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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
Member Since
Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Shippoudude123 told me they kill off La Fllaga, Dearka, Nicole, and Yzak. NOOOOO!!!! I like La Fllaga and Dearka the best. THEY ALL SHALL DIE!!! I know they kill off mroe then that though.
My big bros friend came over, yup, my lil bro is still grounded. *sigh* gotta love that, cause he isn't allowed on technology, except the tv, so, no gighting over the comp, maybe mom and dad will now see that, because my lil bro uses the comp, there are fights. I hope they are seeing that. Cause, really, thats the way things are.
Drew another guy last night, man, took like, two hours, for a lil drawing! Its like, 2 inches big! Insane. I don't even like it that much either. And what is replacing hockey night in Canada do Canadains ask on Saturdays? Well, try, movie night in Canada! lol, its no joke, last night they played Dinosaur, Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones, gotta love that guy, I missed the end cause I fell alseep) and Jaws. Cool idea to!
Anyway, I'm all done, later all, and glad everyne likes the new layout.
Two pics today.

EDITY: I TOTALLY am redoing over Otaku Beyblader. Please go chech out the latest changes. This is just the satrts duded and dudettes ^_~ The latest post also tell alot from the future. Enjoy what you see, and my expectations are high. |
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
I was on this amazingly sweet Gundam SEED site, and I happened to pop into a gundam last Phase epi thing. EVERYONE DIES??? Almost everyone, man, what happens? It was in Japanese, so I couldn't read it. Oh man, I'm off to investigate this! Till I return, here is a pic of my new bishi, Dearka, he better not damn well die in it! DOES HE???

EDIT: Okay, anyone no a good ENGLISH Gundam SED site? With an epi guide on it? Also, I am going through a Gundam SEED meltdown, I need more, now!!! |
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Oops, I did it again ^_^
Can anyone tell me how LAST weeks Witch Hunter Robin ended, the tape I had it on cut it off. Meh.
Anyway, its pouring like hell here. Mega hard rain. Its fucking up my satilite royaly! I hate it! I missed a chunk of DBZ, and SD Gundam, cause it went out. Stuoid thing.
Anyway, not much else to say. So, while an old ygo is on, I'll jump around to a few sites, alright, laters ^_^
Go Gotenks! You kick Buu's ass!

UPDATE: My tv is now totally out. There hasn't been a signal for over a half hour, so, I watched Gundam SEED from last night. Waht a wicked epi! I am so glad they brought it to Canada, cause its now my fave Gundam series EVER! Also, I will only miss Shaman King, so, meh. And I seen the last fight to the world championships on Beyblade, its a two part thing, and the story is amazingly unfolding. Kai vs. Tyson, what a blast! yeah, Beyblade G rev is now on Monday to Saturday! WOOT! |
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Friday, October 15, 2004
I'm dropping like a rock in water. #20? When the fuck did that happen? Meh.
Anyway, drew a new pose for one of my characters, oh, snowboarding he is ^_^ I won't scan them, well, maybe one. I dunno. I can get my other pics scanned to soon, cause I got my sketch book back.
Anyway, I'm done, gotta go watch Robin, from last week, and then tape tonights, oh, can't wait for Gumdam SEED! *yeahs!*
OH YEAH! that game I was doing tonight, went horribly wrong! The clock wouldn't start running in the second period, so, I had to reset the entire thing, and redo it. Man, what a mess up! Dumb clock. |
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Why did I do that?
Why? Simple. XCause it was smart. Ya know how I keep getting pissed off, cause whenever I wanna scan my pics from my sketch pad, which I now draw them in, the teacher collects it to mark? Wel, I finally got the smart idea to use a backup sketch pad, for when my other one is gone. Yup, I started it last night, cause there were two in my closet. I drew my original anime character, Chester, who is not in any way anything to do with LP's Chester, but he does look alot like Mike. ^_^ lol.
Anyway, last thing, Survivor watchers, man, was that a great epi last night or what? Tribes swiched it up to men and women together now, my team got my fave guys and gals, woohoo! Go Lapevie! Won back to back challenges to. Yuppers, GO JOHN! HAHAHAHHAH!
 You are Michael! Seemingly glued to your screen, you have the world digitally at your fingertips and provide unexpected knowledge to others
Which Witch Hunter Robin Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Quizzy I found on Spike Bebop's site. Yeah SB! |
Comments (7) |
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Where is everyone?
Not many peeps updated today, and not many have been by here. meh.
I feel reall sick, well, head ache is killing me, school was so boring I nealry feel asleep in al the classes. *sigh* and there was nothing to do.
I'm bored as hell as well, I am ganna go onto Gaia to talk with some peeps or whatever. Hey, ad I considered thinking last night, I might decide to come up with a new fan club name, note I'm saying MAYBE! I think peeps are mad at me or something, cause only 3 people visited this morning. Anyway, head hurting, Cody, outta here.
EDIT: yeah, something to do tomorrow ^_^ I gotta clock job at 6:45pm. So, I get money, yeah! *sighs* and that person who owns the photobucet account I accidently got into, well, they still haven't changed their password, but they do know I was there, cause they deleted the note, but I wrote a new one.
The pic I forgot is here to.
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On other notes....
To answer some questions from SoulStealer, my lil bro was grounded because he got in trouble in school... again. Also, Adam cannot ban me from myO SS, just because I made another web site that has nothing to do with myO. Now, if I started a massive fight and went cut throat on everyone, yeah. But, I'm not.
Anyway, Seesh, don't tellme crap either. The only person who told me there was a member named CME was a recent member.
To the rest of the comments, I will agree with the fact that I should notify any visiters the CME is not accociated. I shall do that. I thank you all for your helpful suggestions, adn asking to make new banners. When CME thoguht up the name, it was original to her. When I thought up the name, it was original to me. So, if its original to both people, what can you do? Now, because CME Inc. is not anything to do with myO, I will not change it. If it WERE a myO fan club, yes, I would have changed, but itsnot, it is a wolrd wide, web fan club, for anyone.
So, on that note, I don't want to hear anymore bickering, here or anywhere else. I am not going to change anything. It is somethign CME and I can only talk about from here on in. I will also note a PM CME sent me last night tha apparently you all never knew about. Afetr we discussed it, she said I was fine, and then expected no objections to her making her own fan club by her name, and I wiched her luck! So, you see, matters without you were resolved.
I gotta bolt off to school, catch up with this when I get home. |
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Haha, what are the chances of this?
I met a person today. Color Me evil the member from myO. Now, CME sent me a PM sayign I am to change the name of my fan club because its the same as their name and its unoriginal. Well, I never knew bout that person when I first thought up the name, so, its not my fault, and I can't and won't change my name, when I created the club, the name was original to me! They think I have no right to use it because they used it first.
I never knew bout them, so, I do have a right. Now, who do you think is right here? Tell me your thoughts.
Anyway, went to my friends after school, we talked bout music, styles, funny peeps, and then went walking with friends from the neighborhood. Its was fun. Walking in the dark ^_^
Lil bro got grounded from the comp for TWO WEEKS! YEAHHH!! HEAVEN! More comp for Cody ^_^ And, he joined Sea Cadets, which will be interesting. Well, sorry bout not uploading the pics, my art teacher needed my sketch book which they were in to mark, so I will get them back tomorrow or Friday. Anyways, laters all. |
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Subject goes here.
I have nothing. Nope, natta. Anyone watch Degrassi last night? I missed if god damnit! I MISSED SOMEONE GETTING KILLED!!!!!!
Okay, Science test today, yes, its TODAY! Refer to my last post that I made late last night for some more interesting accually very interesting things. Laterz. |
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
All better ^_^
Thanks everyone for your concern bout me. I'm alot better now. Jst, past few days I've been really conjested and still am, not a cold, just conjested. Anyway, started last night when I had those stomach pains, but they are all gone now ^_^
Anyway, I would've been on sooner, but, right after school I had Junier Achievement, I dunno if I mentioned it to anyone, but its a one year progtram, started tonight, and you get to create a bussiness, make products, run your bussiness and company, and close it down after a year. Those are just the basics, I don't wanna get into the details. Its a huge group thing, there are 40 some members to my company. Anyway, its really amazing, and teaches great bussiness skills, and we have advisers and stuff. I'll update you later. Its from 6:00 to 9:00pm Tuesdays.
So, I found out my science test is tomorrow, not today, and I'm screwed. Yup, we had a review today, I hardly knew anything. But, I'll figure it out, yup. Got math test back, and yes, 100%, after the correction was made where the teacher messed up. New pics will be scanned tomorrow, I gots three ^_^ Thats bout all this post is getting to long, laters peeps. |
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