
'Clear' - which was their favorite.
'Probing Lagers' - which they thought was the lamest.
'Platinum Lotus Foundation'
'Ten PM Stocker'
'One Step Closer' was written after LP had spent about 2 weeks trying to write 'Runaway' and it wasn't working so they wrote a song about how frustrated they were- osc.
Linkin Park is NOT a Christian band.
I'll give you some more facts tomorrow ^_^ Linkin Park World is the best LP info site EVER! See everyone tomorrow *waves* and here is a parting pic, to go with the post!

I like Mike ^_^ |
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Saturday, February 12, 2005
Skittles, snow, and free time!
Ah yes, all good ^_^ I bought a WHOLE bunch of Skittles ^_^ I love em ^_^ And it snowed, twice yesterday! Big flakes, and lil ones, so there is a few inches of fresh snow ^_^
Anyway, I have a few things to talk about. Oh, and thanks for everyone who read my super long post yesterday, it was funny ^_^ Firstly, I wanna tell you about time keeping last night.
My first ever Bantom game! These kids are my age. It was AA to, that means the best of their age. Very insane game! Few kids got throw outr, and soooo many penilties! Meh. It was neat ^_^
Next, anime. One stupid thing I did was forget to change the channel setting when I taped my late night anime.... so it didn't tape. Also, 4Kids tv. Moro0ns! Next week they are premiereing what they call "Mew Mew Power" aka Tokyo Mew Mew. That is SOOO gay! They messed the whole thing up I here. I'm not ganna watch it. Beyblade G Revolution. Left me on a cliff hanger, but I wanted to talk about Kai. He is SOOO retarded looking in G Rev! I mean, his arms are so fat, which make his hands look stupid, and his hiar is way to big for his head. He also keeps getting trashed, and the front of his short always tears off.... thats really lame.... I can't stand how his character looks and acts in this season.
Anyway, lastly, CME Inc. updated. Otaku Beyblader upated. Check em out ^_~ |
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Friday, February 11, 2005
The ultimate prank, and the world goodness!
Read it all, you won't regret it!
Alright, resess comes, my friends tell me that they are making Shawn think he is scitso, and to pretend my other friend Geoff, doesn't exist. While Geoff is pretending to be Shawn's consious.
So, when ever Shawn talks to Geoff we are like "Shawn, who are you talking to?" and stuff like that. Shawn is trying to convince us Geoff is there. During Math, the teacher kept saying Geoff's name for stuff, and Shawn though he had us beat. Nope, we told him he was hearing things, and this added more fun.
So during noon was GOLD! Shawn was like, putting stuff on Geoff's head to show that Geoff was material, and there, although Geoff was saying, as Shawn's concious, "Shawn, to them, that bar is just sitting on the table, not floating." Then Shawn would reply to that, and we were like "Shawn..... who are you talking to? The bar isn't floating! Its right there on the table!" AHHAHAHAH!
So, by then, this was great. Then we all went into the theatre to watch the Valentines Day special thing the student council was doing called the Couples Game. It was a teenage version of the Newlywed game, very funny ^_^
Anyway, in gym we gave it up, but man, it was SOOOO funny! Took a gym test to. Crappy! God, so lame! Oh, and this is something GREAT that happened in gym! Dumbass, whining, fat, annoying, special-ed kid in my class named Kyle. We were playing dodge ball, and the gym teacher says that for someone to be out, they have to be hit below the waist. But sometimes, accidnetly, it hits above the waist. No biggy.
So, Kyle was in the back on the opposite team as me. I threw the ball hit him dead on the waist, and he wouldn't go out, so I yelled across the gym for him to go out. He replys with "you never got me!" I was like, yeah I did and he says "no you didn't, you cunt!" I was like "You wanna start something? I can take you!" He laughs and does something gay. Then another kid hit him, in the knees, so he was clearly out. He then rufused to go out!
Again, I yelled for him to go out, and this time, when the teacher also told him to, he walks away, giving me the lame, "middle fingur" shit. I'm just like "yeah, thats real mature!" Then, he didn't go out, he went to the sidelines, and was CRYING! Yes, crying! I mean, come on! He got out, he didn't get shot! Later, the gym teacher called me over, and asked me to apologise to him, and say I was sorry for calling him out when I hit him above the waist (WHICH I DIDN'T DO!)
Inner Cody: "you moron! He is a sulking baby! give me a break! No fucking way!"
Thats what I wanted to say, but I sucked up my pride, and was bigger then him, and said the stupid sorry, then took off, while saying, very low as I turned around "yeah right, bullshit I'm sorry!"
Now, why do I hate Kyle? 2 reasons. That little episode, and him calling my best friend a fuck head that can't beat him in badminton cause she's a girl. SEXIST ASSHOLE! Everyone hates him in my class. There is a bounty on his head.
Oh, and I had tacos for supper ^_^ Yummy, 25 tacos! MUAHHAHAH! Going to time keep. later. Thanks for reading. Worth it wasn't it? For this entertianment, oh yeah! Here's some cookies ^_^ |
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Curse that snow...
Melt it.... its useless to me now! BAKA! It didn't cancel school at all! It stopped last night, and begun to frezzing rain. So, everything is super heavy and frozen! Stupid. Only some schools are closed, but those are like, in northern NB!
Ah, anyway, my bus is delayed an hour, as is every other bus. Meh. I'll walk in a few min. I don't feel like waiting for the insane bus driver.
I'm done for now.... yeah... oh, I didn't have to do overtime yesterday cause the snow was so bad then. yeah ^_^ But, there aren't enough products for our 2 big events this weekend! Uh oh.... *shifty eyes* Laterz all ^_^ |
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
YEASH! SNOW! LOTS OF SNOW! HAHAHHA! I'm happy lol ^_^ Tons and TONS of it. Started this afternoon during school. Roads were HELL going home! Yeah. Snowplows aren't running, and I think it just started freezing rain! I sure hope they cancel school! All the teachers, bus drivers, everyone thinks they will! YEAH!
Oh, badminton tournament, great! Me and Shawn placed first! Yeah! We tied for first with another team from our class, but we were undefeated! Ha, we beat the team we tied lol.
Just watched all my taped anime for the past 2 weeks, and the end of Live In Texas. Lots of fun ^_^ Go I love having my satilite, dvd player, and vcr in my room! I need not come out.... except for food...
Anyway, I'm off, here is another piccy, cause I likes you guys, feel special!

Hoobastank baby! |
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It was funny ^_^
A bunch of people referring to shop class, and them getting hurt. lol. My shop class.... well, it could have been a hazard waiting to happen.... and with me around, yeah, I lost like, 5 safety points for stupid reasons, like forgetting to put my goggles down, but you all just sounded unsafe! lol, like sanding your fingures! OUCH!
Anyway, my fing shoulders hurt now! Its badminton *kills badminton* that or those needles making my muscles sore. I just know they are sore. And I know, that a bunch of people yesterday couldn't lift their arms above thier heads. But I could, easily, now, I can, but it hurts, so I know what they meant now!
Anyway, badminton tournament today ^_^ And..... *dun dun dun* stupid overtime in JA.... screw that..... arg.... Josh, HAS to come and force me to go! jackass..... meh, anyway, laters all. |
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
More holes! YEAH!
I forgot to mention this morning, my 2 tetnus shots! YEAH! Shots are fun ^_^ lol. Yeah, I got 2 first period. Yup, sitting with some friends in the theatre and such, waiting, and seeing how freaked my friends were, while I'm just chillin. Go up to my turn, and I thankfully got a good, nice lady, not an old one, lol. And we were having a chat, nothing hurt or nothing. Alot of others were like, crying/teary eyed, and complaining their arms hurt, but nope, not me. I mean, if I can drill a screw going full speed into my hand and laugh, I can get 2 little needles! lol
Uhh... what else... oh, today was fun, where to start! Well, I do like my french teacher now. His perspective on me has changed ^_^ And we are having a badminton tournament tomorrow. Yeah! Hopefully I'll get my friend Shawn as a partner, cause we won the tournament in grade 6, and hopefully this one to!
I was just watching Live in Texas. Love that ^_^ Oh, and my piece-o-shit boom box cd player won't play cd's anymore. Yeah, so I have to play them through my dvd player, and the sound sucks. Meh, I'll buy a new one sometime I guess. Pisses me off though, all my stuff is just, not working latly! Meh.
Anyway, sorry this is long. Oh, and for Lost fans, its back tonight! New epi, no American Idol ^_^ Sweet. Heres a pic for reading, thanks, laterz ^_~
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Ohhh... hole... *pokes* OUCH!
Haha, well, JA was FINALLY interesting last night! lol. I'll tell you why ^_^
OKay, so, I was drilling the holes into the side of our produc, made of wood and its an angeled shot. I always drill, and this is easy (you know whats coming yet?) So, I started up full blast, started to drive in the drill, and bang! Drill slipped out of the wood, off the side of the angel body, RIGHT into my hand! AHH! I drilled myself! AHAHHA! Yeah, there was no blood at first, and I sat there staring at it, seeing the deep hole, and it was sick looking, and BIG! Then it started bleeding and I was like "ouch... I drilled a hole in my hand! AHHH!" then some girls made me go to the office for a bandade lol.
Okay, it never hurt! Odd no? I think thats weird, I laughed instead of crying or being a baby and whining. Okay, so then when I got back, I went to the drill again, and everyone was like "Cody, now don't kill yourself!" and I am no, I won't shit. Well, right befroe I started to drill, I lined up the bit on the wood, and pushed, BANG! Slid off and STABED MY! Right dead above the bandade for my other wound. lol. But this time, I didn't drill myself, I stabbed myself. lol. I mean, what a day!
Then I was just like, laughing and saying "screw this! I quit with you drill!" Not true, cause an hour later, I had to drill some legs to complete some angels, and the kid who took over for me is a slow idiot.
Anyway, yeah, that was fun! Now, my hole likes to bleed, and it swelled over, so it doesn't look bad now.. meh. Oh, and I watched the finale of the Amazing Race 6.... and.... my team came in second. Oh well, it was the best Amazing Race yet ^_^ Three weeks til the new season! WEEEE!!!
OH! And if anyone watched SURVIOR ALLSTARS, Bosten Rob, and Amber, the two who got married in the end, well, they are on the Amazing Race 7! HAHAH! Thats awesome! They are a team in that two, I mean, how lucky is that though? A chance for 2 million dollars in a lifetime! I'm so counting on them ^_^
Anyway, I suppose I've hogged enough of your time. Sorry, I like to go into detail, but if you read the WHOLE thing, I'll give you a million cookies ^_^ |
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