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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Who would have though? .... stupid questions....
Yo. I'm writing early, so when I am gone, you all have something to read ^_^ Yes, its right after school, like I promised this morning! If you didn't read that wee lil post, just me apologising for not being here, and explaining myself.
I also said how I got my Linkin Park necklace! YEAH! Me love ^_^
Uhh... oh yeah! Since I'm totally done a bunch of stuff in BBT, the project basically, I took the "Choices 2004" quiz on my comp in class. What it basically does, is tells you what things you might be interested in for working in the future and lists a shitload of oportunities for your 2 strongest sides.
I answered over 160 questions, very simple things, and my strong points were:
- Artistic
- Enterprising... or something like that....
I can't remember the second one, cause I forgot the sheets I printed off in my locker, but it was buisness something. Anyway, the best job I could do that would be what I like, fit BOTH of my strong points, and something I have even considered, was Graphic Artist! Yeah ^_^ I want a great job I love, but makes LOTS of money, and I think that would satisfy, so I printed it to. I'll bring home al the results tomorrow to tell you all more.
Anyway, besides that, nothing else very interesting happened... ahh.... got 20/20 on my first french test for 2005, yeah, and played badminton... thats the only interesting stuff... yeah, boring! Anyway, checking out sites, and see everyone tomorrow ^_^ |
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I'm so sorry guys!
I'm REALLY sorry everyone fpr not comig on. I seriously was only online yesterday for 5min! My mom and brother hogged the rest of it.
Umm... when I got home from school, I feel asleep watching tv, woke at 6:10pm, ate supper, then had to time keep a game which lasted until 9pm, then my mom and big bro had the comp from then. So, I was screwed.
But, good things did come of yesterday ^_^ I finished my BBT project, 7 days before the due date. I also got my LP necklace! Yeah!
Now, he is my other problem, I have JA after school. So, I'm ganna tape Dragon Booster, and come on here, if my lil bro isn't on. Alright? Hey, thast how much I missed you guys! Later then. Hope yesterday went great for everyone, as well as today. |
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Monday, February 7, 2005
Yo yo, Pats rock!
WOOT! Patriots win the Super Bowl! AHHAH! Suck that Eagles! AHHAHA! By a score of 24-21, NE takes the bowl!
Well, simple, thats why I wasn't online last night ^_^ I was watching the super bowl for 4 hours with my dad lol. Interesting game! *nods* And certainly not one sided!
Well, other things, I uplodaed a Daichi pic that I drew for Inukid. So feel free to check that out. And..... nothing else really... *ponders* nope, I basically wasted useless time all day by watching tv (mainly MTV) yeah, so bored... laterz ^_^ |
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
Ahh... what did I do again?
Yo yo peeps! Another batch of agree-ers yesterday, good. I guess that says I'm not alone! Well, anyway, Adam said that they are switching servers, so the page not being displayed problem will be gone soon.
I don't remember much of what I did at all yesterday! I know I watched Pirates of the Carribean... and played video games... but... whoa.... thats not much!
OH! Updated CME Inc.! Check it out, its the layout you all voted for ^_^ I'll change it to the seconmd rated choice in a few weeks or so. But, some updates are there, and some changes are ganna be made soon.
Anyway, thats all I got, thanks for listening. Later all.
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
Rant part 2
Alright, I really liked the response I got back yesterday from everyone on the first part of the rant, now I wanna tell you what else ticks me off. People creating one account, then another, and never using either!
I know some people here have 2 accounts, for whatever reason, but if you have 2 you should use both or delete one.
There was this kid recently that joined, he is 10, hello! 10!!!! He created one account, then a few days later, another! He hardly does anything on both, and is just taking up names! I mean, besides being under the age limit for being here, he is taking names and putting himself in a taget range to get caught and booted!
I see no point in having 2 accounts. 1 is more then enough because it takes alot of work! So, what do you all think?
Oh, and not to much happened yesterday, nope, boring day, just read alot of manga and such, whatever. Catch you all later ^_~ |
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Its late....
I know no one will read this, cause its late. I was just time keeping back 2 back games, so yeah. I'll talk more tomorrow, and catch up with everyone, later. |
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Its finally rant day!
Okay, I'll kick off happy Cody down the steps for a few min here to give my pissed off rant at myO!
Wtf is going on? Huh? I think this site has to many members who do shit, and its bogging down the server, and its killing it! Soon, Adam and Justin and them all, their ganna lose this server! Every single night now, after 5pm, the server just, shuts down for some people, like me! Geese! Its like, it only allows a certain amount of people on at a time, and you gotta keep trying, until there is an open space for you! Thats rediculas, but thats what its like trying to get on here!
I'm quite sick of it really. If you look at the total site stats, about 1/4 of it are active! YEAH! Wake up call, delete the old ones! I mean, some have been in active since 2003! My god, delete them! Its bogging us down! I think Adam might just be concerned with how many people have joined, but I think he should try and keep the active members happy, and if the site saying "This Page Cannot be Displayed" every 3 page clicks, then I ain't happy!
If you dig me, and follow on this, give me a shout. Alright, peace out, I'll be on later to TRY and check sites. |
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
Yo yo!
Well, I gave you all most of my material I had last night, so, if you want something interesting to read, last post is the one ^_~ Oh, but don't comment on that one, I probably won't read it lol.
Ah, one thing I didn't post, cause I forgot it, was my report card. Yeah, I left it at school accidentaly. So, I will TRY and giveyou my marks as I remember them ^_^
Music/Art: 99%
Science: 95%
SS: uhhh... like... 96-99% I guess.....
English: 91%
Math: 91%
Ha, funny thing for you all. My math exam, I got 89% like I said yesterday. My friend, lets call her... Hilary, from Beyblade, got 91% on her exam. On report cards, I got a 91% final in math, and she got a 89% final in math! AHAH! Thats cool eh? lol.
Anyway, heres the days qoute.
"I am only one, but still, I am one. I cannot do everything but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do what I can."
Isn't that cool? Man, I love that calender! Another tomorrow! Peace out, a town down ^_~ lol
EDITY: oh, sorry guys, BBT stands for Broad Based Technology. Its like, ancient stuff we seem to be learning.... |
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Oh, it just gets better!
Yes! I got my Viz Associates package today, AND my SJ! YEAH! Its been a GREAT day! YEEHAW!
Okay, so, I brought the package home, and my parents and brothers were like, all over me for whats inside, and I got 2 t-shirts, 4 manga books, 2 pins, like, 3 stickers, and some gay Naruto mask which ammusied my lil bro so I gave it to him. Wicked cool stuff ^_^
Also, what I got in my LPU package last night. LPU wristband, which I'm loving, and wearing everyday, LPU t-shirt, which I'm wearing, 3 stickers (1 being a bonus insert), LPU Exclusive CD (very cool!), card, guitar pic, and 2 other weird lil thingys.
So, its been a GREAT few days for Cody! YUP! I got lots of packages, and enough manga to keep me occupied for a few weeks ^_^ Yup. Also, I'm ganna tell you how classes went.
So, French... jackass teacher! He is judging people on first impressions like hell! He thinks one of my friends is a dumnass fat kid, another a genius, and me, a rebal thug. So, yeah! Interesting guy! Also thinks he's funny... uh uh dude, get a reality check! BBT. Ha, great teacher for that! she is cool ^_^ I like her, and the stuff we gotta learn is like, anicent! Haha, funny though ^_^
Uhh... math, nothing new. I got 125/140, or 89% on my first exam (yeah!) Uhh... Gym! The heavens have shone on our class! The evil physco teacher, is on leave (funny thing, the pricipal, when he said that said "maternity" leave... now tell me... how does a guy have a baby?) so now we have a semi-cool female gym teacher. Shes a bit... yeah.... nm. And English, nothing new there.
So, stuff is great for Cody, besides my rabbits death, but hey, whats done is done eh? Catch ya later all ^_~ |
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Oh, Cody like that!
Ha, I was listening to a bit of my horoscope today, and it said "People around the world will finally listen to your plans...." then on some ^_^! AHHAHA!
Oh yeah! I FINALLY got my LPU package last night! YEAH! I'm happy ^_^ I'm wearing my shirt & Wristband now. I might take pics of it, but remember, I still have to post the snow pics o_O I'm lazy yes.
Well, back to school, I get to check out my new courses. Should be somewhat fun ^_^ Since I already have my new courses, here they are!
1. French
2. BBT/Personal Dev. & CRR
3. Math
4. Health & PE
5. English
Yup. My big bro says three of the easiet courses, French, BBT, and Gym. Uh huh.... and that explains why he almost failed French... yup, so easy. But, heck, I kick his ass in french! AHHA! Anyway, I'm off, and here is a qoute from my "Achievements Calender" which is full of qoutes everyday ^_^ Later everyone!
"Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly."
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