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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Back to hell... I eman school.
Indeed... crap. *sigh* oh well, have to return sometime I guess.
Well, today is fashion show day... at school HAHA! Got you all there ^_^ Yeah, everyone wearing their new cloths.... including myself -_-'
Oh, if any of you get a chance to play or rent Mario Power Tennis,. you should ^_^ Even if you HATE Tennis, like I do, its one of the most addicting game ever ^_^ Yeah. Mario Tennins 64 was great, thing one is better ^_^
I don't really have anything else to say, except I fear some lil kid, or lil animal is a ghost on the upstaris of my house! Yeah, we thought that when we moved in my house, and weird things happen sometimes, but lucky lil me, it likes my room! T_T Well, this morning, I swear I seen something ghost like lying on my floor! ACK! Well, I don't talk bout this much cause it doesn't happen much, and I usually forget, but this JUST happened, so its freah in my mind, and now I'm fucking paranoid.... anyway, see ya'll after school ^_~ |
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Monday, January 3, 2005
Yes, more snow last night ^_^ Cool.
Well, I just finished typing out over 40 email address' for members of my JA company about a board meeting tomorroe -_-. That sucked shit... *sigh* Yeah, so, I gots a board meeting tomorrow! Oh joy....
Well... not much response to yesterdays post... meh, I don't care, its all good. Its also a matter of whether you care I guess *shrugs*
Ahh.... man, I got nothing! Oh, wait, beside I was timekeeping an Atom B championship game yesterday at the rink.... yeah, some asshole coach... again... his team was losing 0-3 with less then 30 seconds left in the 3rd period! He was complaining about everything... moron.
Also, on the topic of hockey, Team Canada advances to the IIHF World Juniors championship game this Tuesday! I think the USA and Russia are playing today, the winner faces Canada for the gold medal tomorrow.
Anyway, I still got nothing to say, so see ya'll ^_~ Peace out peeps. |
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
The Chester Conspiricy
Yesterdays post, the late one, had pictures of Chester before his tattoos. Technocat and I discovered a conspiricy behind the tattoos!
One picture, during the "In the End" video, shows Chester with only one tattooed arm. The "In the End" video was shot as the last music video on the Hybrid Theroy album. So, that means that Phoenix had rejoined the band by the time they did that video.
Now, on pictures that were taken of the band when Phoenix wasn't with them, Chester has tattoos on both arms!
So... how can it be he has 2 tattoos when Phoenix isn't there, but 1 when he is? Now, you might say as an escuss that the "In the End" video was shot before Phoenix left. Not true. Phoenix left the band for about a year and a half BEFORE Chester came! HA!
I will investigate further into this. I will check out video shots before "In the End" to help solve this mystery. The only one logical excuss I could come up with is that the photo takers of the picture when Phoenix wasn't with the band edited Chester's tattoos to give him 2 when he only had 1, you know, for simitry.
NEXT TOPIC: Chester's smoking.
I only discovered this aout a few days ago, when veiwing the secret footage on my Frat Party DVD. Chester was smoking a cigar while getting a tatto. Being the curious person I am, I went to the LPU (the people I figured knew the most about him) and asked if he smokes. I discovered yes he does, but it the process getting WORNGFULLY bashed for asking! Morons....
Anyway, my point with all this is that, if smething like, a famous band member demots drug use, as does Linkin Park, to see one smoking on TWO DVD's (yes, he smokes on the Live in Texas DVD as well) would that not become a bad influence to younger fans?
I'm not try to demean Chester's desicians, and I know he was trying to quit, as the LPUer's said, but if he is trying to quite, then the DVD filmers shouldn't show him smoking! Those filmers in my opinion aren't thinking of younger people. Because we all know, if a 11 year old sees someone they idol smoking, they are ALOT more likly to do the same!
So, in the end, it really doesn't change what I think about Chester, its not his fault, but these people filming it are idiots, and these people being asses towards me for asking if Chester smokes. Give me some feedback on these topics if you decide to read em ^_~ Peace out. |
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
New art
I posted a pic of anime Chester... I think it sucks shit, worst drawing I've ever done. Meh.
Uhh.... and I discovered something! Look at this pic!

Whats missing? I should leave you hanging and make you guess, but my beros couldn't get it... so I'll tell you ^_^
Look closely.... CLOSER! This is an old pic... Chaz has no... FLAME TATTOOS! Gasp! Shocking I know ^_^ lol. Cool eh? I never noticed til today either ^_^
And this one, only 1 flame tattoo!
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The Cody strikes back!
Well... I over reacted on that last post a bit... meh. I did play, I missed the two epis of YGO on Anime-Nia to do so, but I played ^_^
Speaking of Anime-Nia, twas GREAT! It started at 7pm with 2 YGO, then 2 DBZ, then 2 Gundam Seed, then 2 Inuyasha, then 2 WHR, then a DBZ movie, the first one, MAN was that old! lol. THats was at 1am to 2am. I fell asleep after that, but reawoke right at the end of the second DBZ movie, at 4:30am. I then woke up a few hours later to watch my normal Saturday morning anime ^_^
So, it was a great anime filled new year, oh, and they were ALOT of Inuyasha movie adds on to. And I found out that the 2nd Inu movie comes out on January 25th. ^_^
Now, I have a question. If you get it write, I will give you a prize ^_^ Okay? PM me with your answer.
- In the Gundam Seed first ending, which major character is missing?
A hint will be revealed tomorrow ^_~ |
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Friday, December 31, 2004
My big bros friend JP came over and brought Halo 2. I am going to watch Anime-Nia the rest of the night at 7pm. Now it is 6pm. I asked to play, and they said yes, when they finish the game they started. Well, that'll never fucking happen anytime soon! The god damn score limit is set to 250! It'll take forever! Jp is the clear winner, with WAY more points then everyone else. I don't know why they won't exit and let me play! I asked them to, but they never answered that question, just asked again why I wasn't playing after 7pm.
Fucking selfish assholes is all they god damn well are. For fucks sake, I'm so pissed off, but I'm to tired to show it. Anyway, you all have a great new years eve, and be carefull. Mine consists of anime lil 6am ^_^
EDITY: Happy birthday to my dad who is 45 today. |
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There ^_^ lol. Oh, where I seen those Tokyopop manga was A place called Coles in in a mall up here called McAllister. And come to think bout it... I did no some of them! I forgot what was there ^_^ They had Tsubua... ahhh.. sp? I read the 1st volume in school. They had one Gundam Seed, Rave Master, which I would have bought, but it was vol.11, and they had like, two others I knew, but all like, volume 4's and 10's, whatever, of, and Inuyasha ^_^
Ahh... I was ganna draw a pic last night, but I made myself really tired when I ate three pieces of MY cake really fast... o.O not healthy! It is MY cake cause my grandmother gave it to ME! My dad and I were the only peeps to have some after Christams dinner, and I loved it, so she gave it to me, and it is refered to as MY cake! MUHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Its so good.... *drools* mmm.... cake ^_^
Oh, and I did get my first ringtune ^_^ I got American Idiot by Green Day. Tis cool ^_^ No, they had no F***ing Linkin Park! AHHHHHHHHHHH! Makes Cody ANGRY!!!! Meh. And I figured out text messaging and stuff last night, go me! MUAHHA! My dad couldn't even figure that out! lol. And I sent my home phone a text message that said "Yo." and the phone rang, I answer, and it said I had a text message from my #, then it read the message and was like "Yo." Really fast! AHHAHAHAAHAHA!
Peace peeps, nothing to talk bout, really, that was it, oh, and fucking adobe is being a bitch and won't let me resize the pics of my room! Thats not an excuse, its true! Its pissing me off... I'll try later this afternoon, then maybve submit a few here.
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
We're jammin now dudes!
YES! I get the mini DVD player! WOOT! Yes. All thanks to my lil friend, PS2. All because of its built in DVD player. Now, the DVD player my bros and I got for xmas, my parents are putting it in their room, and giving me the mini one! WOOT! Score.
Well, timekeeping was like... like... a teenager waking up at 7:30am on holidays... not fun! but, still kinda fun. Found out I can get ring tunes for my cell phone, and like I said, my mom got the idea wrong! She was like "your not downloading ringtunes cause it costs me $12!" But, my dad and I went to see the phone peeps for our cells, and she said its $2.10 ^_~
Uhh... other wise, my dad and I had fun in town, we were looking through stores in the mall, and ate at Burger King, twas fun.... for once! ^_^ lol. Anyway, peace peeps, gotta jet, so, sorry I can post the piccys, I didn't think I'd be home so late... meh. You can wait ^_~
EDITY: Oh yeah. At a book store, couldn't find LP's: From the Inside book, but found a shitload of manga, all Tokyopop, but it was all $15, and stuff I'd never heard of.... ahh... and all the Inuyasha DVD volumes ^_^ Yeah, go music world! I didn't want anyt though *shakes head* |
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Crips... did it again...
I forgot something else I wanted to write... damnit! I'm ganna keep a notepad beside my bed for when I think of these things! *sigh*
Well, Team Canada is kickin ass in the IIHF Champianships! Totally sweet ^_^ They have won all three games. The USA Has won the two games they played, and they play again today for Americans who wanna watch ^_^ Oh, and I'm talking bout hockey if you don't know....
Uhhh.... IT'S SNOWING AGAIN! HAHA! I know, you all want some, but its mine! Like, 2inchs ^_^ Meh, its all good.
I'm ganna jet, check out ur sites, oh, and I wasn't on last night cause I got kicked off the comp for fighting.... meh. |
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Damn.. forgot...
Well, clear skys now, so much snow! I took some ground level pics last night, to show how high some of the snow was, and man! HIGH! I'll upload em later.
The damn is I had two great topics to write about last night but now I forgot what both were.... cripes... meh.
I decided I wanna show you guys and gals around my house. Yup. I'm ganna take some pics around some, mainly of my room, and places I am alot ^_^ Nothing much more, I did play the shit outta SSX3 yesterday ^_^ Maxed out my man Nate's skills, and am now working on the game with Griff, and Mac. Cool ^_^
Anyway, ganna see if I can get out a door to go see if my LPU package is in the mail yet. YEAH! Speaking of LPU, if you wanna join, I posted a banner in my intro. So if you join, click that so I can get a referral! The referal name will say Tyson1, thats me, so leave that please ^_^ Later peeps.
EDIT: I forgot, something I wanted to tell you all about. Probably the best song on the Collision Course cd/dvd is Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer because it explains what I think is music. "If you don't like the lyrics then hit fats forward!" Thats some lyrics, and it makes me think.... there are this dumbass morons saying "oh, I don't like them, there music is harrassing, or stupid..." blah blah blah! Well, if you don't like someone, don't listen to em! I could go on, but this is getting long... so, you should listen to that song if you get a chance, its also very funny ^_^
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