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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Oh.. sick... enough... yet?
Man o man. I'm going to die! I keep having these sick stomach pains. Oh crap, yeah crap! lol, j/k. I can hardly sit without having them. Oh...
Okay, now I just forgot what I wanted to say oh yeah. Kanuckgirl, about your question on Gaia, yes, you can change you avatars gender. I don't know how or where, but my friend has changed hers before. I look for where ya do that.
Umm.. hmmm... back to school today, crap. I dont wanna go. I have a boring science test. I hope he lets me listen to Linkin Park tunes again like always ^_^ Yes, I can listen to music through almost any class ^_^
And... thast almost it. We still haven't beaten that X Men game. We're close though, I can feel it. The story is really cool, and its falling into place. We're ganna rent it again to finish it off. |
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Man, my body sleeps weird o.O
I went to sleep at 12:30am last night, woke at 7:58... but didn't get UP til 9:00am. Meh. I don't care, but thats a weird sleeping habit!
Anyways, Inukid and I had a fun lil time last night rping online all alone in a beyblade rp. It was fun ^_^ Also, I played x men with my big bro ALL DAY! We played after I got off the comp, then we played til like 3:00pm, after starting at like, 11:00am, and then we ahd to go to my grandparents house for an early thansgiving dinner, so, my big bro and I packed up the gamecube, and took it to my grandparents1 AHHA. Their tv is so dark, we could hardly see what we were doing on the game. Anyway, when we got home, yeah, we played it again, but got stuck, and then, well, my big bro got really mad cause he couldn't beat a certian part. So, we stopped playing at 9:40pm, and I went to use the comp. Then at 10:30pm, I went up to see what he was doing, he ahd started a new game, was ealier playing with my lil bro, who sucks he said, and then I sat down and played for a lil while again then went to bed, read, slpet, and he kept playing, through that dark level.
*sighs* sorry thats long, but that game, is just sooooo adictive, and I had nothing better to do at all! I had a very fun day yesterday, and thats what its all about! I don't have school today either, so, Thats why I'm here. ^_^ So, checking out some sites, laterz all ^_~
OHHHHH! Damnit, almost forgot, CME Inc. site, REVAMPED! Booyah dudes. I rewrote the intro, and added a new post, did the objectives, new pics are coming VERY soon, and also, wait, members PLEASE read the new post, so I don't have to re - explain what happened.

Ain't he cute? This is my Gaia Online avatar. |
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Man, he is MAD!
My big bro, I swear, he is ready to destroy the GameCube! First, it keeps saying it can't read the disk, cause he thinks the lens is scratched. Meh. Also, In Xmen Legends, well, we are stuck, we really can't get past this really stupid level. He is getting REALLY mad at that, not me though. I told hiom to cool down, and he'll beat it in the morning. Meh. It is really hard, and ridiculas!
Anyway, I had an early Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents. Meh. Nothing exiting there. gann check out some sites now ^_~ |
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Put an interesting subject here
Well, bored, just woke up blah blah blah. So, I'll tell ya what I did last night.
Watched Mean Girls, really funny movie ^^ Played X Men Legends which my big bro rented, its quite fun! I was Wolverine, and it was my first time playing, and my big bro, and all the other characters dies, and I went all alone, a LONG LONG way!
Umm.. thats it.. I think... oh, and my friend added a girl I HATE to a convo we were having. Onewingedangle knows about it, cause I was telling him, and talking to him at the same time. Yeah, then I would close the window cause the my friend and that bitchy girl made me mad, and they would just reopen it! So, Smiley 13, I'm ganna kick your ass Tuesday!
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Yes, my big bro downloaded some tunes today, three I've wanted for such a LONG long time! Yup, my fave song from 1080 avalanche, "Choke" from Cauterize, he accually found it! We both have looking for, forever1 I also got some more, meh, and I got "Same Direction" which I downloaded, its the sequal to "the Reason" from Hoobastank, I love it ^_^
So, I'm in a great mood today, and I will draw pics. See ya'll later!

Cauterize |
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And the winner is...
The votes have been tallied, the people have spoken, and the winner of SesshTaisho's art contest is... XxLininParkxX!!!!!
Congrats dude, I'll PM Sessh sayign your the winner, and she'll give you your prizes ^_^
Oh, yeah, Bakunetsumaru, the Gundam Samurai was on SD Gundam today, finially! He was always my fave, now I finally got to see him in action! Booyah. And, I drew and amazing Zoro colage, its four pcis it one. I did it yesterday in school for my drawing assignment in art, and finished in English. Anyway, I'll scan it soon. I say, its my 100 pic comemoration!
Thats bout all, and congrates again to XxLinkinParkxX. |
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Friday, October 8, 2004
Quicky posty
Well, I wanted to ask a VERY important question. I need peeps to go to the art contest site, at
Right, now, go there, and tell me if you like the Ah my Goddess pic, #4, or the Seto and Blue Eyes one, I think thats #2. I need to know, cause Sessh and I are at a stalmate between those two, and whichever gets the most votes, wins!
Also, my friend was over, just left, we were playing PS2, onyl cause my lil bro wasn't there, and my dad gave us "special permission" yeah! SSX3! |
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There is no reason for that.
Okay, I sear, the boys on survivor or dumbasses! They keep voting off their strong members! Boy, are they luckey there is a merge next week! Dumbasses....
Anyway, I'm bored, nothing to say, but I reall want some waffer cokies now, I ate all mine up.. damn. Well, heres a lil convo between me and Nate from SSX3.
nate: haha! did you see that trick?
me: no, can you do it again?
nate: WHAT?!?! again? thats one of those "once in a lifetime things"!
me: oh well then, guess I'll neve see it then...
nate: ..... alright....
*Nate does trick*
nate: THERE!!! HAHAHA! NOW did you see it?
me: oops... hehe... could you... possible umm.. do it again?
nate: ARRRRRGGGG!!!! Your kidding me!
me:... umm not really... how much candy did you eat this morning..?
nate: your sick dude, JUST suck! Candy? why? I don't need sugar!
me: Don't need sugar? I don't nkow you nate.
me: hehe, I always win ^_^
Yeah.... anyway.. haha.... bye ^_^ |
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Cody bad bad!
Lol, I realized, I haven't been posting LP pics! Well, I shall at the end though! I just wanted to mention a few things.
Today, we had a sub teacher for music... instant chaos! Just hearing we had a sub. Reason you ask? Well, my class is insane, and thats why! It was chaos alright! Man, evil kids they were, My friend, and my other friend who smokes sitting beside me, were talking bout cigerates all day. lol. Anyway, he told me who all the smokers in my class were, but I had to guess them all first, and what do ya nkow, I was right on them all! Thats not good, nope *shakes head*
OH OH! I also borrowed Angelic Layer from my friend, and I lent her my ZOIDS manga. I like Angelic Layer, its REALLY funny ^_^ Also, I want to buy some of that Tsubusa stuff, thats amazing! Angelic Layer is hilarious, so maybe that to! Bye now!^_~

Thats cause I missed some days ^_^ |
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Oh, my world is just to busy ^_^
Oh, yeah, about that hacker thing, I not ganna try it here. Don't worry ^_^ I was just being funny on photobucket with my friend, and it worked. lol.
Anyway, we lost our baseball game, had to be like, 50 - 10 for them. Man, they killed us! Anyway, we're otu of the playoffs with that lose. Meh, it sure was cold though! I think it was -10 or something, we were all wearing heavey jackets, I wore mine to bat!
Also, one of my moms best friends son died. If anyone seen on the news, the HMCS whatchamacallit caught on fire, on its maiden voyage back from the UK, after buying it from them, and three people were being treated for smoke inhallation, and he was the only one who died. Its really sad, because mom moms friend, is REALLY close to his son and grandkids, so my mom tells me.
Well, more stuff, I aced my english and math thest! WHAT? That is sick! Well, I would never in a billion years expect to ace an english test, cause its my worst subject. Math, I HAD a 44/45, but the teacher made a mistake on one of my questions so I corrected it ^_^ And her of course, so, I shall have a 45/45! YEAH ME!
Ummmm.... hmmm.... hmmm... oh, we had fun in the lab yesterday, doing a cool experiment, but I won't getinto that, and for it, we had to miss an essembly in the theatre, and I found out what it was about. JA, or Junier Achievement. Its a bussinss based leaning thiny, basically, you get to work with other people, build a company, a REAL company, and products to sell, sell shares, ans tocks, and at the end of a year, you close your company, and you get profits, if you ade any. So, I joined. That lady at the counter filled me in, seeing I was at the essembly. It looks so amazing, and I am already a graduate of the in school bussiness basic program, I had it in grade 5. This, will be fn ^_^
Thats all I guess. I couldn't get back to you all last night, but I'll make up for that now. I came home late, yup. And, laters ^_~ |
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