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Thursday, November 18, 2004
*yawns* Well, here we go today. Day one of the stage crew madness ^_^ lol.
One important thing I need to do that I never mentioned was an essay for english. Its on Bugs Bunny! Isn't that wicked cool?! AHAHHAHA!
Thanks for the congrates and everything on my grades. ^_^ I got those from teachers . haha... embarrassing from them.
What else... ahhh..... like I said last night, I won't be here after school, cause, I won't get home til like, 10pm. And to let everyone one no, I'm ganna try and spend every free moment here, with you all, my friends ^_^ Yup yup. Friday morning I will be here, and.... 9pm I can to.
I realy have nothing more to say besides check out BlackMagicianGrl's contest ^_~ Catch ya'll later! |
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
School Grades
Here they are! This just in ^_^
Music/Art 99% (music and art marks are combined)
Science 95%
Social Studies 98% (or, SS as I always say ^_^)
English 95%
Math 95%
That is STRAIGHT A+'s! HAHAHHA! BOOYAH! One kid, that I know of, in my class failed EVERYTHING! Its stupid,. he is a idiot! UI bet mroe then just him failed everything.
Anyway, tomorrow is my last free day. Yup. As a future warning, I will not be here after school tomorrow, I have stage crew practise right after school til 10pm. Yeah. And, Friday, is a day off school, for parent teacher, and I have stage crew from 9am to 6pm, and time keeping at 6:45pm and 8pm. I'm full up ^_^
Also, myO was down for the 2 hours I was online earlier... which is retarded. Now I can't visit all the sites... most likly. So, I'll see what I can get done. Anyway, catch ya'll later ^_^
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Whats that? Mass chaos?
Yes, it was -_- JA, my company. Our so called "Presidnet" isn't really helping with our MASS loads of paperwork. So, we got everyong who was just a worer to do the production line of our product, and us VP's (me included, VP of IT ^_~) did our paper work. No one had the proper thigns I didn't to put intothe comp database either! ARG!
Anyway, thats that. I'm free today... my last day of freedom. I have SOOOOOOOOOO much to do! Like, websites, here, someone elses website, and somethign for JA, and emails for JA. Why is it my last day? Simple, because starting this Thrsday, I am at the school, for stage crew, working on scene changes, and practising with the actors until the 27th, next saturday after this one. T_T and these are like, cue to cue practises, like, 9am to 10pm -_- NOOO!!! I can't come here that often, and I hope they don't give me homework!
Thats my stuff. I've got nothing more to say, or do here, so, I'll be off ^_^
 What Color Link Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right. |
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Yeah. Science, blah! Art, we went to the theatre to watch lil plays from the schools theatre arts class. They were mostly funny, especially the one bout Jessica Simpson and Nick Lacha.
Uhh.. math... pop quiz.. lame, and easy ^_^ English, we watched Bugs Bunny! AHAH! SS. went to the gym, for a HUGE school gathering to watch a wicked cool movie on the effects of alcohol, and a dude talked to us after that. It was really effective I think, and the guy was cool ^_^ LP music was SAID to be on it, (at the beginning of it, they named all the songs and stuff, and LP was one) BUT IT WASN'T ON THERE! T_T *cries* I as looking forward to that!
Uhh.. not much else, I'm really hungary, and I have JA tonight, so, sorry, I shall not be on later tonight, got homework for later. ^_~ Catch ya'll later!
Heres a sweet piccy to tide you over ^_^
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I... wanna.... sleep.... *yawns*
Yeah, I want to go to sleep, but, I can't -_-. I had a MEGA headache lst night, and thought I was ganna explode, so, I went to sleep at like, 10p. sick, I know!
Today.. uhhh.... I'm watching the Numb vid, for the first time! Yes, I'm pathetic. And, I wanted to know if anyone knows where I can download Linkin Park vids... DOWNLOAD! If ya do, could you tell me?
Thats all I got, I'm hungy now.. *stomach mumbles* eggs! |
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Monday, November 15, 2004
-_- I TOTALLY just lost my train of thought.... ummm... *brain dead*
Well... there is a few things ^_^ One, I uploaded that pic I promised, yup yup, and another lil goodie ^_~ Two, I get my report card Wednesday, but my english teacher gave us our marks today, and I was 95.2 ^_^ WOOT! HAHA! I suck at english, but not this time around!
Umm.. now... the scary one. Three. Last night, after watching the AMA's, I had a *gulp* nightmare! What was it about you ask? For the first time in awhile, I remembered what went on in my head at night! It was about Chester dying!!! It was really gruesome, weird, and scary, so, I don't wanna talk bout it, and for a lil while, I accually had believed it was true! I was making excuses for the truth to! I am weird...
OH YEAH! Train of thought has returned ^_^ I listened to Numb/Encore for the first time this morning, yup, on line. Its wicked! I seen the vid to. And I requested it on the radio station I listen to. For the request hour, which I'm listening to now. I also voted for Breaking the Habit for the top 9 at 9 thingy, I can win stuff ^_^ |
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Linkin Park WINS! YEAH! They won the only award they were nominated for, Alternative Rock band. BOOYAH! And when Joe and Chester presented with some girl, Chester talked ALOT!
So, besides that, I'm at LP.com checking out collision course and trying to figure out what the heck Meteora: From the Inside is! *sigh* I'm so HAPPY!
Other big news SomeGuy will be happy, the BC Lions won the western division finals last night in the Canadian Football league ^_~ Heck of a game to! And then my dad's team, Toronto Argonauts won to, and so, its BC vs. Toronto for the Grey Cup!
Didn't upload my YGO pic, sorry. I finished it last night though, and tis cool ^_~ So, you'll see it soon, now, I'm REALLY hyper, so, I gotta go, and eat... breakfast... before school. |
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
That means "what". ACK! I scraped the back of my foot of wood T_T IT HURTS!
I was just out playing in the snow with my dogs. God, gotta love throwing things at dogs faces. ^_^ Snow won't hurt em of course! lol. One is now sitting beside my chair here in the comp room cause he is scared of the vacuum ^_^
What I came to say was... e to.... uhh... (e to = um...) that the Eurpoe music awards are next week!!!! YEAH! Linkin Park wasn't nomiated for any good awards... that I seen on te MTV preview shows T_T
Besides this, ummm.... nothing really. Laterz all ^_~
EDIT: Like the "Numb" video? eh? Cool ^_^ |
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One Step Closer to the Edge...
yeah, I'm #29... that sucks. I dunno why, I don't really care, but when I took Adam's survey, I mentioned ALL the faults in the sites rating system, so, I hope things improve for those of us who work hard on our sites, unlike the current leaders.
On another note, LOTS OF SNOW! Yup yup ^_^ Its everywhere! Over 10cm of the beautiful white stuff! I went snowboarding yesterday, and I sucked. I only made it down the big hill I ride on behind my house ONCE!!! Yeah.. -_-' maybe its the landscape of it, but, I sucked!
Uhh.. finished my english project.... YEAH! That burend is G-O-N-E! And the American Music Awards are on tonight! YESH! I get to see Chazy again >.< And and.... umm.... the movie The Mexican is HILARIOUS! I watched some of it last ngiht, Brad Pitt it such an idiot in it ^_^
I'm off now, there will be a YGO pic up sometime tongith, seeing I have to draw it for tomorrow's art class. ^_~ Catch ya'll. |
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
I'm REALLY happy bout that. When I woke up to watch anime at 7:30am, it was just slow lil flurries, but now, its slow flurries.... BY THE MILLIONS! HAHAHAH! The ground is almost completely covered ^_^
Okay, enough of my insane snow happyness ^_^ My dad FINALLY put Photoshop 8 on our comp. All I can say is it made me REALLY mad last night! Its so complicated! o.O I had a hard time figuring stuff out, even with tutorials. But, here is the first thing I made.

I think its alright ^_^
Umm... besides that stuff, I'm timekeeping back to back games in a hour, and I MIGHT get two Sunday night, and my mom said she would tape me the American Music Awards, but, I rejected the games, then my mom told me that -_-' crap... I might get em though!
Oh, and I'll change the song soon, cause I downloaded three new ones yesterday, one is a Faint/Toxic remix o.O Laterz all ^_~ |
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