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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Yes! I won the auction! I beat Andrew ^_^ MAUAHHA! Its MY Linkin Park Guitar Pick Necklace! MUAHHAHA!
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ebay bidding ends at noon for me, 8am for Andrew ^_^ MUHAHA! I shall conquer!
Ahh... what else, oh, downloaded Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous from GC. Cool song ^_^
Today, I gotta finish writing my speech, and then do the SS project..... damn, there goes freedom! And hopefully my mom will go get some grocies! geese! I ate at 4pm for the first time yesterday! yes, Cody cooked herself food ^_^
Anyway, nothing much else, oh, and we're getting more snow tomorrow. Yeahs! lol. Peace peeps. ^_~ |
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Ahh.. what was that?
I forgot what I was gann write... hmm... *ponders* meh.
There is likel nothing to eat! AHHH! We're all ganna die!!!! Well... I think. I'll go buy somethiong later ^_~
My idiot big bro TOOK one of the PS2 memory cards to his friends house, without telling ME! He isn't allowed to do that! Well, I was REALLY pissed off! all my game data is on that card! so I couldn't play anything, it had ATV, SSX3, everything! Moron... so I played Shinobi ^_^ fun game *nods*
Anyway, Technocat and I are ganna have bidding wars on ebay later today ^_^ on a Linkin Park necklace! Very cool. Your going down Andrew!
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Friday, January 7, 2005
Funny ^_^
Ah damn, I just deleted this post.. meh, wasn't much ^_^ Anyway, I liked your answers, all of em! Here are mine ^_^
Fave Chocolate Bars:
1. Kit Kat
2. Areo
3. Nestle Crunch
Fave Video Games:
1. SSX3
2. Soul Calibur
3. Megaman 64/1080 Avalanche
Fave Holidays:
1. Christmas
2. My birthday
3. Easter!
Anyway, not much happened today, nope. Ahh... Update on Chibi Nyao. She lost her internet, so she can't update right now. I'll keep ya'll posted ^_~
I'm proud of the input for the questions, you guys arre great ^_^ Oh, and I don't think I ever thanked everyone who participated in the Christmas Shoutout! What a HUGE success! Pass it on to your friends who participated ^_~
Lastly, I'm doing a coat of arms for SS class. I did one in grade 6, and this one is ganna be WAY different to the last one! haha. Anyway, peace peeps ^_~ |
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No snow day.... lots of snow... but no snowday... damn....
Oh well. Today is pamjama day! Cool ^_^ lol. And... umm... crap.. I forgot o_O ahh... oh forget it... wait, right! English speeches start today. Mines not done, but thats fine, cause I'm second last on the class list, and so I won't be goin till after the weekend!
Okay, heres what I'm ganna do for the rest of this post. Technocat and I did it yesterday night. I'm ganna give you three topics, and you give me your top 3 choices for each! Here goes ^_^
Top 3 fave chocolate bars
Top 3 fave video games of all time
Top 3 fave holidays
I'll check ur answers when I get home ^_~ Later peeps! |
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Your to funny ^_^
Okay, I couldn't help it ^_^ I got a GREAT response to the questions ^_^ Yeah, and off the top, you guys aer WAY smarter then the Americans on the show! they give make all Americans look like Bush.. HAHAH! Okay, answers ^_^
1. there are no heards of caribu running all over Vancouver (oh, and timbits are little round donut holes ^_^)
2. they are legal! don't be dumb, its a newspaper ^_^ (man, got some people on that ^_^)
3. whats wrong with staplers? legal peeps ^_^
4. who can build a tunnel to China? you all got that
5. Are you kidding? There is no such thing. However, Quebec does build a world famous ice hotel in the winter, amazing shit! I watched it on tv, full sized, you can accually stay in it! But, this question got a few ^_^
6. yeah, you all got this, the naple leaf flag ^_^ we already have that, duh.
Okay, so most people did very well, or aced it. Parinoid Person and Technocat aced it, just to name a few. Some got fooled, which gave be the giggles ^_^ all in all, you guys rock!
well.. other news... ahh.... oh yeah! I was watching Video Mods on MTV and there was this awesome XBox club for celebas. Only 7 groups in the WORLD are part of it, and they get exclusive Xbox merch and shit, amazing things! I'll tell ya! Well, my point, is that my top two fave bands are in it! Yes, Linkin Park and Hoobastank ^_^ thats really cool I think, and they all got this like, awesome Halo 2 sercurity case thingy, with a plasma tv screen in it, and an Xbox, with everything to play! online stuff and everything! It was amazing! just open it up, and play! Freaking wicked cool ^_^
Besides that, we are supposed to get this mega snow storm toight, and its SUPPOSED to cancell school *prays to god* Later peeps ^_^
EDITY: Forgot to mention that Hoobastank's "The Reason" was choosen as the #1 song of 2004! WOOT! Theres my second fave band for ya ^_^ |
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Funniest show on EARTH!
I swear to god guys and gals. If even Americans had of watched "Talking to American's", you would all be laughing yur asses off on how LITTLE they know about Canadaians! I'm sorry, but its disgracefull! We know so much about the US, but they know nothing about us. Currently, most think we live in igloos!
One thing George W Bush said, okay, this is rediculas! Rick Mercer told hiom our Prime Minister, Jean Poutin, feels that Bush could run the free world, so he is turning over all duties to him, and he believes in him. Whats wrong with this you ask? Our Prime Minister is named Paul Martin (but when that show was taped, it was Jean Cretia... can't spell, and poutin is our made up food... mmmm... yummy ^_^) Well, Bush imbrased this, he was delighted, and said he cares about Canada very much, and wants to help them. Disgraceful *rolls eyes)
Well, the best thing I heard on the show last night was this.
Rick Mercer: "There was a study taking on Canadian grade 7's that proved that 70% can't find their home state on a map. What do you think should be done about this?"
Women: "I think thats sad, and disgrace full. These kids should be taught better!"
Womens kid: "Wait a second... Canada has provinces!"
I mean, shit! A little kid knows more about Canada! I'm sure most myO user do as well, considering, you all talk with them and such. Well, I'm ganna do a study that shows that myO Americans are the smartest Americans in... America! I'm ganna post some questions about canada, ones that Rick Mercer asked. ONLY Americans can reply to the questions. I'll give the results of both my study, and the questions tomorrow ^_^
So that means no after school post, but I'll still be here ^_^
Okay, here we go!
1. There are caribu currently over running Vancouver. We need to lower the population, so what do you think we should do to lower the population? Use the tradition method of pummeling them with timbits, or shooting them with darts?
2. Do you think Canada should legalize daily newspapers? Why?
3. Do you think Canada should legalize staplers? Why?
4. Would you please congradulate Canada on completeing our tunnel to China?
5. Canada's national building id made of ice, our national ice igloo if you will. Well, we were concerned about global warming, so we are going to put a giant doom over it. However, thats expensive. So would you come and visit the national igloo to help pay for funding?
6. Canada is finally getting our own national flag, and disreaguaring the old Union Jack. We need to know what to put on it. A hockey puck, a mooshead, a beer mug, or a maple leaf?
Thanks for answering the questions if your American, remember, this is to prove that myO Americans are the smartest Americans. And for my little amusment ^_^ |
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Its all coming together...
CME Inc. has been recruiting! MUAHAHAH!
Anyway, damn, got to right an english speech for this Tuesday... crips... oh, or do an add ^_^ It is for our take your kids to work day thingy we did in November. *rolls eyes* I forgot about it over the holidays...
ahh... Rick Mercer's "Talking with American's" is on tonight ^_^ this is ganna be my first tme watching it, but what he does is goes and tells American's these crazy stories and asks them questions about Canada. The point you ask besides making American's look stupid? Well, its to raise the awareness of how little the American's know about Canada. I'm not making fun of any American's, I was just telling you bout it. Rerally though, some people he talked to once never knew we got daily newspapers, and thought that we just legalized staplers! They think our prime minister is Tim Horten to! AHHA! Its funny stuff. and gives a new meaning to the Green Day song "American Idiot". Not every Americn is like that though, you guys aren't ^_^
Ahh... besides those two things... ahh... I have exams on... ahh.. oh yeah, the 24th of January. Yup yup. I only have to take 3, cause I'm exempting Science. Well, ganna see some sites now, later ^_~
 Probably the most popular Mankin pairing is the great coupling that is Horohoro and Tao Ren. An okay coupling to be.
You and the one you love do not get along well in public. In fact, you're probably fighting all the time. But when it all comes down to it, you really care for each other. You will put your life on the line for the person you care about, even if they are a spoiled brat.
Even behind closed doors, perhaps you'll constantly fight for dominance. If anything happens between the both of you, you will deny it the next day, or tell everyone that you were on top.
What Shaman King Couple Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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6-1! We floored Russia!!! YEAHHH!HH!H!!H!H!!!! I fell asleep though ^_^ The USA lost 3-2 to the Czech's for the broze.
I'm so happy ^_^ And pissed, that I fell asleep and missed the end of the game! T_T Meh, I was dead. SJ also wasn't in! ARG! Thrusday they said.... Board meeting wasn't so bad, boring a bit on my part, meh.
Yeah, school wasn't bad. Oh, and I got some new tunes on my comp playlist from my big bro ^_^ He uploaded them onto my file using his MP3 player ^_^ Very cool. Some GC (no, I'm not an LP traitor!) and fingure Eleven.
Anyway, I gotta jet, school is almost here, crap, and I shall return tonight ^_^ As long as I'm not drug away on anything... I want some Cody time damnit!!!!! Peace out ^_~ |
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Quick post to update you all.
First day back to school, friend split chocolate milk ALL over his pants, and shirt, and said he pissed himself ^_^ HAHAH!
Also, going to a JA board meeting tonight, getting my Shonen Jump, and watching Dragon booster in...7 min, so I gotta jet. Team Canada plays tonight for the gold medal. ^_^ Awesome, GO CANADA! Gotta jet, see everyone tomorrow, and have a great night! |
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