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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Friday, November 12, 2004
Man, thast alot of emails!
Yeah, I just emails to 40 some peeps! For JA that is. Two didn't work, one that didn't work is the presidents >.<
Umm... no, I didn't sleep THAT late! lol. Its only 11:30, so, I hope mroe peeps are alive now ^_^ Umm... what else, oh, I'M NOT COLD! AHHAAHAH! And, I got me new Exco jeans ^_^ MMmmmmm... black!
Not much else... except that I didn't see the Jayz and LP Ultimate Mash-ups, or concert, whichever it was, AND MTV ISN'T PLAYING IT AGAIN! *cries* whats wrong with them? I checked the guide until monday, and its not on T_T Oh well, the DVD will have it on there ^_^
EDIT: Here be a shoutout to GTHaloPlayer! WOOT! And this is a quiz result only 3% of peeps got. lol.
 What Tales of Symphonia Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right. |
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
sooo... cold.. can't... type...
Now Playing: Linkin Park - In The End
Current Mood: very cold
aww! its so cold! I was at the rink though.. so.. that explains a bit...
Okay, I was SUPPOSED to time keep at the rink at 1:45, but, I went there at 1:20, like I always do, and the game was waiting to start! The coaches got the call to play at 1:15, where as the refs and I got the call to be there at 1:45. Anyway, two refs happened to be there, the thrid came at 1:45, and I was there at 1:22. *sigh* messed up dudes! Evil peewee players, they were all yelling and fighting throughout the game to!
On to other things, I'm so very cold. Yes, extrememly cold. I slept until 12:30pm today! sleep was nessesary. I need that every once in awhile, cause I don't sleep much. So, I accually ended up sleeping 13 hours, very nice ^_^
Thats bout it I guess...
SEE! I'm cold!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
My absense was required.
Yes, I am human, I must sleep... sorry. Hiya all. Just retunred from stage crew practise. It was the funniest thing I'll never tell you all about ^_^
Not many will read this, so, thas all I'm basically ganna say, all the good stuff for tomorrow (I have a 4 day weekend started tomorrow) anyway, laterz ^_~ |
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
*struts her stuff*
Well, I deserve it damnit! Man, got alot of english work back today, right after our test, which was yesterday.
Test: 48/50
Assignment #6: 5/5
Take Your Kids to Work assignment: 4/5
AHHAHA! I am supposed to "suck" in english... surprising, my teacher makes things so I accually GET them! I LOVE IT!
Anyway, got JA soon, so, I gotta go eat supper, yes, I checked everyones sites as of now. The Math midtern is by far the easiest test I've ever taken! I'll get the results soon. Oh, and I get my report card NEXT Wed., so, I'll tell ya whats the beef then ^_~ Laterz all.

We know he's hot ^_^ |
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is there no end to the mayham?!
*sigh* some of you come here now to say "Cody, wtf? why didn't you visit my site?" Well, SIMPLE answer! I was at a meeting/training session from 7-10 last night for stage crew, can't remember what I did when I got home, but I couldn't come here, like like, 6.
Anyway. Mayham is upon me! Man. Check out what I have to do til the end of November!
Today: math midtern -_-
10th: stage crew traning 7-10
11th: rink, time keeping 1:45
13th: rink, time keeping 12:30
16th: JA
18th: stage crew thraining 3:30-10
19th: play cue to cue 6am-10pm
20th: play cue to cue 11am-done
21st: something here but I can't remember
22nd: full play rehearsal 6pm-done
23rd: JA
24th: opening night 6-done
25th: performance 6-done
26th: performance 6-done
27th: closing night 6-done
ISn't that sick!? All my days, splat, dead! so, don't be surprised if I don't visit sites everyday starting then, or I'm not here alright?
Anyway I've got 11 min to visit sites, less accually. So, I gotta get going ^_~ laterz all. |
Comments (2) |
Monday, November 8, 2004
Diaster or mishap?
Which is it? Dumbass Smiley 13. He's telling me lies, to get me to hate my lil bro, or something, get me in trouble, I don't freaking know! *sigh* plus, afetr he's probably ganna get chewed out cause of what he told me, which I told my mom, who called his parents, I have to meet him again tonight at a stage crew meeting, in less then an hour -_-
Besides that horrible thing, Math midtern tomorrow, I'm doomed, cause we did a reveiw, and some things I don't know well.... um.. not doomed.. thats a bit to strong.... not as well off as I thought. There. English test is done now, I think I did quite well ^_^
My mom is really pissed today, from whatever, I dunno, she ain't saying. But, afetr our lil "Smiley 13" fight, she went out for awhile. Probably to my grandparents. Meh. See ya'll, while I try and salvage my day. |
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*yawns*.... tired again. Meh. Hey, everyone, thanks for the nice comments on my new layout. It was a toughy to pull off ^_^ Accually doing the post bg, something I've never done befor. Ohh.. what fun!
Anyway, I uploaded the two piccys yesterday. THe LP one I did late last night, so, mnay of you might not of seen it, but you can check it out ^_~ And the Wing Gundam Zero Custom. He's cute. *SCANNER ALERT* both are chewed! *biffs scanner out window into rain* damn thing, needs cleaning I think!
and..ahh.... the new Simpsons season started last night, FUNNY AS HELL!!!! AHAHAH! For anyone who watches it, its a good one ^_^ yup yup. laterz all. |
Comments (3) |
Sunday, November 7, 2004
Enjoyed ^_^
As you can see, yes, I decided to put the quizzy in last post, and got some funny answers. Thanks everyone. And I evolved, yup, I did the post bg. ^_^ I'm happy that I did. And I got the custom "beyblader" banner. booyah!
Uhh... one bad thing, no, two, one being, some peeps thought I was making fun og god with that joke, but I said it was a JOKE! Anyway. meh. Second bad thing being, SSX3. My big bro thinks I saved oevr his profile. I didn't, but my characters stats are there. Even if I did accidently do it, I hope he knows I didn't mean to. Now he has to get all his stuff back, and man, he had a wack of stuff! And he had almost mastered his character.
Thats bout it for now, sorry for the late post, I was sleeping ^_^ And I hope everyone likes the NEW LP theme ^_~ Laterz all.
 You are Sloth!
Lazy huh ?? You're a bit slow in getting going - and tend not to do anything unless it is absolutely necessary. You'd rather sit around, watch TV/Sleep then go out and about with friends, or take part in a sporting event. On the positive side, you tend to be quite smart, as you spend a lot of time watching the News (!!) or on the computer, Also by conserving your energy, it's right there waiting for you when it's vitally important to get going.
Consider possibly moving out of the room once in a while - and perhaps once a week trade watching TV for half an hour with a walk - and you'll be back on track.
However, Congratulations on being the most intelligent of the 7 deadly sins...
?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
Comments (7) |
Saturday, November 6, 2004
why not!
everyone else posted this, so, why not do it to I guess ^_^
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
and.. umm... crap... what was it.. *whacks head* forgot ^_^ I'll remember soon. Bye now ^_^
EDIT: yes, I remembered ^_^ My dad got photoshop 7 ^_^ Its not installed though. But, its wicked! And, I'm getting macromedia from a kid at JA. Now I can make better buttons, banners, greeting, wallpapers, WEBSITES! AHHAH! Oh, and I evoled. Yup, see? Like? Like this? huh? |
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Ah, how strange my little mind works!
Sorry everyone, I was at my friends house last night, since after school, and I didn't get to go on, cause my lil bro and his friend stayed the night, comp hogs eh?!
Didn't finish the lp pic either, cause we had a sub teacher, so, we had things to do, instead of wasted class time. He looked like Santa, so everyone called him that ^_^ He also told us a funny joke, and here it is.
"Is god male or female? Both."
"Is god black or white? Both."
"Well then is god Micheal Jackson?"
HAHAHHA! Ain't it great? Anyway, I'm ganna TRY to finish the lp pic, but, I also have to do a rememberance day drawing for Monday, and I'd like to get that over with first, so, we'll see what happens alright? ^_~
My friend and I were playing on Gaia Online yesterday. I signed him up, and made him "friends" *wink wink* and enemies ^_^ lol. It was alot of fun, now, I am ganna go on his account and see if a girl replied to a PM we sent ^_^ Laters all. |
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