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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Bet backfird... damn!
Yeah, I lost the bet, but I weaseled my way out of getting a girly makeover, causewe never shock like we said we would, lol. Ah, I'm ganna get killed Monday! Anyway, at least Josh is conviniced it was a hox bet. lol.
Everyone was telling me what characters they are best with, so, I'll tell you all, oh, and I play Soul Calibur 2 on GameCube, its for all the systems, and GameCube version has Link as a special character, I know the others though. Anyway, I use:
Lizard Man
Those are my absolute BEST characters, and I tell ya, I can kick ass! I use a few others, but I don't practise with em, so, I'm not good with em. Anyway, my big bro and are, and two of his friends, are the best players I have EVER seen in the gamer, we can dodge anything, parry, block, amazing things, its always exciting to see ^_^
Thats bout it, besides... umm... I went outside last night to kick my lil bros RC car which he was driving around the yard, and it was funny, and play with my big bros wooden swords. And, I'm time keeping at 3:00, got THREE write ups to do, english, science, and social studies. Damn, PLUS, two speeches for JA. Double Damn, gotta go now, uploading a wallpaper to ^_~
MEGA EDIT!!!: Okay, Beyblade G Rev just ended today, and man WICKED! Kai vs. Tyson for the final, waht a blast! Yeah, its only on Saturdays now to, but, that was the last epi of season three. Tyson won ^_^ umm.. I missed nearly the entire season, except a few epis at the start and end, so, I'm ganna re watch the whole thing, and I wanna know if its over for anyone else, later. |
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Friday, October 22, 2004
Will I prevail?
I made a bet with a friend right? He plays a soccer game today, I say his team sucks, as well as him, so, he said, wanna bet? And I said, lest make it a REAL bet! He played today at 5:00, and the games over now, I dunno who won. Anyway, if I won the bet, meaning, he didn't score and his team lost, he buys my next issue of Shonen Jump, but if he wins, or scores a goal, he gets to give me a girly makeover, damn him! Anyway, I'm confident I won the bet ^_~
Now, talking to Dark Necrofear, and making a Mitsurugi thingy, and sorry the pic didn't work befroe, I'll fix that now. ^_^ |
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Interesting, must be a first.
Paragraphs are divided, you can read what you want cause there is alot of it. First para. is about drawings, Second, Survivor, thrid, Soul Calibur, forth, Gaia.
Well well, last nigh when I checked my pics, all four I uploaded, I was surprised to see that they were all at 100%, thats a first cause there are usually some prikes who votwe no for no reason, but, they weren't there. I guess its a good batch this time, oh, and you might wanna visit the SD Gundam Force gallery, cause there are two kick ass drawings in there! Amazing is all I can say.
Anyway, my team on Surviver, Lapevi, won both challenges last night ^_^ Yup, they rock! Theys got all my fave dudes, but, the team is conspiring to kick off John if they ever lose :( thats not fair! John is good, and cute ^_^
I was playing Soul Calibur with my big bro last night. I am getting alot better at the game ^_^ I won alot of matches. And, I started playing as Kilik, and I am really good with him, which I never thought would happen, I nearly, NEARLY beat one of my big bros best characters on my first time fighting with Kilik, we both needed one hit to win, we charged, he kicked low, I died. Meh, it was fun ^_^, and so, Kilik practises. And big bro.. ya know, his name is Steve, so I'll call him that, Steve was calling my Yunsungy a pretty boy, and I was like "Hey, you can't call him that! Only I can, cause he's MY Yunsungy!" He thought that was funny ^_^
Lastly, yes, I'm almost done, last nigth when I was checking on the responce from that LP Chester pic I posted on Gaia, ya know, the sketchy one from Breaking the Habit, yeah, well, someone was like "Thats so good, I don't think you could have drawn it, I thing it must be stolen, or accually cut out of th video" WTF? Where do you get that? OF COURSE I DREW ITTT!!!! Done now, laters.

Its Soul Calibur, Cody's fave characters pics! |
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
I really don't know what smiley to use for that...
Well, today, last period, there was a HUGE memorial service for the teacher that dies, Mr. Clakin. The entire school was there, and it was SOOOO many peeps! Adults, and grads who knew the teach. His sister even came all the way from Texas!
Anyway, one girl was reading something, and she broke down, and started crying, and couldn't read, then continued, then couldn't read, it was really sad. They had slids of his fave quotes, which were really funny, and his fave things layed out. It was really sad, I made me cry!
Anyway, thast that, and now that my lil bro is allowed to use technology, yes, he isn't grounded anymore, he thinks he rules the comp again! My big bro and I are ganna sit down with my dad tomorrow and tell him bout this matter, cause its rediculas, and he starts fight over it. I hate it, and its an on going battle every god damned day.
Anyway, I uploaded all the pics this morning, hope everyone likes em, and I gotta jet, oh! Phone just rang, ha, its my boss, yeah, I just got a game saturday at 3:oopn, yeah! Later now.
EDITY: Ain't it grand how the Red Sox won that seres against the Yankees 4-3, when at the beginning the Yanks lead the seres 3-1? What spirit eh? |
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Still pissed.
Heres how I see it, whenever someone else rants bout rating systems, and crap like that, or me, everyone always says the same thing "don't worry bout it, I'm not even there" or something like that. The way I see it, its alot different when your in the top 50, first page. You work SOOOOO hard to get there, and when people who DON'T work hard pass you, is very degrading, and thats all I'm getting at.
Alright, heres what happened to my comp last night that I told a few peeps bout.
The god damned piece o shit internet wouldn't connect for over an hour, so, I lost the time I had to use it, and it started working again 7 min before I had to get off and let my bro use it. So, results: I did get to everyones site, yup ^_^ But, I didn't get to update the pics, they were scaned and everything, resized, damn internet, I had everything read :(
Anyway, I'm uploading them now, so, enjoy them, and as well, the special pic 100 will be there ^_~
EDIT: Thanks all you for reading that huge mornign post yesterday to, glad you all enjoyed it ^_^ Heres a pic for ya!
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Fuck the system!
God damned piece of shit rating system. Its garbage! Man, sick, #22, ya know, why? Cause a person that hasen't updated since July 8th passed me! WTF? Thats retarded, the damn system is messed again.
Anyway, funny things again happened, blah blah blah, I'm done, I'm ganna go get my pics and scan them now, yeah, I have been to lazy to long. K, expect a few in like, five or ten min from this, anyway, hope everyones day was good, mine was, and I took an english test, laters all. |
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Not much time, but so much to do.
Man, I haven't checked my email in like, three days! Thats bad, to much of it now!
Anyway, yesterday, was good. Yeah, everyone for the most part seemed okay, and classes were back to normal, oh, and I thank the FEW people who read that last post and left a comment. I worked my ass off to write that ya know *scorns*
Anyway, we picked our company and product name in Junier Acheievent lastn night, as well as picked our product, I can't remember anything though, and next week, is VP elections, and I'm running for Finance, and IT (comp stuff)
A second year (failed grade 9) messed up a math rule, and the math teacher said "shall I beat you now, or later when no ones around?" The kid said now! LOL so, she said "alright, come up over here" So he stood up and walked up front, turned around, pointed his butt at her, and she preended to hit him with this trianglelar ruler, then she said go sit down, then when he was walking away, she ran up behind him and wacked his ass!
HAHAHAH! I was laughing so hard! Everyone was. It was the funnyist thing that day, till the next thing I did.
I tied my friends shoe lace to my chair right before we got to leave, and I was telling him he better untiethe noght quick before the next class came in, and when the bell rang, I slid under the desk to leave, he picked up the chair, pulled the lace down, to a thin part, which then tightened it more, and then he couldn't get it off! HAHAHHAH! I was standing there laughing my ass off, and the teacher started laughing, and siad "Cody, did you Tie his shoelace to the chair" through laughs, I said yeah, then he said "well thats not very nice" through laughs again, then I said, oh well, he tightend it, and my freind was panicking throughout this, then his friend got it off him.
HAHAHA! Evil day, gotta love it ^_^ Anyway, sorry its long, but worth it ^_~ |
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Alright, part two.
This is what I promised I'd tell ya all last night about the detials of the teachers death.
My hoomroom teacher told us yesterday morning, and he was about to cry, as he talked, youcould here it in his voice, and see it in his eyes, then he told us that Andy Calkin, probably one of the most loved and coolest teachers in the school, was killed on Saturday, when he rolled his car three or four times. Our class was the quitest we had ever been in our lives.
Now, we never had Mr. Calkin for a teacher, and most of us never knew him, but, what a shock! I knew him as, the animal man, because he had three turtles, a python, a parona, afarret, two weird cat fish like things, and an iguana in his CLASSROOM! Man.
Then al during first period, when other classes got the news, kids were walking in the halls, everywhere, moorning his death, it was really sad. Kids then were taken out of my class to go home, because their parents were getting them.
Most of our other classes, we did nothing, except english, ss, and science, which was my first period class. enhlish, we wrote notes to his family if we wanted, then worked on whatever we wanted, so, not really work. I wrote a note to, even though I never met him, but I was so sad and sorry that I hadn't. All of us who wrote notes and letters had to get the teacher to read over them first, and a bunch of us were waiting for that, and when mine was read and he said I could take it down the memorial in the lobby, my friend called me over, and said the teacher was crying, I looked back at him, and sure enough, that greasy hair astard was blood red in the face, and there was water in his eyes.
The, I went down to the memorial in the lobby, with some friends, and they had collection money for flowers, letters to Mr. Calkin, and his family, things to remember him, concielers. Everything. Last thing, thoughout the WHOLE day, there was NEVER a time when there were not less then 5 people at the memorial, NEVER! People who were moorning his death, or couldn't concentrate in a classroom, were alowed to just sit in the theatre, r cafetreia, it was basically a free for all day.
So, writing this is making my eyes water, and I hope you all will read it. Because, its a heart breaking stoy aobut a man who neer deserved to die, and now I wonder what tradgies today holds. |
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Monday, October 18, 2004
I know not alot of peeps will read this, so, this is the slim details, I will tell ya'll the rest tomorrow morning, so more peeps will see it.
A teacher at my school was killed in a car accident on Saturday. So, if you wanna hear the rest of the story, and what happened in school that day, I'll tell you all in my morning post.
Also, guys and gals, umm.. I didn't post the wallpaper yet. lol. |
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The rational Cody...
Yes, I am making my first wallpaper! MUAHAHAH! It is a Gundam SEED Dearka one, I just need some Buster Gundam pics. And thanks to SessTaiaho for making me a Kira and Strike one. ^_^
Onto other news, last night I watched two movies with my mom, things I would never watch on my own, and yes, they kept my attention, infact, they were VERY good movies! One was called The Kissing Place, which mind you, had NOTHING to do with the title, and the other was Now and Then, with Rosie o Donneled and Demi Moore.
Anyway, thats a space filler ^_^ Yes, I drew another of my dudes last night, and it seems like I'm taunting you, not showing them to you. lol. I might, mayby, sometime ^_^ Accually, when I scan my damn pics, I will put the ones I always draw, my characters up on THIS SITE ONLY.
Okay, I'm done now. See ya'll later ^_~ |
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