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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
SNOW DAY! HAHAH! No school cause of it ^_^ Yeah, like, a centimeter of snow, but then freezing rain that froze everything, and now its raining. Lame thing to get off for, but yeah!
Okay, update on the evil bitch girls who want to kill me. Yesterday at school, in music, a kid named Mike, who is the evil bitches friend said I was snotty, for no reason, and he got kicked outta class, then evil bitch girl 1 said well she is, and also got kicked out, then four of us, including those two and me got a talking to after classs bout making rude comments to each other. (girl and I were bickering, but in a funny way, meh)
Anyway, I told my mom the whole story bout Matt, and spreading rumors. So, when I went to JA, she called him and told him to stop everything, and threatened to charge him with slander (spreading rumors that indanger someones safety) cause they were threatening me and shit. Meh, not that I'm scared of em. But, Matt said "well, she did call them slutty dopheads!" which I didn't, I called em smokers, MAYBE drugies, but hey, freedom of speech! Plus, THEY ARE! Then my mom talked to Matt's mom bout it all *sigh* complicated. This is just the stuff she told me.
Meh, its all crap. I don't care, and we all KNOW Matt, being the sniviling cowardly gossip bag he is, will tell everyone my mom did that. Then they will TRY and make fun of me, but hey, do I have control of what my mother does when I'm away? NO! Morons -_- *evil glare*
Its all bullshit. But its funny ^_^ Well, finished all the pics I had to do also, and now I'm starting a Link pic for someone here on myO. And my friends and I started making our ginger bread castle for the ginger bread house making contest at school... mmmm.... icing... I ate alot ^_^
ONE LAST THING! Before the SS test yesterday, my friend and I told the teach he should check hands before the test. Thats ALL we said, cause my friend said peeps were writing the answers on their hands. So, he goes to the two evil bitch girls, and lookie lookie! All the answers on their hands! No one knew we said it, but we never said any names! My mom thinks it was mean, but isn't them threatening to beat the shit outta me mean to? I say they deserved it! What do you think?
Outta here, have a pic to ^_^ Sorry for the late post, I was snoozing ^_~ Oh, and the old FAST FACTS returns tomorrow! Check it out~ Some freakishly cool deeds in it dudes. |
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
I know what you all mean.
Dark13 made an excellent point. I'm not THAT well liked, nor hated at my school. Being how I am. So, there have been many, MANY rumors made bout me saying things, this is the third in four days. Thats why I get shit. I don't care, cause I know they aren't true, but I know that someday they are ganna hit home, to my real friends, and hopefully they will trust me enouhg to ask be before they turn away :(
Well, JA after school *drags feet* not one of the days I wanna go, but I must, and I need to finish inking and colouring our logo... damnit, and I have stupid music today... sooo boring! ARG!
Last night, my mom finished decorating her room, and the new living room.... now just our living room which looks like a war zone! *sigh* I am NOT doing it! lol.
Also, question bout the yellowcard thing. It is open to anyone, and free. Please just PM me ur email address. |
Comments (10) |
Monday, December 6, 2004
Okay, two topics today, TMNT, and girls at my school wanting to kill me ^_^
First, Ninja Turtles. This great ^_^ Go on google... search for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You will see, old school Turtles at thier BEST! Its creepy! And new turtles, and I must say, I like the new ones better. After doing that search, its just.... freaky.
Okay, next, evil girls at my school who want to kill me. This is also creepy. My bro is watching this... *shifty eyes* Well, back to topic. Okay, seeing Matt (Smiley 13, go spam him!) is a fucking asshole cowardly fuck head, he told his smoker friends that I called then Sluty dopheads online! I did NO such thing! They came up to me in art, and were mouthing off to me, and being pissy, theatening to beat the shit out of me any everything! What did the easily tempered Cody do you ask? Laughed in their face... well after I told them thats not what I said, which they didn't believe *sigh* can't comprimise with em! They just threatened and shit, and were TOTAL bitches, like they always are. And then the teacher yelled at em to sit down.
So, over at their table (two away from mine) I could here them saying things like "she needs a new wardrobe!" and "look at that hair!" Ya know, what mean bitchy girls do! HOLARIOUS stuff! My friend who I was sitting with, I was just telling her, that after being through many of these "girl wars" I have learned NOT to provoke! I just explain my piece nicely, and laugh at whatever they threaten me with! I no longer say bad things bout peeps online, cause it always bites me in the ass. Its funny now to me! How immature these people are! Ya know, when ya stand outside and look in, instead of fighting back and being defensive, then you see this alot more *nods* I just wanted to mention this to you all. Oh, and also, those girls are intimidating! They keep asking the same thing over and over and over! Thinking I'll snap and then they have a reason to kill me more ^_^ Nope, sorry to burst their bubles ^_^
Laterz ^_~ |
Comments (6) |
Its like, misunderstanding ville!
*sigh* let me start this off correcting my mistakes made in reguards to the Chaz solo thingy. Peeps keep thinking they are going to break up. No, they aren't Chester said that himself, he is MAYBE doing a solo album DURING the bands break. I find it hard to believe coming from the corce which is said to be VERY unreliable, plus, I don't think he would manage two careers with a family! LP is wheres he would most likely stay ^_~
The reason I'm saying this is becayse a few peeps thought they were breaking up, and I posted this on the LPG on Gaia, and they TOTALLY messed it up! They were saying I told them Chaz was chatting on Gaia and EVERYTHING! Its rediculas how some peeps don't read well there... not so much here ^_^
Anyway, I'm cold. No snow, yet its damn well freezing! Yeah I drew a still life... not of a gundam, WAY to hard! Whoa! I tried a big talking Wolverine toy, and a lil Gotenks figure. I ended up to the big Wolverine's head. Easier. Man, but, I never wanna do a still life again! to hard!
Lastly, anyone who has ever seen my big fat obnoxious boss, which I seen for the first time last night, knows it is hilarious! Man, that actor/boss dude had them seeling UNBELIEVALBE products! All natural tampons... they were TWIGS! HAHAHAHAH! Carb Zero spray, makes carbs go away from ffod! AHAHAH! Reusable... toilot paper! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Wash and re-use! AHAHAHHA! And then there was air in a bottle, like bottled water, but air AHHAHA! ^_^ Man, funny.
Anyway, gotta jet, hope ya understand things, and I gotta go to hell.. I mean school.
EDITY: Anyone here like Yellowcard? I joined a Fan club this morning, its free, called the Underdogs. You get points for doing stuff, then can buy games, and music, and all kinds of things with them. Let me know if you wanna join, I can invite you ^_~ |
Comments (7) |
Sunday, December 5, 2004
Yeah! Tree!
Went to the U-Cut Tree farm with family friends and such, got our christmas tree ^_^ Fun.
My dad finished the room he was working on, looks NOTHING like it used to, totally awesome! And, we moved most of their bedroom furnature into it. Switched the living rooms around, now we have two! lol. Cool ^_^ Our, "teen" living room is the one next to the comp rrom now, where I am, and the "family room" is where my parents old bedroom is. Confusing, and disorganized right now!
STILL have to draw those stupid pics.. *sighs* Should get to that... laters all. Heres a piccy.
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A Mix up
Apparently the peeps who read last nights LATE LATE post didn't read the part where I said he might be doing a solo album DURING THE BANDS BREAK! I dunno if its true anyway, read the bottom for that bit, or the whole post if ya want.
Anyway, getting Christmas tree sometime today. yup yup ^_^ Yesterday was THE most boring day ever... nothing to do but watch MTV and walk aorund *sigh* so dull.... thank god for morning anime!
Today will most likely be the same. Meh, not much to do. The room my dad has been working on should be done today to. Yup, its ganna be my parents new bed room. Tis cool, he built a neat shelf unit, and closets, and insolated it and stuff, really cool ^_^
Well, Paper Mario pic is up, go check that out. Catch ya'll later ^_~ |
Comments (12) |
Saturday, December 4, 2004
Sup peeps.
I dunno if this is true, but here be it the scoop dudes.
I was reading a thread on the LPU message boards. (Linkin Park Underground) There was a thingy bout LP talkign bout the collision course process. Well, then at the end, there was a thing from Chester saying he was thinking of doing a solo album, that was as far away from LP's stlye that he could get! He said that the band was taking a break after the record is made.
I dunno if this is true, but its scary, and alot of peeps seem to think he's leaving the band. I however don't think he'll do a solo. Now, I'm also talking bout, something else. He also said he wasn't LEAVING the band, just doing his solo when the band took a break, if thats the case, all the power to ya Chaz man! But, we can't lose our Chester, LP would fall apart if that happened :(
So, give me ur thoughts. Whoever reads this that is. If I get no reply, I'll repost tomorrow morning. Laterz. |
Comments (3) |
Thankies ^_^
For those who read the "sleep" rant. ^_^ Thanks.
Well, just got done watching 4 back to back epis of YGO, then 4 back to back epis of Beyblade, G Rev. AWESOME! I only watched two of the YGO though. They were all new epis for both to! Beyblade was wicked cool! I loved them ALL!
Uhh.. going to time keep at 3, seems I time keep almost every sat! Uh oh... my friends were supposed to come over today to work on a project. Damn... hmmm... Wednesday I guess. Its a ginger bread house making contest. They were supposed to come to my house today, but, I got time keeping to do. Monday, debate team after school, and JA tuesday after school, so, wednesday they can come after school, and make our house ^_^
Thats was alot! Getting my christmas tree Sunday, fun ^_^ Tree farm! YEAH! Gotta draw some stuff for monday, and I'm sorry, I forgot to scan the Mario pic! I will later tonight, sorry bout that, its been done awhile. Also, rented Mortal Kombat Deseption, amazing game ^_^ First time I kicked by big bros ass so much at a fighting game!! AHHAHA! Laterz all ^_~ Peace out!
Found this at LinkinPark25's site.
The Personality Resume | Created by notparticularly and taken 5779 times on bzoink! | Would you rather be an African elephant or an Asian elephant? Why? | Asian, less hunted ^_~ | Would you rather freeze to death or burn alive? Why? | Freeze, burns are painful! | Name three movies you like | Last Samurai, S.W.A.T, Frat Party | Name three books you like | Dive, Everest, Tale of the Trojans | Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character? Which one(s)? Why? | Uhh... no... thats weird... | Republican, Democrat or other? Why? | Anyone but the liberals! | Attendance percentage at high school dances? | most, not all though | What television shows do you watch regularly? | anime, survivor, apprentace, MTV, lots... | Abortion is... | when a mother carrying a baby gets it killed before it is born. | The death penalty is... | death, duh! | How do you take your coffee? | I don't drink it, its disgusting | How do you take your tea? | also disgusting, but, sugar isn't bad ^_~ | Who's your favorite teacher/professor? | Mr Armstrong & Mrs. Lamb, grade 8 | How do you feel about your parents? | their cool ^_^ | What sort of music do you listen to? | Linkin Park, Hoobastank, Simple Plan, Sum 41, alternative/rock | List five or ten bands you listen to. | Linkin Park, Sum 41, Hoobastank, Yellowcard, Simple Plan, Autopilot Off, Cauterize | Do you use public transportation? | no | Ever told someone you love him/her? | my mom and dad | Morning person, night person or both? | kinda both | Siblings? | lil bro, annoying | What are your friends like? | semi annoying, smart | Amusement parks are? | fun ^_^ | Cafeterias are? | weird, with good food ^_^ | Dogs are? | annoying, but, annoyance is all around me, so who cares! | Any phobias, traumas or other weirdnesses? | everything is weirdness -_- | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Comments (8) |
Friday, December 3, 2004
I'm still sleeping...
Yes, sleeping.. *falls on keypad* Huh? Oh, hi. I got up at 8:55, which was great ^_^
I first wanna tell you who I forgot to put in that quiz in the "hate" catigoy. Lyserg, fuck I hate him! He is a depressing, low life, one-track minded idiot! Yeah, I hate characters alot of peeps like... meh! I like to sleep. Which leads me to a rant.
Why when you are little, do you hate to sleep yet when you are a teen, and getting older, you don't wanna wake?
Lets use my lil bro as an example. Little kids, they have SOOO much energy that a day is not enough to burn it all off and make them settle down and sleep. Like my lil bro. Yet, he is 13, and he will still wake up at anything! Christmas, last year. (damn him *shakes fist*) he wakes up at 7:30!!!! He runs around upstairs, into my room, "Cody Cody, wake up! Its christmas!" I jjust say, go away, its called sleeping! Yeah. I would never get up, even when I was 13, like that... starnage boy. But, he is like a lil kid, hyper active!
So, I see it as a lil kid needs to burn off alot of energy in the run of a day, as so they can sleep at night, without hassel, or getting up early *shakes fist at lil bro*
On the Teen side. We never wanna get up! Its like, torture for us! Sleeping is "fun" unlike how it used to be when WE were little. I ask, why do you like to sleep more when your a teen, rather then a lil kid? 2 answers for that to!
1. we spend more energy, with harder school, extra activities, chores, its tougher for us.
2. we appriate rest, and relaxation, we don't need to explore anymore, like lil kids, always wanting to know new things, and sleep gets in the way of their discovering. We don't care, we could care LESS! We have discovered enough at our point in life, and sleep is the only important thing then.
So, in conclusion, if you ever ask that question, or someone else does, theres your answer! I've been looking for this answer for a LONG time!
like my rant? Good info eh? Tell me what ya think if you read it ^_~ See you all... ahh.. when you get home.

Yes, this is my first result of the quiz! no cheating! lol.
 Who is Your Saiyan Battle Partner? Hosted by Anime. Done right. |
Comments (11) |
Thursday, December 2, 2004
MUHAHAHA! I have no school tomorrow! Beautiful sound, yes ^_^ I love it! Some... in-school seminar thingy for teachers I guess o.O
We got this freaky old dude for SS today.. creepy guy! He didn't know how to hook up the dvd player, so we could watch some lame canadian movie, which I hate, so, once again, I did it. I always hook up the dvd players in ss... such "highly skilled" teachers we have... lmae -_- meh, tis fun ^_^
Didn't get to finish watching the Count of Monte Cristo today in english, cause the dvd player was broken by some teacher... AHH! It was almost done T_T getting to the good part to! *cries* Meh, next week I guess.
Ahead of me? Getting my christmas tree sunday, on the christmas tree farm ^_^ fun. Got two ... no three tests Tuesday... whats with tuesday? meh. And awaiting the shipment of my LPU package... I check every morning and night to see if its shipped.... arg... Catch ya'll ^_~
This quiz from Anime Express
Anime survey of DOOM! | Created by Trigunslinger and taken 136 times on bzoink! | Anime Favorites | Anime | Beyblade, DBZ, One Piece, Shaman King, Naruto, YGO | Character | Rei, Vegeta, Zolo, Horo Horo, Naruto, Joey | Boy character | Vegeta | Girl character | Bulma | Attack | Tiger Claw | Song | Change the World | Weapon | Samurai Sword | Anime dislikes | Least favorite anime | Astro boy | Character | astro | Boy character | Hercule | Girl character | Hilery | Attack | none | Song | Witch Hunter Robin theme | Weapon | fork | Random anime goodness | Character you feel sympathy for | Kira Yamato | Character that acts like you | Horo Horo | Character that looks like you | none | Character you find attractive | Vegeta | Character you could be friends with | Horo Horo | Character that would make a good brother | Rei | How about sister? | none | Character you wish you could kill | Seto Kiba or Hercule | Weapon or skill you wish you could have | Samurai sword | Character that reminds you of someone | Broke | Who do they remind you of? | My friend Matt | If you could be in any anime which one would you choose? | Beyblade | Which anime character would you want to look like? | Horo Horo, or Rei | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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