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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
This is one slow comp *rolls eyes*
Well, today is my big bro's birthday, and he opened his presents last night. I already knew and seen this present, but he got a mini fridge ^_^ and command and conquer: generals, and a poster from me, a Guardian Angels Tiger poster! YEAH!
lol. Uhhh.... we had our christmas party at JA. I won Icy Squares! YEAH! No, Icy Cups! MUAHAHA! I won alot of candy last night! Yummy candy ^_^ And the peeps who drove me were buying me stuff at DQ, but I only wanted a big ass shake. Some dumbass trainee made it all milky! ARG! Killy killy!
Anyway, if I can find a way to contain the blackness of charcoal, I will scan in the pic I drew.... however I contain the blackness of charcoal. Yeah, I did Yoh yesterday in SS class. He was reading a boring canada book that he KNOWS I hate (probably part of the reason he read it) but when he was done, he gave everyone free rein.... and I was like "give me charcoal!". He eventually gave in and went to get me charcoal (he's also my art teacher)
OKay, and I have decided to exempt my Science exam next month *nods* it was between science and SS. I only have 4 exams! I thought Science would have more to it, and I hate Science, so, I'm ganna do the SS one, seeing I've like, aced almost all the tests! lol. Anyway, peace out peeps, and I'll be home today to see everyone ^_~ |
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
My bad dues. I had to go shopping when I got home yesterday, so I wasn't on, then dad picked a swell timw to update the virus scan...
I should tell you all, DO NOT click hotlinks in emails. There is a new virus going around that eats up ALL ur comps memory if you do. So far, there is nothing to fix it or stop it, excep wiping out every file you have - wiping on the hard drive! My dad's work comp got it.
Uhhh... shopping was hell... yeah. Me with three boys! What fun! All dad did was rush me, and he was annoyed at something, probably my lil bro, which pissed me off, cause he was being snotty. I'm going shopping again with my mom and grandmother Monday. I love shopping with them ^_^ Its always fun, and I do that alot on weekends. Boys don't like to shop, so it isn't fun at all.
Also, my mom said she got me a crap load of LP stuff. At least 2 dvd's my big bro says. They had, where I was, Collision Course, Live in Texas, and the BTH Ani-manga/DVD.
Anyway, sorry for not visiting some of you, I'm onto that now, JA after school, I won't be here till tomorrow. Peace out peeps. |
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Sorry peeps. Yesterday I couldn't get on the comp except for the one time I was on. So, I didn't get to alot of sites :( I wanted to though, believe me!
Well, going shopping after school and debate team practise (which I suck at). Uhh... my mom and grandmother are going when I'm at school... sneaky! Well, I gotta give my mom my list ^_^ *skips off*
Oh, and MTV STILL won't work! ARRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Linkin Park on Backstage Pas was on again! *cries* didn't work. So I watched Cadet Kelly with my mom, we both love that movie ^_^ And my mom is ganna call Start Choice today to see what the fuck is wrong with my MTV! It BETTER be fixed by Tuesday when the show is on again! *shakes fist at tv* Peace out peeps!
EDITY!!!: HE WON HE WON! CHRIS WON! The last surviving man out of 7 peeps! 1 guy, 6 girls, CHRIS WON SURVIVOR! AHAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!! |
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
My mom was like "Cody, I hater to ask you this, but what was that thing you were going to get me to buy you last month?" Oh, the Live in Texas DVD + CD! WOOT! She is getting me stuff for christmas and ASKING me what I want! WOOHOO! I was like, Live in Teaxas, but if Collision Course is there, GET THAT! MUAHHAHAH!
Also, I'm going shopping with my dad and big bro Monday after school, when the stores aer less crowded ^_~ Sweet.
Pissed me off, stupid MTV! Its been fuzzy and glichy since Wednesday, and Backstage Pass with Linkin Park was on at 1:30! Its on again at 6:30, so, I'll watch it then, cause the channel works at night for some reason o.O
Anyway, sorry for the late post, I was sleeping, stayed up late. Meh. Peace out peeps, have a great day, ONE WEEK!
 you are "super-deformed" or "chibi". so full of energy. and so full of bull. you know there's people who want you dead?
What type of manga are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
*yawns* what a weird movie!
I was just watching Road Warrior with my dad, man, Mel Gibson was YOUNG! lol.
Notr pissed anymore ^_^ I dunno why I was before, but, meh. Christmas tree lights are nice to, all done by me! ^_^
Ganna draw a Link piccy tonight, HOPEFULLY! Also, maybe a few sketches. Right now, I found a bunch of pics from the old Soul Calibur game! Really cool ^_^ Here is one for you. Old school Mitsurugi!
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Not in a good mood...
No, I'm not! I dunno why, but I'm pissed off....
I put the christmas lights on the tree this morning, after watching my anime. Now I SHOULD clean the rabbit cage, but, I'm to lazy.
Mom's bday was great! She loved the decorations, and the presents ^_^
Uh, I got nothing. I'm freaking bored outta my tree.... and I want something GOOD to eat! We need grocies, EMPTY HOUSE! *puts head between knees and rolls in circles on the floor* Still bored... *sighs*
Oh, and if anyone can PLEASE make me a blog, like, a scrolling one, yeah, then can you make me a DBZ one? Maybe with Vegeta? ANY pic of him! I need one for Otaku Beyblader.... it has no blogy :( PLEASE HELP!!! |
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Friday, December 10, 2004
The perfect thing
They didn't bug me today! WOOT!
I forgot to get my math test back... I didn't like doing it, it was messed up, I mean, things were like... messed up...
Uhh... awaiting my mom, to see what she thinks of the decorations I put up! streamers, and ballons. I cleaned up the dining room a bit, and we lit a fire, really great! Hope she is happy bout it all ^_~ And, that bout ends my interesting things to say... yes.... I haver nothing good to say. Uhh... and I will be doing a Link drawing, and maybe some other goodies, seeing I haven't done a drawing in a bit... meh. ttyl.
forgot my FAST FACTS to... they are in my agenda, which is in my locker :( meh.
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I dunno what thats for... meh.
Its my mom's birthday today ^_^ She said she doesn't enjoy bdays anymore to me last night... one guess.... cause it tells you ur getting older, and everyone knows, parents HATE getting older! Meh. It'll be fun!
Uhh.... I forgot to mention yesterday, Iaced my SS test ^_~ Booyah peeps! easy as pie! One kid in my class, who would usually fail, he aced it to, 20/20, and the teacher was like "congrates to Geoff B for getting 100% on his test!" never said it about me cause I like, always ace them ^_~ I thought that was like... most embarrassing thing ever! he pratically made fun og Geoff for being dumb!
Today is the ginger bread house contest judging. After our so called "decorating" yesterday... *sighs* I don't think we'll win. Tis looking MIGHTY crappy!
Oh, and sorry, I forgot bout the FAST FACTS. lol. After school then, when I have more time. Peace out peps ^_~ |
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Childish fools...
HEYA! My LPU membership package is expected to ship Dec. 18th! WOOT! Thats awesome!
Okay, like I said, I would tell you all bout the evil bitch girls. Heres the deal. I'll make this short, cause Survivor is on soon, plus, after a day like today, I need some rest and relaxation.
They were throwing fruitloops at me in art class. How mature! *rolls eyes* I was telling them bout their aim, cause they NEVER once hit me! morons. They suck! Oh, and Mike and Justin, two of their gooines where doing it to. The they threw a pastel, and I through that back, they all cowered when I was ganna throw it to, no joke!
Finally, after awhile, they threw a nickle, which hit me in the colar bone, HARD! I was so fucking pissed! I threw my paint brush down, WAS ganna go knock the shit outta Mike who had thrown it at me, but, I didn't. I told the teacher, and he yelled at em (ohh, wow, what a scary thing! sarcasum...) Anyway, they went on saying I was crying, which I wasn't, but I was so mad, I wanted to. Then they made fun of my friend who bravely stuck up for me ^_^
I finished my art project, had nothing to do, so I went and sat by the door, where the ta's were talking, and they were talking to me, knew how pissed I was, and one called the girls grade 9 sluts! I was like, WHOA! I loved it! Cause I have over heard on of the girls telling that same TA that I called em sluty dopheads! I was REALLY glad she didn't believe em. She's on my side.
So, thats the stroy. I must say, when they were throwing things, my legs said go, but my head said no! I kept it together, and laughed off my anger. They will NEVER know... assholes... ARG.
Anyway, gotta jet, peace out peeps! ^_~ |
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Breaks are HELL!
I did absolutly nothing yesterday on my day off... nothing TO do! ARG! I'm pissed at that fact. Nothing on tv either... thank god for how its made! Saved me! Then I discovered how to plug in the DVD player (wires and everything messed up since we moved the t and satilight and such) then watch LP's Frat party for a few hours, discovered some awesome things listening to commentary on vids. Did you know if you put "One Step Closer" on with directors commentary, it'll play everything in the song backwards? o.O creepy sounding, I know!
Well, BIG NEWS! Sum 41 is coming to concert! Yup, right in Saint John! bot 20 min from where I live! WOOT! I was trying to win advance tickts for me and my bro this morning on the radio, I knew the question and EVERYTHING! *crys* I'll never forget the album name Chuck for that... *ten mins later* what was the album called again? lol
Well, off to merry school *sarcasim* If they attack me, you'll hear about the death of the two girls I beat to death on the news. If they don't, you'll hear another fun story when I get home! lol.
EDIT: can anyone tell me if LP won and billboard awards? |
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