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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
I'm Fried!
I got burnt. Yup, a real burn! I was doing the sppoktrail at the scarefest, an annual halloween thing my school does, I went to the gym to talk to a teacher, and then found myself hot glueing feathures to a mask, and thats waht happened, I burnt two fingures, the typing and writing ones, crap!
So, reason I'm writing this, I cannot type at all! This, hurts like fucking HELL! So, I'm SOOO sorry, but I can not coem to many sites, and please don't take it personally. Laterz all, see every other site tomorrow, if I still have hands. |
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I wanna sleep!
I bet if I ask my teacher if I can sleep he'll say again, do whatever you want. lol. I didn't do my science homework either, meh, I can do it before class, I have MORE then enough time!
I have zip to talk bout, but I think that Kerry got the most votes from my lil poll. lol. And it seems everyone hates spam, and alot of peeps said they don't get much mail, I can't go a day without getting mail, damnit! Plus, that means like, double the spam! Arg.
Meh, I'm off, to eat and go that boring place. laterz.
EDIT: Boston Red Sox won the world series! 3-0 in the game, they swept the series! What a well deserved win. Congrates. ^_^ |
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Don't you just hate those sick bulk emails you get? The ones you don't even subscrib to, just stupid companies selling your name. Nsty crap dudes, nasty.
What brought that up? Absolutly nothing ^_^ Umm.. boring day, yup yup, I'm drinking a sluchy, so, I shall be off. I want to post a question for you all though....
Who would you vote for in the presidental election if you could? |
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Uh Oh, now what?
Well well... interesting FUCK UP!
Okay, happy thing, last ngiht at JA, I won the election for VP of Information of Technology, so, on our company, which we named the Guardians Angles, I am an executive, controlling eberything comps! I also get to make our company website, whcih few companys ever do. Also, my compitition was a dumbass kid, he didn't even know what HTML was!
Anyway, the mess I got into. Saturday, I was SUPPOSED to go to Matt's bday party, but now that I was elected, INEED to go to executive trainign saturday, 1-4pm. Meh, I will go there before a bday party!
Then, I am on the stage crew for my schools upcoming play, and that MIGHT conflict with JA, and if I miss a JA meeting for a stupid reason like that, I will get kicked off the board, but, I would also get kicked off stage crew if I don't go without a good reason, but, the boss of stage crew is my english teacher, so, I can tell him the situation.
Anyway, thats bout it, oh, and throw in that I work random nights at the rink, whenever my boss calls and tells me to work, yeah, one word comes to mind... SCREWED! |
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Yeah, XxLinkinParkxX knows all on Linkin Park!
Thats a funny thing eh? Anyway, remember how I said I didn't know if LP won mroe then one award at the RMA's? Well, they did win two ^_^ Song of the year - rock or something like that, andyway, they won two, thats the point.
I put another letter in that girls locker again, and whenever she leaves it unlocked, then I'm ganna do that lol.
Lastly, I don't feel like uploading a pic, neh, umm.... I joined stage crew in school for the play, yup, umm..... school was BORING! I swear, we did like, nothign! I have no homework, JA tonight, gotta present TWO speeches, which I havent prepared at all. Damnit. I put up a new song, its from GTHaloPlayer's site ^_~ |
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Thanks everyone ^_^
Thanks for being concerned bout my dog.
Oh, and Char Aznable, yeah, its the SD version of the Wing Zero Custom, and GTHaloPlayer, yeah, I have the cd, and yeah, its pretty neat eh?
Alright, ummm... basics, LP WON! Yeah, 2004 Radio Music Awards last night, which I feel alseep during, but, I seen that they won the best alternative artist award! They won for the song Numb, but they also had Faint in that catagoriy as well. They were nominated in other catagories, but I didn't see it, feel alseep, I'll check that out ^_~
Thats bout it, and IMIGHT have a new pic for today, no, two, cause I finished my Wing Zero pic.
I made this, like?
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Monday, October 25, 2004
The evilness, gotta love it!
First though, a tiny piece from XxLinkinParksxX's current post, of "Hybrid Theroy's" success, and its anniversery is today!
"To this date, an estimated fifteen million copies of 'Hybrid Theory' have been sold worldwide. The album still stays strong on the Billboard Pop Catalog charts, recently reaching it's two hundred and eighth week on the charts, it's four year anniversary. I'd like to congratulate Linkin Park on such a successful album, even four years after it's release."
Sweet eh?
Anyway, evil thigns I did today:
-put note in girls locker, whcih she left unlocked, and it scared her alot!
-bugged substitue math teacher
-tried to tie all friends shoes together
-kicked Matt four times with boots on
Okay, why? Just cause, it would take HOURS to tell yuo all why, meh.
mmm...... got my science mark today, thus far, its at 95%, and I think thats the highest in the class. Meh, and I aced my science lab... weird, cause I forgot to answer the lab questions in my report o.O can't complain though ^_^
Lastly, my dog and my bros were playign outside, and my dog got a piece of wood stuck into his top jaw, and he was REALLY freaking out, so, I ran like fucking hell into the house and was like "MOM! Jake is choking on wood! I dunno whats wrong!" She freaked, and ran faster then me out the damn door, and Jake (dog) came running to her, and she pulled it out, and he was bleeding from his mouth, and it was all over his fur. He had it stuck twice though, its strange. *nods* hes alright now though ^_^
Anyway, laterz all ^_~ |
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Talk about knock your socks off cool!
HAHAH! Like that? yup, came to mind ^_^ Basically, I was telling my dad this morning, the LP DVD is like, a special features DVD its self, plus they have a special features part on it anyway! I love it, I'm so obsessed.
This will be short and such, I might draw a new pic today at school, all depending if we go to the library in Science, if we do, I'm done my research and write up in that class, so, I can draw or sleep ^_^ And, today, in art, e are going to the library to listen to a women from Swaziland (sp?) yeah, we're a special calss, cause only like, 3 classes from the whole school get to go ^_^
Thats all, laterz all? Oh, might be on later at school, MAYBE during SS. ^_~ |
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
Yes! I got Linkin Park DVD, Frat Party at the Pancake Festival! SWEETNESS! MUAHAHAHAH! I already watched it, and am SOOO in lvoe! Its so funny to!
Well, I just HAVE to tell what happened today, man, talk about fun and crazy!
Okay, so, my mom grandmother and I went out today, and we first went to walmart, where I got the DVD, and I wanted SOOO amny DVD's! I wanted to get the Dragons one, and two voloumes of Beyblade Grev that were there, and so much more, but then I found that, and got it for $18. Then my mom found me right after I bought it, and THEN I saw a game I wanted for a LONG time, Beyblade V Force, for GBA, man! $18 bucks to! AHHH! I didn't buy it though.
Then, when we FINALLY found my grandmother, we went to Sobeys to get groceries, and my grandmother was pariniod robber were ganna break into our car, cause my mom got my big bro a mini fridge for his Bday in December, and it was in the car, so, my grandmother sat in the car for the hour and a half it took to get grocies.
Basically, there was like, a two for one deal at Sobeys, and I swear, EVERYONE was there! God, most of the iles, had peeps in LINE UPS for the cash through them! I was insane... -_-
The I got home, Watched LP DVD, LMAO! Then, played Soul Calibur, and went outside, now I'm here ^_^
Interestign day, gotta love it ^_~ |
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That sucked, but meh..
I missed yesterday:
Duel Masters
Code Lyoko
Xailoin Showdown
But, I just watched Xailoin Showdown, and in 18 min I'm going to watch Duel Masters and Code Lyoko! ^_^ I did watch Transformers last night, late, but, I'm pissed off, cause I missed two epis of Duel Masters, and like, 6 of Transformers, so, I don't know whats going on in anhything! In transformers, there are like, 10 new bots, and I dunno whats happening! AHHHH!!!
Okay, whatever, I'll catch up, but fucking YTV messed up the lineup on Saturday, casue they put Code Lyoko, KOZ, Duel Masters, Pokemon, and Xailion Showdown on after 1, and I don'
t watch tv then! *cries*
Okay, I'm done. I must say, I got one hell of a responce out of yesterdays post on Soul Calibur tow! I have a question for owners now. When did you all get your copy? When it first came out? Rencently, give me about the time you got it. We got ours like, the first week it was out! lol
Umm... one project done, yup, thats bout it, coming round now ^_~
PS. I fell asleep again last night watching Indiana Jones, man, they should put it on earlier damnit! Meh, I'm ganna buy the box set! HAHAH!
My japanese name is n Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) Asuka (fragrance of the bright day). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator. |
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