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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Yes, snow day ^_^ Nice. Funny, it wasn'y even snowing when they cancelled school I don't think... I didn't care enough to get up and lookl just that I heard school was cancelled. Its snowing like hell now though!
About... 10-15cm we are supposed to get... maybe more at the rate its coming down ^_^
Uhhh.... damn... my head hurst again.... and.... yeah. I got up late, feeling.... not so hot, bye bye last art class! Ha, the rest of my art class was supposed to do gargoyles ^_^ HAHAHHA! Suckers.
Umm.... nothing else, I'm ganna scan my piccy, and post it, ifI can.... I mean, if the uploading pics isn't down for maintainance to.... Later all. |
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Linkin Park is creative!
Yes! I was doing my music project today... in music duh! Well, we gotta examine a song and such, ad I am doing Points of Authority, and I picked up a partner on my quest. lol. Anyway, if you know anything bout how music is set up, like, verses, hook, chorus, bridge, and refrain, then you will understand the lower part better.
A basic song setup is like this.
That means Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, and Refrain. Well, this is the setup for Points of Authority!
That means Intro, Hook, Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Refrain, Chorus, Chorus, Bridge! Thats fucking creative! Numb was like that to, which I did last week.
Also, some of the peeps in my clas (trusted ones) were working on our projects in the cafiteria, and I was doing the layout for the project, which needed a bunch of info on the band. I was just ripping it all out! Writting everything down like it was my life story! AHAH! Everyone was like, coming around and like "how the hell do you know all that? Your to damn obbsessed!" I wasn't obbsessed ^_^ I just LOVE to know all bout my fave band ^_^ Made me happy that it was noticed though.
Project is done, gets presented Friday, I found out, my partner, also a great friend I hang with everyday, likes LP to! She said thats what she mainly listens to. I never knew, and I only got her as a partner, cause I felt bad for her being in a group of three.... two guys who were doing a stupid song... *glares* meh ^_^
Yeah, thats the only thing I feel like telling you all ^_^ Hey, I need some material for tomorrow! Oh, SNOW! We are most likly ganna have a snow day! Thats what the news and shit says. Meh *readies spoons* come on everyone! No axes, this isn't THAT big a deal ^_^ |
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Not my fault!
Sorry guys and gals.... this hasn't been a great week for me since saturday. I can't sem to get onto the comp either! Its hard.... but yesterday night, I had JA and couldn't come on, which I forgot about.... well..... now its half hour before I gotta leave, so, I'll make this short and try and get to a bunch of sites ^_^
Its -25C!!!!! -33C with the wind chill! Thats fucking cold!!! I went outside in the -19C yesterday, and almost died! My friend and I ran back in ^_^ It was sooooo cold!
YES! Mother did SOMETHING right! She finally got my damn money order! ^_^ Cody happy. And stupid english teacher made us take a test today, three school days away from our exams! Asshole....
Oh, and here is a listing of the potty mouth (ha... potty mouth ^_^....) my teachers have been saying, tis Cody's handy guide!
SS Teacher: Prick, shit, and ass
Math Teacher: SHIT! (AHAHAHH!)
Yeah, funny ^_^ my SS teacher was like "hey Cody, I thought you were ganna kick my ass?" when we were playing a sport wuiz game, and my math teacher said "I can't take that shit!" and she is like... never a potty mouth! (haha... potty mouth ^_^.....) Anyway, I'm out, laterz all ^_~ |
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
I'm dead!
I forgot my science work at school this whole weekend, and just noticed yesterday! I'M DEAD! Unless... I can pull another one of those swift do-it-in-class stunts! Not likly.... but hey, better then nothing! *shakes head*
Anyway, sorry I wasn't on last night. I felt like shit, not cause I was sick, I'm hardly sick anymore, but because I forgot I had to work at 7:30pm and missed the game! Yeah, my boss Condi called, and she said it was okay (cause I've never missed a game befroe) and that she is even ganna try and get me in some more games this week. But, I was like "OMG! I'm sooooo sorry Cindy!" Felt like shit, and a moron... -_-
Well, its -19C, -29C with the wind chill outside... oh, its cold! *shivers* damn canada... get warmer! Anyway, I'nm ganna shut up and leave now, later all ^_^ |
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Oh, where was I?
Sleeping in during my BLIZZARD! MUAHAHAH! WOOT WOOT WOOT! Oh yeah *does the hampster dance* I'm saved the perials of another school day ^_^
Bout.. 15cm of snow, but its blowing everywhere with REALLY high and fast winds! every school was canceled, my dad's community college was delayed the first to classes (he's an instructor, not a sudent!) and my mom and grandmother went to the doctors at 7:20am! WHOA! Man, that wasn't a great time to have an appointment!
So, just me and my bros.. *sighs* sick... I think I'm ganna finish up a drawing I started sketching last night in 15 min, watch some LP dvd's, read some shonen jump, and watch my taped anime ^_^ Oh yeah! Coming around peeps sites now to ^_~ Peace out, oh, and happy MLK Day to the Americans ^_^
EDIT: Piccy of Cody's new hair ^_^ Sorry, I never took a before pic ^_^

What Kanji word best suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh, come on! I plan the outcome of the mayham! Hey, I'm nto a stupid evil! I'm a smart evil ^_^ muhahaha! I have yet to get caught! |
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Best Disney movie!
The Emporers New Grove is Disney's best movie, by far! I lov that ^_^ Yup, I've seen it a few times, just finished watching it on CBC. ^_^
Well, I got my hair cut! ^_^ Tis cool, and I'm really happy bout it ^_^ Yup. cut half of it off! Okay, to give you all a little perspective on hos long my hair WAS. I am about 5'4, and my hair was down to my waist, the very tips. It was thin cause of that. Well, I got it cut off to about, half that ^_^ I love it that way ^_^ Its how I've wanted it to! lol. Great ^_^
Anyway.... ahh... yeah! Not much else happened! I was just time keeping, then went to my grandmothers for a while, with just my parents, then came home and such, my big bro got in trouble for letting our puppy chew my mom's fave quilt... yikes! She was SOOOOO upset! She was really REALLY upset! Yeah, poor mom.... she is ganna get my grandmother to fix it though ^_^
Anyway, You'll all know if that blizzard cancells school, if not, then screw spoons, here comes the axes! |
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*yawns* ouch!
Everytime I yawn my head hurst... meh. Still got my cold, and headache... damn....
Time keeping a game at 10:30am, and its 9_20am now. ^_^ Yup. haha.
Nothing really to say.... oh, BLIZZARD WARNING! WOOT! On the radio this morning, the dj girl said she checked every weather report, and they ALL said BLIZZARD WARNINHG! WOOT! So, we are getting a big blizzard tonight (by by monday!) and we are either getting 10-15cm of snow or 20-30cm of snow! She didn't know, cause everyone says different ^_^ lol.
Thats about it. I'm off, and well, getting my hair cut after the game. Yes, CODY'S FIRST HAIRCUT! To my knowledge that is... yup, bye bye long hair ^_^ I'm getting my grandmother to cut half of it off, I found a style I like, yup, and I'll get streaks later this month, and so on ^_^ I am just so sick my my long hair, with no style! Anyway, laterz all ^_^ |
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
This is cool ^_^
Haha, cool quizzy below, Cody like. Well, time for you to all learn some more bout Cody seeing I took this quiz!
My fave X-Men character, always and will always be, Wolverine! I have loved him since I first saw the show. Okay, and considering I seem to ALWAYS like the smartass cool characters that kickass, he fits right in, along with Nate (SSX3, Kamen (1080 Avalance), Yunsung (Soul Calibur 2) and so on!
Well, I like two actors... alot ^_^ They would be my Colin Farrel (fuck Lindsey Lohan! Bitch! STOLE MY COLIN!) and Shawn Ashmore (Iceman in X-Men. Also has a gf, meh) So, yeah. They are my faves ^_^ And here be the quizy!
 Your ideal mate is Bobby Drake. With his innocent sweetness and his boyish good looks, how can any girl go wrong? He's the type of guy to supply you with all the TLC that you can handle, and he'll always be there for you when you need moral support, or just a shoulder to cry on. Though he is still young, he lacks the experiences of life, and can be naive.
Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Its fingure lickin good!
Hey, there is a funny convo in the post below *points down* if ya wanna read it. And for those who already did, yeah, I agree, funny!
Oh, and also, I didn't win the egg drop contest, but our class took the top two spots! Yeah! I posted that yesterday to, but just a refresher ^_^
Well, I went to KFC last night. Get this, I was sick, had a headache, and wanted popcorn, so my mom says she is ganna take me to KFC ^_^ lol. Cause she had to take my lil bro and his friend into town for a sea cadets all nighter thingy, where they get to play in an arcade for free till like, 10pm to 7am. Yeah. So my dad came and we all got some KFC ^_^ Twas good.
Other than that.. ahh... I just watched my anime... and such... absolutly nothing interesting to do here, BUT I can play Prince of Persia! YES! My big bro rented it, and its still here fro me to play and he's GONE! HAHAHA Yeah, he left to a friends house last night to. There were alot of people at my house! o_O Anyway, yeah, thats it... nothing else to do... later all ^_~ |
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Friday, January 14, 2005
Ah! Invasion of the humans!
Its like, full house! My big bro has 2 friends over, and my lil bro one o_O Sick dude ^_^ lol.
The school had some show today, called "Live Aid" to aid the victims in Asia, and tsumai relief stuff. Tickets were $5, and I didn't go... nope, it was like, a few concerts, performances, stuff from kids at school.
Otherwise, one thing to say, YAHTEEZ! (sp?) Yeah, played all period in Math ^_^ lol. Oh, and Funny trhing, read below.
Joseph Hahn - from Linkin Park
Joseph Kahn - movie producer!
Both the same race, color, almost exactly the same looking! Freaky o.O
Oh.. and another funny convo ^_^ Happened in class, between girl and Mr. B (used to concele names)
Girl: "Mr. B, can I take this asphren? See, it is aspren, it even says on the pile! I ahve a headache"
Mr. B: "Yeah, go ahead"
Girl: "No, really, its aspren!"
Mr. B: "Yes, go ahead!"
Girl: "Can I go get a drink to take with it? I need water."
Mr. B: "No"
Girl: "But I need water!"
Mr. B: "NO!"
Girl: "I fucking hate you! Bastard!"
Mr. B: "Yes, maybe I just feel like being a prick today!"
Okay, Mr. B, REALLY doesn't like that girl, and thats why this happened ^_^ And thats what they both said to each other! AHHAHAHAHA!
EDIT: Me lost egg contest, but my class took top 2 spots! |
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