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Monday, December 20, 2004
Me gots my satilite receirver today! YEAH! Its a "dummy" reciever, so I can watch different things then the rest of my family. AHHAH! Suckers ^_^ Its my christmas present.
Ahh... shopping again was annoying *sigh* Nothing againt men, but they piss us women off when shopping1 I dunno why, but they do. Meh.
Oh, and I downloaded American Idiot by Green Day! Had it in my head for awhile, I love that song ^_^ YEAH! And again, I thank the people who are posting the Christmas shoutout thing for me. To copy it, look at the bottom of my earlier post ^_~ Peace out guys!
4 DAYS!!!! |
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YEAH! It is loved!
You all love my idea ^_^ Thankies for posting it, cause remember, your friedns will do the same, and their friends, and their friends, and so on! It'll go EVERYWHERE! MUAHAHAH! So thanks ^_^
Uhh... ITS SNOWING! YEAH! Yes, more more MORE! HAHAHAHHA! (Caitlyn, no, I'm not having a mental breakdown. lol) Oh, and I'm going shopping, my mom just called me ^_^ Girl shopping is 100 times better then shopping with ur dad and bros.. *looks pissed and slouches*
Anyway, gotta check the mail for my two packages I'm expecteding to ^_^ I ordered the Braveheart DVD for my dad, and Ice Age for my lil bro. ^_^ They haven't come yet, but they should any day. And of course, LPU pack WEEEEE!!! Gotta go, here's a pic for helping me out ^_^ Yes, a NEW one!

Join Beyblader in the 1st annual Christmas Present Shoutout! On Christmas day, list off your presents for your fellow Otakus to see. Please copy and paste this into your next post to help spread the word to every Otaku!
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Cody's idea!
I thought of this wicked christmas thing we al at myO could do! Okay, I call it, the annual, Christmas present Shoutout!
What is it you ask? Well, Christmas day, everyone posts what they got for Christmas! What I want to accomplish is to have most of the myO community participate. How will I do that? By you all passing this on! Okay? So, I'm ganna put a lil write up at the bottom on this post for you to copy and paste into your next post.
So, How will that help? Simple! You all have different friends then I have on my site, and if you tell them to spread the word, the chain reaction goes off, and everyone gets to hear of this! So, here is the short lil notice for you to use. Hey, and guys and gals, PLEASE help me with this! It'll be fun, and maybe, it'll become an annual thing!
Join Beyblader in the 1st annual Christmas Present Shoutout! On Christmas day, list off your presents for your fellow Otakus to see. Please copy and paste this into your next post to help spread the word to every Otaku!
Okay. So, if this works peeps, its ganna be wicked ^_^ Peace out! |
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I wanna tell everyone!
Yes, I'll tell everyone my secret! Its not really a secret... but if everyone knows... they could mess it up for me :(
Okay, what it is that has to do with Viz and manga is the Associates team. I got a special email from Viz.com yesterday, and they wanted me to join. What happens is if someone goes to my anime site (otaku beyblader) and clicks the Viz ads, and buys something from Viz.com, then I get commissions, and get paid! Its cool ^_^
So, what I wanted to tell you all is if you buy manga, online, then you can go to Viz through my site, and help me! I might buy a personal domian for Otaku Beyblader hopefully with what I make ^_^ Or, ZOIDS manga! Anyway, just thought you'd like to know... and.... DON'T STEAL MY IDEA!!!!
Yeah, thats that ^_^ Next thing, WE GOT SNOW!!! Yup, a couple inches! Its ice raining now, but its snowing another 10cm tonight! Also, I didn't come on last night cause I fell asleep. Yeah, I was drawing a pic, finished, listened to the American top 40 on the radio, then fell asleep... at 8pm.... sick... oh well, I had enough energy later to watch the first half of Gladiator in my room at 12am! lol
I gotta work this afternoon. And I shall be back on tonight, and I will scan that piccy. Also, the Zolo trading card is online, so go check it out ^_~ |
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Stupid can opener!
Man, electrick can openers suck dudes! Geese! It won't hold a damn can! ARG! Meh, not my can *shrugs*
Anyway, looking at my trading card now, so yeah, I'm ganna scan it and post it, you can see in a few min ^_^ Ahh... I don't remember my santa letter either. I'll have to post it when I get it back. Sorry guys and gals. In the mean time.... here is a piccy of one of my FAVE bishi's!
Roronoa Zolo!

He's awesome ^_^ Okay, I got nothing else, BUT, Canadian anime fans, be prepared for anime-nia 3! New Years eve! All day long, ANIME! YEAH! Peace out peeps!
EDIT: If anyone here buys manga from Viz.com PLEASE tell me, I'll let you in on a secret ^_~ Or if you want to, tell me, through PM or comment. and YOU to will get a secret ^_^ |
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Friday, December 17, 2004
My class is reatrded... I swear its true this time!
Yeah, remember? I told you bout the stupid things they do, this kinda adds to it, like I said I would.. *nods*
Anyway, we did a dumb thing. Yup, had a semi-party in SS class. Talk about HELL! I swear, I was ganna kill that lil bastard Kyle! AH! *imagines self ripping off Kyle's head* Ah, the pleasure it would bring! He thinks he is funny when he cheats at trivia games! Pisses me off, and our class was out of control in general. Meh, nothing new.
I did a cool thing in art though ^_^ Since it was the last day before break, we made trading cards! I drew Rononoa Zolo, and listed his real attacks and stats. I'm ganna post it as art soon, its really cool I think ^_^
Lastly, we played a triva game in math to, girls won ^_^ ANd I wrote an evil letter to Santa in english, I'll post something like it tomorrow. What I can remember. The teacher has it, so, meh... oh, and I will also post my interm report card marks tomorrow, I don
t have em on me now. Anyway, catch ya'll later ^_~ Peace out peeps! |
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You do now!
Hey, dudes, dudettes ^_^ I'd like you all to do something for me! My bestest best friend at school, Caitlyn, she joined myO! I didn't even know until she signed my gb, she never told me or anything! Well, her name is chibi nyao. Now, go see her, and be nice, and be friends, and DO NOT tell her how eveil I am! lol ^_^
Ahhh... besides that, I woke up late, and everything that was good bout yesterday was in the last post. Except..... KELLY WON! Yup, Kelly is a guy first off, he won the Apprentace! YEAH! *dances around in circles* Okay. I'm done, heres a pic, be happy ^_^ LAST DAY!!!!
Oh, and I am informed by Caitlyn that I am on Yahoo.com! Thats how she found me ^_^ Type in Cody sonic Linkin Park and I'm #7 ^_^
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
I love it!
I love Def Jam: Fight for NY! Its awesome now that I can fight awesome! I was doing my story mode since I got home ^_~ Totally fun! Thats like, 3 and a half hours! WOOHAA! I'm... ahh... 27% completre the story, which is awesome ^_^ I feel right ganster now to yo! Got myself a gf in the game to, and my character is awesome, loads of bling! He's like, like... he looks like Mike Shinoda! And ther was a cat fight, between my game gf and one that was coming onto my character! lol. Awesome ^_^
Yeah, you can tell I love the game ^_^ Anyway, got my interm report card today, I like to call it the Christmas spoiler, for some peeps ^_^ I am still all in the 90's! WOOT! Yeah. And classes were boring, not much happening. I did perform two christmas songs on the piano in music. I did Frosty and Rudolph. I have to go to school tomorrow to take two tests, then I'm FREE!
Well, Apprentace season finally is on at 9, and its... 8:03pm, and I still gotta eat, so, I'll be around to ur sites ^_` Peace out, enjoy this pic!
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Automatic Update.
Well, I tried. I tried to write my post in 50 seconds. Got pretty far! Auto update restarts my cmp. Stupid. God I hate em! They can't be stopped though... meh.
Well, sorry bout yesterday. I was really angry when I wrote that. I was fine after a half hour though ^_^
To many gb signings! AHHH! Oh, and CME Inc. site was updated. New layout soon ^_~
Okay, I've been meaning to talk bout school now for awhile. Some stuffs. Like, got at least an A on all the tests I've taken thus far. Not doing much in SS, besides sleeping through movies, and drawing. We had a big long talk on various subjects on our future in high school all math class, which was fun! Girls left me alone, since I stopped talking bout em. I've done some kickass cool art drawings with charcoal! They are to big to scan though. One is Chester Bennington ^_^
Got a 94% in science on my mark update thingy which I forgot to get signed... crap.... and I am using my exemption on science if I haven't already mentioned that.
So those are some things that have been going on ^_^ Last night I also incorperate a big cabinit into my room. I want to cause of two reasons.
1) mom says I can draw anime on it!
2) it can hold my Shonen Jump. I have 18, and running out of room, but no more! I put two lil cabinits in my closet. Took the old closet self out, which is a colourful trolly thingy, now used to hold tomorrows close at the end on my bed ^_^ And the big shelf is in my room! YEAH! Go me ^_^ Well, anyway, peace out peeps. Hope you enjoyed the happenings in Cody's life ^_~ |
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I have a fucking headache now, threw my cat, which I feel bad before, screamed at my dad and lil bro (both pissed me off) All because of Def Jam: Fight for NY.
Hers the story. I couldn't do SHTI on the game! My characters were fucking SLUGS! Pissed me off. Finally got a fast character, and then was fine, but my lil bro is a fucking pussy ass wimp! He kept using the same move over and over! ARG!
Then my dad CUT the internet line! I was like, why the hell'd ya do that!? He begin to yell, and piss me off. ARG!!
He put it back, so here I am. He ALSO yelled at me for not putting a cabinit in my room! WTF!? When was I supposed to do that? Lets see... Monday, come home, go to town. Tuesday, come home, go to JA! ARG ARG!!!
I'm really pissed now. Yeah, I threw my cat. She rubbed up against my elbow RIGHT when I got REALLY pissed, and she was the first thing I grabbed, kinda pushed her off the bed, and she fell on her back, and ran away. I hope she doesn't hate me, I didn't mean it, I was just angry.
Thats my pissy story, alot of great things happened today in school, like having no math, and the spagetti bridge contest, but being pissed majorly cancels it out! Anyway, peace out out peeps, visiting sites now. ^_~ |
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