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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Friday, November 5, 2004
From yesterday, what was so funny?
Ah, dude, he was GREAT! We had this presenter at our school, he looked like Jim Carey! He was really funny, and he talked to the whole school bout how to succeed in school. Then I was one of the "specialy choosen" peeps, and went to the library with 55 others I think itwas, and he gave us a school leadership talk. He's such a funny dude! And he had been all around North America. That includes the states for any who don't know.
Oh, his name was Andy, for anyone who might of seen him present before.
Umm.... not much esle, except that I missed first two periods cause of the presentations (SCORE!) and that SS class was TOTALLY out of control1 I had all my homework and stuff done, and none of my teachers collected it! ARG! Tomorrow I guess. I also started an LP Chester drawing. It'll be done really soon, and when I upload it, I will also upload the long done, and coloured Wing Zero Custom drawing. Later now ^_~ |
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
Anyone else tired like hell?
Man, I wanna go to sleep again. Meh, can't. My arms are still really tired from yesterdays rock climbing, so, I won't even ask if I can go tonight, but, I'll try my luck tomorrow ^_~ If you have no idea what I'm talkin bout, read the last post some, its in there.
Uh, I did alot of homework last night, science, english, geeseh! Anoying stuff... oh, I did it at 10:30pm ^_^ HAHAH! Then watched tv for a bit. *yawns*
Last thing, speaking of tv, do any Canadians lnow what happened to YTV? Its not on weekday mornings anymore! |
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
ALRIGHT! My job shadowing of my dad, ya know, take your kids to work day, at the college in Saint John NB, well, it was wicked! I also visited all your sites earlier from my dad's super speed comp ^_^ Anyway, heres a BRIEF discreption of what I did today ^~
Studpid, lame, boring conferance thing, guy refered to gtrade 12 alot, when all the other kids there (bout 12) are only grade 9's! Idiot, he used big college words to o.O
ROCK WALL CLIMBING! WOOT! It was SOOOO uber wicked! Yup yup ^_^ I was the first climber, me a demonstration! YEAH! I was awesome! I made it to the top in two parts, the others were SUPER steep! You ahd to hang upside down! The dude, Barry, told me I was a natural ^_^ Makes me happy, and then chased my dad down and told him that I was a natural ^_^ This was my FAVE part!
Did some stuff with static, like, how to see it, really freaky crap! Man, talk about cool! Then went to a electricians lab, and played with stuff ^_^
Ate lunch, mmmm... fries!
Played with mini sumo robots. They were neat. My team made it to the final, but lost, meh. Yeah, we ahd a mini tournament. And then we watched a cool big robot, he signed autographs, and talked, and stuff. He had Austin Powers voice, and stuff. Uber neato!
Then, accually, during luch, my friend and I, from my company in JA, we were playing in the gym again, n the climbing wall, and I was really high on a super steep part, and my dad came in, and I had TO MUCH slack on my rope, my anchor (firned) did pull it tight enough in time, I fell, and I swung across the rock wall, like superman, ALMOST nailed my knees, but my friend pulled the rope hard enough and fast enough to save me ^_^ It was so freaky, and awesome!
Follow up, gotta do projects in school bout it now, and I named Barry the coolest person I met, and he told me that we are allowed to come and climb on Tuesdays and Thursdays to climb, and I am ganna see if I can come Thursdays, cause I have JA Tuesdays.
Busy day, getting my SJ in an hour or so, and I REALLY hope you guys read this, cause its fun ^_^ Tell me in a comment if you do ^_^ |
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Now I am off.
Its take your kids to work day today. I'm up early cause I'm going with my dad. Every grade nine is going... well, the ones who wanted to, and we all gotta do a big huge massive project bout it when we return. Meh. I and going to the New Brunswick Community College. MUAHHAHA!
Anyway, yesterday was a lil more fun then the other days this week in school, not much to do though. I played campgain in SSX3, fun ^_^ I got first in the two challenges I did. hehehe, and I'll play again later tonight maybe ^_^
Gotta draw a rememberance day pic for art, before my other pics, so, blah. Sorry guys. NOW I can go to as many sites as I can before my dad drags me off of this. Laterz. |
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
... no point to that..... wait! Yes there was!!!! HAHAHAHA! Remember my SSX3 SuperPipe record, 325,000? SMASHED! I got 372,000 last night! WOOT! HAHAHA! Oh yeah! And when I get home from school, I'm ganna play campagian to buy some new tricks, and stuff for my board ^_^ Booyah baby!
Also, got JA tonight, so, I won't be home til 9:30pm my time, and that means, limited comp time, and if I don't get to everyones sites, I'm sorry, please don't hold it against me!
Anyway, ganna try and draw a few LP pics in the next week or so, cause I'm bored, and yeah. Laterz all ^_~ |
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Monday, November 1, 2004
HAHA! A new webby for Cody to explore!
AHHA! I found today ^_^ Oh yeah! Igf I ever have to do an LP project, man, I'm set! lol.
Anyway, school was BORING! AH! I got yelled at in Music... twice, for making snide remarks, man, she usually laughs at them! What's eatin her? meh. Umm... math was a snore fest, we didn't do much, SS was more project presentations, and english was reveiwing a thing we did last week. Meh, I wanted to read my story! AERG! I'll post it when I bring it home, its really cool, and REALLY short!
Besides that, meh. I'm bored out of my tree, and thats why I'm exploring LP sites. New theme coming soon ^_~ Check it in a few dudes and dudettes. Later.
*** NOT MINE ***
I didn't draw this, someone else did, its off of Really cool though ^_^
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Yeah, myO just tipped off the top at 60,000 total members! whoa! Nice and even ^_^
Anyways, HALLOWEEN! Hope it was Happy for EVERYONE! HAHAHAH! Man, where I live, it was all wet, meh. I was great though. I, at one point, had no one to go with, but, then my lil bro decided to come the same way I was going, and we got two pillow cases full of candy, chip, and drinks! MUHAHAHA! Now, today, right before math, I MUST get super hyped up, cause the teacher said not to, so I will! MUHAHAHHAHA!!!!!
Last thing would be, my bro BORROWED a PS2, and my dad let us play SSX3 from ours, which we can't play cause its for christmas. The main thing bout this is... on the SuperPipe, my score was 209,000 and something, on our memory card, on my friends, it was 230,000 and something. Last night, I broke it at 289,000 and something, THEN I wanted 300,000 and GOT 325,000 and something! HAHAHHAH! I'm only a level one boarder! HAHAHAAH! I was laughing my ass off! ^_^
Anyway, see yall later ^_~ Peace out.
EDIT: 3 min after writing this post, the members is at 60,002 lol. |
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
*passes out on couch*
9 hours of busy stuffs! *sigh* I think I dead!!! Let me give you a SUPER brief intro to what happened today, if I told you the detials, well, it'd take two days to write!
Got up at 7:30am to watch anime until 12:00 then set the VCR to tape Shaman King, then went into town for a JA VP Training, which was three hours. Lasted til 3:17, but my dad was supposed to come at 4:00, which was when it was supposed to end, but, anyway, I had to sit around and wait, cause I couldn't get ahold of him, but, I was playing computer games in the office, and talkign with two of my company friends.
Dad finally came, drove friend to mall for his parents to get him (yes, there is a mall a kilometer from my house) and we got a bday card for my other friend, then I was off to his house! For his bday party of course. We ate pizza and cake, drank a shitload of pop, ate candy while watching "Stuck On You" then went outside in the dark, always fun ^_^ Got four friends, messed arounf burning matches, then my fuck nuts friend went into his house when his parents left, and got whickey cause his friend told him to, jokingly I suppose, but, he did it, then he drank it! HES 13!!!
Meh, went home, ate more candy, watch Indiana Jones movie, fell asleep as usual befor the end, and here I am, 8:00am time went back to ^_^ Oh, so, I got home at 10:00pm, and yeah. Going to get me free candy tongiht ^_^ I shall be hyper! HAHAH! Also, sorry I couldn't come to sites, you understand my situation, but, I will now, cause I'm the only one awake ^_^ All the sites form yesterday and today, fun!

HAHAH! Chazy and Mike, Mike looks like Lusifer! AHHAHA! Oh, Mike is holding a fish and fishing rod, don't ask why. lol |
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
They were evil lio kids!
Yes, the game I timekept last night, man, EVIL LIL KIDS! First, it was all adult refs o.O weird, thast a new thing eh? Usually teens. Meh. It was a PeeWee game, Lancaster (one of the best teams) vs Hampton (our team) And Hampton won 5-1, but, Lancaster was expected to flattent them! There were three penalties for each team, and there was alot of injuries! Mabn, theose kids, were killing each other!
Anyway, thanks everyo0ne for yesterday, man, so many of you made me laugh ^_^ It was great, especially Selena (Peanut butter jelly! HAHAH!)
Umm... not much else, I had a great day and night yesterday, and I got my pics from Quebec developed, and they turned out great! And, I think its ganna snow soon ^_~ SCORE! Laterz all. |
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Friday, October 29, 2004
All better ^_^
Oh, man, sorry dudes and dudettes. I was hurtin last ngiht, PLUS, the added bonus of feeling like shit, and being tired this morning, I didn't even touch a computer until now. lol
Anyway, my hands feel great, well, good. Blistered, meh, I was trying to write this morning, and it was funny. I threw my pen at a wall cause it hurt ^_^ Better, alot better now.
OKay, I just seent eh new YGO, yeah, 3rd season, its cool! Well, I sen the tiny end, I'll watch it from the start on Saturdays. Umm.. and my english teacher, who is usually evil, is in a good mood latly, and he gave me two chocolate bars and a big chocolate sucker today ^_^ It was good. Mmmm... chocolate!
Well, gotta jet, checking out sites, working tonight, training for JA tomorrow, and my friends bday party tomorrow to, damn, I'M TO BUSY!
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